WW°W,MB.ZMI-z1 ' ’ L 3' a I“ ‘ ' I . . l a - . . . .w . ; , 'l’hc Kâ€"W Montessori ochool In J " * ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" dance 1‘- . . . . . - . . - x i From s1rens to 111- tech - i .- . . - . . Gimme mm mm m i. . i Bra-mm landline phone. owner when motion is - 7 ' "I" M ‘u' ‘ P...) MW ' ' " l Chronicle Staff m When Alliance sï¬whdl «maid. bb - 0 Full [by JK It 8K - 5 have For . i e SIgnals sent to p0 ce “ en a to cry is ' ' . l en Alliance Seem system were made through a recorded. the thieves are . â€on u ‘M w l rity opened 40 traditional phone line. often long gone by the time HIE-SCHOOL & £L£IENTA ' = years ago. most of Today, many people have the Video is watched." Har- 1 _ _ ‘ . the Waterloo Region compa~ abandoned landline sen/ice, rington said. m 2 I: 6 '0." G'.d.' 1 6 . ny's products were the tradi- so Alliance and other securi- “But this allows the prop- M ’ LOW W ' ‘ '_ tional sirens and keypads on ty companies now send sig- erty owner to determine .. . . . â€a u.“ m.' . doors. nals through the cellular whether there's a problem, i F ' A" ‘ But ' today. the (Iam- networks and they can call the police I -.~ \ ' mm ‘ ‘ ’ bridge<based company. The advantage is that the immediately." \VI 0 m W . .. . . i which services Waterloo, has system can now send multi- For more information on "- security systems that look pie signals. meaning the the company, visit 5) .. 1 ,. more like a spy kit than police and the homeowner www.allianoesecurity.ca. ’ g 7 . j I 9 - 7 4 2 - ll 0 3 1 something that will keep can be notified of a . «I ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' homes safe. problem. _‘_7 -7 4 ï¬g... ,,-,.. A. 7 From wireless motion- The company has C‘ _ _ . k ,..7*. 4,14. - ; 11‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " . detecting cameras that oper» also widened its scope asp 4." 7 .: »â€77 . ' ’ ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ ~ I ate on the cellular wireless with the new technol- , â€" /\7¢ {‘1 ‘ system to a personal security ogy. While its systems \K/ 0431* o/ m ' '2 system disguised as a are primarily for secuâ€" o AVAIL-LION . v Q nametag or badge, technolo- rity, more of them , R ALL 2011 r ‘ a . gy has brought the security integrate home D .. i ‘ industry into a whole new automation. .7, MODELS maximum w-..._ ‘ realm. Alliance coâ€"owner One system has a ARE "'-“'"'.' ' Michael Harrington said. cellphone application COMP ’ . 1 Alliance sells home secu- that allows users to 1.32.3" . s A rity systems. but the compa- control devices in ‘ / MOTORIIVEl ny also does systems for theirhomes. _ â€11 businesses and larger prop- “Youcan turn lights ‘ 7 I mm W ' ‘ erties. on and off, you can ’ ~ ‘* mum For homes. security sys- control temperature . THE ALL-NEW . ..-_ , To" " -“""’-â€"-‘-â€"-.-u~... I ' tems still do what they were and control all sorts of ‘ ‘ ï¬rst: ‘ 7 designed to do 40 years ago different appliances." . .29“ “A FORTEâ€"SlijLCIiflég ,. “:5.†7 W“ ~. g . -â€" keep intruders out. Har- Harrington said. "on“... a ' ‘7’ ‘ - ‘ rington said. Technology has % "an â€Mew / \ï¬â€œ 7 i : “Essentially a base securiâ€" also allowed Alliance 3‘.“ K - '4 C I ty system would cover the address a big problem . ,, .... . an; . - . flutes- 7'" . . ' . same aspects, but because for some businesses in . «.ng of innovation . . . there'sa lot the community â€" CASH & _ ’ 1‘ . more you can get out of the copperwire theft. SAVINGS. ' mam-om m mm: system." he said. it has been a com- â€agony: nun mac-r MWWW One of the biggest mon problem in the ‘ - WHWMSOHK, _- advances has been the region. Harrington m 0'" BMWGSHPG) \ mom . ‘ industry's ability to utilize said. “WM l 3%†“macaw g the cellular network. He admitted that it . Now. homeowners can was a hard problem to h ‘ h E get alerts about security address for some of not» I breaches wherever they are Alliance's clients, ‘ a s 3' in the world, provided “The thievesareso it there's a cellular network, persistent.†hesaid. * Harrington said. The solution for 3 “You'll also be able to tell one business was a t whether someone got into new kind of wireless “gm" """""""""‘ ’ mum You? â€â€˜5' 0'1““ WW "‘1‘“ “mm 2011 KIA some SEDAN 2011 KIA some KOUP 2011 KIA SOUL 5 ‘ cabInet. hesaid. instead of record 7 7 7 7 7 777 777 7777â€" â€"7 7777A’77 7 7 7777777777 7 â€"â€"7777# 3 it also means that securi- ing the thieves, it % â€w" m 96 "°""'° m % "w†m sf ty systems can be installed automatically sends a gluon â€can an“ ; without the use of a signal to the property ,, ~ , vu- ,,, , c-Kgg In â€Why, , 7 léxgh,“ _,,,,,, g CASH-rm am am Va SAVINGS an“. SAVINGS “,0†SAVINGS mum ‘ /’ . 7 ~-“"r-:_i?;. m «wv sn/ioo-mrsonvoi m' msrL/iooxntsomei » B mew-«assoc: . I 33,. ’4' iii: 13., cm OWMUSHPG) my IU‘OOKMUSNPG) , cm 7Wu7ueG) . ‘ â€I? I: WE'VE 001’ YOU (2me l Vi Ina. magnum. E 3 ‘ V ‘5‘ “pg :s-yâ€"nooooornpo-mm-mm ' ' ‘ m MmWW- 1 EunmsmmIIUIMu-mm ~ 1 . r W' gwmg-mmwwfl‘ MIMWmï¬mm attenuate-«mm ."_ ~ ._ .59.? ~ ““' will .7 ‘ . ' '; f7..:?“’i:' 3:†‘ .‘J .?:gf‘;:: ii Fiï¬ K ' @ jut: Home Watson 8|ch Km t'encr . - KITCHENER . .aA 519-571-2328 -- -. -~ .t- :13: - a H..~': * * * ’- ‘e. . U: I ‘ \ ‘ :3 M‘II'.‘~~_I‘--_m'-lIâ€"|-iI-_----‘I-~_D-D“-~--‘â€"flm ‘ I We::=:=;me:aun:r:m=mwstmmm= O A :3 n:::==::.::::.-.:.-:::=::=:==.::zzztexzzmmrnga: m , . , , . cum-v- nuanceâ€"uh.- uâ€"Nâ€"u‘m u.- ----- Ian-eâ€" ï¬â€"n‘wn-uu-n -aâ€".â€"eâ€"â€"--“ m â€We“ “a"'"9‘°"' (W '4" “W“ “(WW “m" namrgtm;mmm&mmmmmmrsmm some Oi the company‘ s technologically advanced prod» li-n-Ilfliâ€"lHw..-i“â€"--.-“~-I_llr-zmg=r‘h=~.-_ _ uCts m we :mm::::mr:=z=1=:r::xr:;e::=m '- -