WATERmeHleCIE-Wedrtesdly.April27.mll'| W...) ., t. T“ . 1.1; i 1 ms it) [HE (,llRO.\l(.l,.l-. Good L.____ ~__.-.. .. c .- a...†-. r we . _ .. - a a .- . . , , - clearly discriminatory. } HOUSngPYIaW is This is effectively the same viola~ waterloo Region . . ' discrImmatory tion of human rights at a more inti- not big enough V1 ra OHS â€a†“we" to su rt LRT 'I‘he (my (“Waterloo has "ever . The. “St "WWW °f "We“ ppo hysicist Lee Smolin ofWaterloo’s Perimeter Institute has been able to enforce their snide"! (mdt‘dmg students) are the poorest We have been told buses are not P explained string theory through the metaphor of a guitar lodging houï¬e‘hylawlh the PMI segrnentofour population. Now the a viable option to meet the stringthatcan“vibrateindifl'erent modes" be?!“ the “111mm“ distance sepa- crty ‘5 applying the bylaw t° every transit needs of the region. The metaphor is especially apt when explaining a different Tam“ between houses was deemed rented house. , , . _ There is not one city in Nonh kind of String Theory â€" the musical septet that will debut at "P an!“ 0“ several occasions to be a Th†ts blatantly discrimination America, or anywhere else that l Kitchener’s Little Bean Coffee BarthisSaturday night. “Glam" ofhuman "8h? ‘ “gal?“ the poor. could ï¬nd with a population of less The drummer and accordion player for the group happens .Put by!“ or ï¬borlsmal‘m the L'm'tmg the number °t bed" than one million, that has Light Rail to be my sister Cathy King. who teaches alongside other mem- ' place Of Student and imagine the rooms that may be rented Wt“ dra- Transit â€"streetcars excepted. bers of String Theory at the Tannery School of Music. Com- OU‘CM . . . _ mattcally reduce the SUPNY Of All these cities have found ways bined, they instruct guitar. percussion. violin, cello. piano. NOW- the my 15 8&0"de bring“ affordable h°“,s"‘g tt.‘ the region, to meet the transit demands on all accordion and voice, "18 the 531}? oï¬â€™ensrve and drscnmi- dim students into 'K|tchener and their transit routes without resort- The voice of String'l'heory is what immediately hooked me "awry minimum d'ï¬ance separa- (ambndge and towns rental rates ing to LR’T. when i ï¬rst watched a video clip of them performing a cover of tion bylaw right into_each and WHY to 50“ throughout the Reg'on °t Mth metro Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo’s Radiohead's Talk Show Host. Raw, powerful and unique. the house by Pumng a hm“ Of "0 "19“? Waterloo. , population currently at 340,000 and voice belongs to Dan Forsey, director of the Tannery School of than three bedrooms occupied 15 the City Of Waterloo actually an estimated 462,000 in 2031, why Music. inside any rental house in Waterloo. trying to_put into law the very can't we? My sister ï¬rst heard Dan sing at the Button Factory four lfrn a 81W?" house Wh'Ch I OW“- ! snooty ,eht'?5m they already have asa With a population of over one years ago: “i was blown away by his style." Cathy told me. choose 10 have 20 07 more people. reputation. , , million. LET may be a viable transit “Since then I have heard Dan teaching this style to a lot of stu- lh'S |s_not a problem. Or are they Sttttply looking for option; with a population of dents who have requested this sound. My description of (his -_ if m the same house should 1 another opportunity to run up the 340,000. it is foolhardy. voice) would be in the style of Janis Choose (or need) to renf_ occupying bill from the city solicitor hopelessly loplin belting it out from the heart SO ‘ more than three bedrooms would "Vina"? defend anomef "WW“? David Ramsay muclt that your voice cracks _ a \l \il\l l \l l he F’Ea'nst the new byteâ€! policy, Waterloo sound that is full of surprises“ “r j * j \ To differentiate how a person PaulEIllngham . Cathy has “we,“ music since age '- ‘ may live in a house on the basis of Chaplain , UWand WLU j summon-ounce: 15' having learned to play the piano whether it is owned or rented is . _ Sqmlomll J . and accordion from our sister Wendy. “i ï¬rst had an accordion put on me a when I was four years old." she 9 ' . t . d , . B . reminded me. ' a 1 g ownwl rown mt - Cathy teaches students of all ages, With less than a week to go before the federal tion, issomething you’ll have to decide for yourself. including individuals with develop- election, these are heady days indeed to be a Refreshingly, during our tifne‘together. Brown did mental challenges. d member of the New Democratic Party, not angle every answer towards the media and party- “I am one of the happiest employ~ Of course critics will say it's easy to promise things driven issues. And he didn’t waste any time attacking as in town." says Cathy, who is look- MARSHALL and be popular when you don't have to make any everything coming from his opponents. Instead, he ing forward to performing with String WARD decisions pointed to the party policies, and we talked amiably Theory at the Little Bean Coffee Bar. 1 in most of the country. the NDP has about the problems in our system. “It’s a warm, inviting coï¬ee house, and more, with a stage for i seen an unprecedented surge in popular- V . He admits, that while he is in the live music." ‘J ity the last couple of weeks Although, to l l l ( l ( ll race to win. he understands it may take Those attending the String Theory concert can expect to t be fair. that surge still is lagging behind in 1“ H l R K 1 time to build the NDP proï¬le in the hear music arranged by Forsey and Quentin Bouvron. with ‘ Ontario where the party sits close to its ‘ region to make it a credible alternative. performances of songs like Talk Show Host and Exit Music by » J numbers from two years ago. _ J, He says he is prepared to take that time. Radiohead. along with Pbrtishead's All Mine and Roads. Multi- J K-W NDP candidate Bill Brown, does- J Our choice, next week. is an interest- instmmentalist. Charlena Russell will be on vocals for per- n't really know why that is. Perhaps, he ;; ing one. I won't encourage you all to formances of Bjork's hauntingly beautiful songs loga and . agrees. it's a hangover from the Bob Rae 73 a, vote. if you don't care. don‘t understand Hunter. “Charlena‘s sound is high and sweet." says Cathy. 1 government from a few years ago. Or per» “ , the issues, or don't take the system seri- There will also be a spoken-word piece by low] artist and 1] haps it's because Ontario has been so ' " it . ously, then stay home. You have the activist Terre Chartrand. speaking on the importance of art. : long entrenched in the ubeml-Conserva- , , right not to vote. “She is best known for her blog (httpzllurbanelyurban. . i tive wars of the past 140 years A? When 1 was young. I was a “socialist" wordpresscoml)," says Dan. “And i consider her a bit ofa local l The 27-year-old ï¬nancial services rep. . ~ planting an Ed Broadbent NDP sign on celebrity†t. is making his ï¬rst run for oflice. Yes. you _ . our front lawn mostly to upset my Fittingiy. Dr. Tibra All of Perimeter Institute will be speaking , read that correctly â€"- he works at a big father. a lifetime Liberal. It didn't work on the subject of string theory at the event. “He is a good friend ‘ bank and he’s running forthe NDP. BRIAN He was too tolerant in my life I've ofmine.†says Dan. l What? Has the creeping edge of com- BOURKE voted for Liberals, PC's. NDP's and Con- “String theory is a theoretical physits concept that hopes to } munism inï¬ltrated even the most hal- servatives. explain the inner workings of the universe. by linking the very 1 lowed of our monetary institutions? ' i wrote in this space. some time ago. big with the very small. 1 Bill Brown doesn't look like a Communist. He's not I felt a quantum change was coming. it's no secret “According to this theory, there are tiny strings way smaller i even woaring a tweed jacket, and he doesn't have a why voter turnout is down â€" people simply don't than atoms that vibrate like the strings of a violin to make up 1 " Maltr- the Rich Pay†sticker on his briefcase, think the system is relevant anymore. the universe â€" (and) we ï¬nd it to be a very poetic way of look 1 But we're not worried about making the rich pay Maybe you're one of the people who is happy with ing at music.“ < when it comes to the NDP are we? We're somewhat the way things are. Good for you, Go out and suppon The String Theory Septet performs at the Little Bean Coffee 1 mom concerned about [he ml of us who are just try- that. Bar. located at 417 King St. W. near the corner oercton'a Si. in , mg to pay for everything. That's always been one of But if you're not, seriously consider what your the Ziggy"s Cycle complex. on April 30at 9 pm. To reserve seats 1 (hp albatrrisseq around the neck of the NDP, along vote will say and what it has said in the past. e-mail your request to info@tanneryschoolofmusic.com. Price ‘ With a perceived lack ofcredible candidates. “We have met the enemy. and he is us." by donation (asking 55. but no obligation). . Brown says that last question has not come up W during this campaign. But when asked, he has a Brian Bourke. a member (if/he 105.3 KOOLl-M ... question of his own. What makes a credible candir mnming mu. can be reached bye-mail at Marshall Ward is a ritual artist and wrung reporter. E-mat'l is . date? lliat. like so many other questions in this close hMurl'eG’kmlfm.mm. welcome at marshalLuuni®hotmaime