wxrmmammn-mmy,»m 112011-20 j â€imamâ€"â€" a “asthma-“g forloca] faces COME SEARCH FORTOM : 'l'he fort-father of music 44 EXPERIENCE HOURLY TOURS OF sampling is coming home to . ‘ . * ~ . 30 EIIIIIII‘ 0! SEVEN “I“ hoping residents will help - (I: It! r1, him create his next work of . 3. _ ‘ »f w - ‘ ,__ » .2 A , . RICK MERCER, GOVERNOR Waterloo’s John Oswald is W '3 " 4 . y " . , ,. a L GENERAL DAVID OHNSTON 5 winning composer. media a .1. . .. J“ ‘> . _ ‘ 9 artist, director and designer, Former Waterloo native John Oswald presents his work Still- STEPH EN HARPER M ESS AG ES 1 be“ known for shaking the nessence at the upcoming Open Ears Festival. mmnmm ‘ music world In the 19805 with Plunderphonics, which constantly changing. Waterloo and Kitchener Col- introduced the nowdomi- Oswald will turn his cele- legiate Institute. nant idea of music sampling brated sights on Waterloo He's hoping any old class- and mash»ups. Region residents during the mates or school chums will . ' I ‘ Born and raised in Water- Open Ears Festival. as he join him as he uses K-W ; loo. Oswald has worked with invites anyone interested to faces to power his next work ' 7 . artists like the Grateful come out and pose for pho~ ofart. 7 Dead. and tied with Celine tographs that will ï¬nd their Oswald also presents a I Dion on a list of internation- way into the exhibiL solo opera dance work, I ally influential musicians. “I’ve photographed hun- Spinvolver, for the festival’s FROM 8 CANADIAN GALLERIES ‘ 3 His work is anything but dreds of people for this opening night, and on April . orthodox. A UK newspaper installation but to have the 28 performs Momjng Music, AN D PRIVATE COLLECTIONS . dubbed him “the maddest chance to invite the people a free concert of improvised man on the planet." of Kitchener and Waterloo to chamber music at the Pyms ‘ Oswald's art and music is take part is special to me. it Cafe. 16 Charles St.. Kitchen- Hun EUHIEMPBRHRY IHIERPRHHTIBHS . on display in K-WApril 27 to has special meaning,†says er. - . I , May 2 as part of the Open Oswald. “I spent the first To participate in . I l ‘ Ears Festival of Music and eighteen years of my life in Oswald's hometown photo PIEIIE Elllu' “a.†s ain't ‘ Sound. His “Stillnessence,†Waterloo. Obviously it's a shoot, visit his Stillnessence 1 presented throughout the hugepanofmeandin many sound installation at the INTRODUCE cull-â€RE" In EHNHDIHN "RT I festival at the Zero to One ways K-W is still home." Zero to One Gallery. 107 ; Gallery in Kitchener. Oswald now lives and King Street W., during the l involves an endless cinemat- works in Toronto, but during festival and sign up , ic spectacle. a skin-deep the 1960s and 19705 attend- For the full Open Ears } portrayal of a ghostly crowd ed Empire Public School, program. please visit that, though motionless. is MacGregor Public School in wwwopenearsca -â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" . EVERYBUNNY S T . M l FAVOURITE CHOCOLATE l l l ' 1 4 8- white chocolate o \. ; JellyBellyiellybeons MAN, MYTH AND MASTE‘RWORKS Diabetic chocolate ' 4 . l ‘ S“lElI"li"l . aé‘ , (.00 as .r {Lu 5 ‘ 9 W 3 . PRESENTED BY Sun â€*3: '-------â€"-_-_---‘ o o o ; iW . a m... : . ' Life Fmancnal fr .. I “a: '1 I ". --____-____--______-__â€"___- l I ' , I "l :}< I 1‘ I :3: is; .;~ , I 4 “'7‘ â€" h, l I if {ht *. I I “U x , ’ 4 I l I I ' ' I , ' I I . I 3 . | br'lOVCl’Jll‘i I I ' ll l ' r13 lYUl"ll‘L"7 ;,|."(h{}‘n" 'l,l1b>78d I | I . . ADMISSION . . 4 , ’ I ' I l 4 ~ / I TO SEARCHING FORTOM T H E M U S E U M I r" 4 l, ‘ 'THEHUSRMwiIuehnguMIbrl-dnmmbrmfl)hm meal l . .‘& 4. ,: ,IL‘FIj‘ I wmdmri)nmdqummmmmmmcmronmnlrom. ‘ v . 4 I 4 ' . vamwmmnmmm.mmnmhmmwm ‘ {IULU‘(‘{\, I. Mutt: ‘5‘ 4». j I Wcm.muspo<hl deem W.MWHM.MMI j __ ,’ ï¬aii' Iumwmbmmcmmwmman-cmwmwm. I 1429Kin9isox‘n.~59.13<obs . . u..-___--....-_-..__...._..--_---_-_. 49.519-664‘1440 L ,,H.i ,. y... l y.. . , w . . www.brittles-n-more;com “' I PM. . . : ~uv»w I. .. I . lit Hi.~.,i<