y_â€"_â€"â€"_.â€"ï¬â€"â€"â€"â€", l 1 waremoo CHIONICLB vwmrmday. April 27. 2011 - as /‘\. at). Total Health t Waterloo takes centre court ‘(h p.,______~ A a M A c i \0-/ Vin You! Rollin to Our Goal BY Gnu; MMZDUNALD . . ,. . Free Blood Glucose f' â€name will « an m s" M k 643 Monitor & Teaching â€"â€"~â€"â€"r , 519-747-0320 ,. .. _ mu, Basketball will he in the spot- \ , “WWW-00m ,; 1 ~ , ° Compounding 7' . . . light in the coming weeks as , ~»~. ‘*~ (w , r“ . m i Waterloo plays host to three 34 _, t‘ g: . 7 out _t E: gram Free Blood Pressure Check major tournaments. ji 7‘ .m "a; a» g: ' by“ z » t»:. We .. , i Gym around Waterloo will be . a . ‘ $6 \ 45:5'w , ndly Professional Team when warm-11mm a only“!!! . hosting the Ontario Basketball ’ ‘ L E “i; . “if; k Association's girls' midget champi- ' ' ' ' », : onships this weekend. and the jun- a, fa", - £1)“ . ior and juvenile championships x. Q a ~ A: f... Pa. v5. 4, , Region Of Waterloo i the following weekend. , A.) " a ‘ ' -. y ' The city will also play host to 7 a" r “A†2‘\ . Pu B LI c NOTl CE the lunior Elite League champi- _ N "f . i Onship5 on N13y 6 ~ 5 “ All the tournaments are being ‘ i organized by the K-W Lightning WATERLOO HEGlON LANDF'LL L'AISON . basketball association. ,' COMMrrrEE MEETING It's not just good basketball â€" . ' . . , i “3 good for the my said Lightning a w The Region of Waterloo has established a Landï¬ll Liaison Committee for the i preside,“ Allan Bush. it at Waterloo Region Landï¬ll Site. i “It means $1 million of business $ All members oi the public are invited to attend the committee meetings. 1 locally for each weekend.†he said. The K~W Lightning midget girls team will compete for the provincial The goal at the Committee is to identity operational problems that aflect local l The tournaments will take place championship at the GSA tournament in Waterloo this weekend residents such as litter and noise and to resolve those issues in a cooperative ! at RIM Park and other gyms across â€mm“ mm manner. (“Mufti _ _ y of the squads vying for the provin- The Lightning's advantage will The next meeting oi the Liaison Committee is scheduled tor 7:00 pm. on ' We have the faculties here to cial title. be that its talent goes to the end of Tuesday. May 3, 2011 at the Waterloo Landtill Administration Building. ‘ ho}! the? big tournamentsv BuSh Coach Luke Gastieger believes the bench. Gastieger said. 925 Erb Street West, Waterloo. If you require any additional intormation on 3 “My “0“"8 [hat the“? W1" be more the championship is there for the “We're maybe a little deeper the Liaison Committee or require accessible services to participate. please ‘ lhim 1-000 players “90de the taking. than some of the other teams" he contact Linda Churchill at 51a883-5100 ext. 8421 between 8:30 a.m. and J Kiln“ EEC“ weekend, ‘And “fl?! YE “I've been talking to some of the said. 4:30 pm. Monday to Friday. ‘ a ' to 15 ' ,- , .. , Amt"; m or mmu‘es 0 eac 0m†coaCihes' and they he bf†, Werehealthy and hoPeffuy we Under the Municipal Act, personal information such as name. address. - commenting on the parity, he can put something together. t h b d I , that b . | dad I) . . HTS! UP is the â€BA midget said‘ “The top teams are all very Full schedules will be available elep one num er. an property ocatlon , may e inc u m a so m'ss'o." 1 » l - , Th , K-w L' h _ . . r . becomes part of the public record. Questions regarding the collection of this ( mmplonSHPS- fl lg t close to each other (in terms oftal~ at www.kwlightning.ca prior to the y t t" h Idb t edt th . d' ted bo “mg midget girls mam M“ be one em" Slam ofeach loumamem in ormaions ou e re err o eperson in tea a ve. ‘ m y, '. A i â€a ._ i .’ F ‘ lye“ I AC 0 ' i ‘ r f†i ~f~ {no i i , ST“ BS / . . ..... g .,:i ‘ i' / I ll ,,, f" t_ ,_ , at ." 1 1 . ‘ ‘ A size of cake to suit l . . j ’ ~ - ‘ every family from ’- ' ' .- -- indiwdual mousse cakes a " .. qr ‘ - f ‘ and cupcakes to whole . ~' 5 ,_ 3 a“ y y 5 . " or half cakes...delictous! \, a, .. 1 » Gt 8? 8 9y _ . , Advance orders recommended. ‘ . . t , . a»: my ‘ a r‘ ,s. . . '»- ‘ nounc ocK ' l ’ \ ~ a} y . his? . (a. BAKE RY J ‘ s. t - q, . or . . y g ifs; WW-StlaCObS-Com 1402 King St. N., ST. JACOBS 519-664-3612 ‘ n "3: “f «r . Swirls:.\)ri125t030 i New SPRING MENU Just In Time For I u ‘ i - , . , , _ l . stiivoaqzy “Emmett , m . , mm. . l. , 1] OZ I 8) A â€ill Locum m.......â€"-.:.;32wib. l ’ ’ - - . . .' , , rm “flammafll b. l i Mother 5 Day, Sunday May 8 » .... » , ' ~ . . » ~ . - ; ' ’ " “ ' " hick nBrea some. ‘ , ll a.m. to 3 pm. FR'DAY NIGHTJAZZ _ _ .. Bonelessc e sts $4 , . y y , Smoked Octoborfost Sausage..$3.29 / lb. A perfect way to celebrate With your family... . . . . | -. - . Deli Sliced . You enjoy the food and we do the dishes. r,“ Roast Beef$699 / lb. ; g “V Life; Medium Cheddar.......................$7.59 I lb. i ' l ’ ' A in. x. _ 1 Make your anCh reservation tOday‘ ‘ Stone Crock Salads available here. i it STON E (TR()( 1K if “dik ,.‘_!r'£'1 F: “m‘L’rLf’f1†if “f a i _ " ~ - w |\ MEATS&CHEESE [I i “and.†"°‘°'® I ! h ‘ ‘5i9'654,373l. ‘ I‘Nhkili: xiittix-mnsi l\( (Nix 519-664-2286 0 1396 King St. N., ST. JACOBS 45“ f ‘ 5 V ET â€A <1" Md â€it“