wsrrsnuoo cumulus-WM 13,2011-3 ‘5. MW†. Measuring What matters National index ï¬nds a permanent home at University of Waterloo Bvameumru 29; as; ' ‘59 ‘3“ i g .. 9:959. ‘ :__.; ,_ ,5. 9 7, {3;}; ï¬. : as , innovativeandvisionnryuniversi- . 01'0"“? Staff 7‘1; .99†i . a .3: V .2 2 . 93f 9 f. '. '2‘ tr. Rommsm _‘ -. .9935â€. ' ‘ : 419,; j g ' 9:. 5.3:}: ‘ "a '4: 3.3 f . £5 g , (j 1' ‘ I"This is the most desirable at if every time Canadi- i ' ‘r’iï¬' ,9 g ;"-_. .' 3; ii . 3:317 “:9 ‘ r , " 9 . home 1 can think of for CM" he Wm heard a news report ‘- _ 9 ““9" 9- 1'58 é a .3 a? 1" '~‘ ‘3 a; 3;; .1. 9i said. â€It has aglobal reputation for about the TSX or the ‘ €331.19; g ‘ ' j g; a" L '9 ' j}. a. 5;; ‘-. if 3;: 9.} advancinghurnanhmledge" ‘ GDP. they also heard the CIW? '3 c 9.. "if : as? g- 3 " . it: 912.; i f i Govemor-General David John- ‘ The Canadian Index of Wellbe- ; ‘9 is“ if“; ‘1 “9;: ‘ 3 3., § ‘ ,' gr a} ston. formerUWpresident. was an ing has a new home at the Univer- . .5391 9 ' ’ ,1 _ 9. if Â¥ f 3:9 ‘9 earlysupporteroftheClW. - sity of Waterloo, and the network is 54.1935†$1.- 3 “t 1 .. 3 j ’ : .2 1 . +2 “lust as we ask what's in the setting out to prove that measuring ’14; .2 . â€[9? 1 , it? .‘ s P“ 1‘ - g water in Waterloo. we can quality of life is just as important 49 . ‘9.’ 7‘; 3 :§ 5 :9; 4' é 3'... . ' : rearrange a few letters and ask as measuring money. ‘ . 7%? ; if ‘ :1 ‘ 1 ‘ *’ â€'3... f“; what's in the DNA of Canada.†he “Indicators are powerful. What ‘ . 5:. 9 j ‘g .9 ‘ :3. "K .99 g 13 _told.thectowdviavideomossage. we count matters.†Roy Romanow, “3% “" 99% ’ s 3 11;“, _ ; ',_ 3*; , .I _. 9. "’ ‘ * lohnston said the index will chair of the ClW advisory board fl r3.;%.9-» a? ' 9 .1 " 9. "7 help identify trends. but'more and former Saskatchewan premier, -. as; ‘ ‘ ' ' . importantly. lead to action on how told the crowd gathered for the M 3': . 1 ,; to improve wellbeing for all Cana- Iaunch last Thursday.‘What we .1 1 - j \ § dians as the country approaches count influences the dialogue on I; “9 I , = , its milestone 150th birthday in . the factory floor, around the water ’ 3 *Â¥ 2017. cooler and in the halls of power.†3 5. Romanow said the economic . : Attendees at the launch cele- gig , 3“ measures ofgross domestic prod- bration were given tape measures a .7 uct and stock exchanges are too â€"to “measure what matters.†t- ‘ narrow to reflect the societal The ClW is a national initiative 3; progresspf Canadians. He cauâ€" supported by an independent ? tinned against the traditional use group of researchers. organiza- of GDP as a shorthand reflection tions and citizens to measure well9 for the country. beingin the country. . . When the GDP rises, that is In 1999, Hugh Mackenzie of the seen as a positive indicator. But the Toronto-based Atkinson Charita- Former Saskatchewan premier Roy Romanov: was the key note speaker at the launch of the Candler! Index of GDP is also driven up by such ble Foundation asked what it Wellbeing.neMyhousedat UW.Wrth him are Bryan Smale,directoroftheCMI.andl-lugh Madrenzie. chairofthe thing aswar, crime, tobacco and would take to create a tool that Atkinson Charitable Foundation, Whid' helps fund the M9 , mmm‘m alcohol use. industrial and envi- could measure Canadian wellbe- Mackenzie said. It’s about public policy and dia- faculty of applied health sciences ronmental disaster. and health 1 ing. The question was put to a The Atkinson foundation was logue.†at UW. with BryanSmale. professor problems. he pointed out ‘ group of index experts from across just the catalyst that helped push The CM was publicly launched of recreation and leisure studies. "We need a clear and com- 1 the country, including Statistics the discussion from academia out in 2009. partly funded by the named as director. Smale already pelling complement to the domi- Canada. into the world. Addnson foundation. and last year. has a connection to the network. nanoe of GDP," Romanow said. J “We have to confront the reality “It's not just a matter of coming the network began searching for a having authored its leisure and The work 0f the CIW 'involves that in the world we live in, if we up with the numbers,†Mackenzie permanent, physical home. culture report. UW was chosen nothing short of a new paradigm. . 1 can't count it. it doesn't count." said. “It's what you do with them. The GM will be housed in the because of its reputation as an ...The oldparadigm ism working." 1 â€3%“ “ : 3*» 9 . 'tWï¬M: sites? - - 49 . 9' . ' . 9 “ 1 3 :. ‘Wk 1 “AFN" " , 3".."E’9‘12'g‘9 9.3%.... 2»... ; 1.67%.}? iv “3, i391. . _ ‘2§nn>~‘. h f. e 3% . , ‘ '. . ,- _ t‘ 959? s12» '9 ' «at. iii-awake: . a 9 111:; it. -,.‘::~s- - as? 9 ' 9 9 9 9 9 ‘ . 3 .5. 17m :Wio’~§“â€"'?‘$“m~ r- 5’35? »:§>£~9’3Â¥?§‘*§t 9» 9~ ' 9 â€" l: >9 - -9 ' , .9.. 9 .» ‘jE-I‘vé‘s-ét‘rV’ 9 I ",5? It. >8 ,9. v~::'"~"7>9"j,_.. 9"»; ;;;.“?._.,:__:';r 99 3 3.9 ~a,‘9.- £1952, ,3. ;;;;.5: at"; . . : 9 ‘ ‘ .9- { we“? . 9 . . . y I" ’ V V? ’ ‘5 'v - ’7 .9 .‘ I . - 1. C 9. *‘ ' :9 1 4“": , 9 :1†,. . .1"?5;;-?; . 1-, mi ': . £49.95." ; - . " 9 ' . 9 j t. . . . . . , , ‘ 3 5 ‘ ‘ 5'11.- £32 ‘2 ~.' 4 t . 4 " 9 ‘ . 6%?“ , 3.9;. ~33 a 9v. r ‘ ‘ 1 1, ' 2 . " t . - _ .. l V - ~t‘:-H:I:awmr.-WCISH _ GREGIIA ST. l. WATERLOO l 519.886.2000 l IIIISPAJII ; ‘ _