ro-WArEatoocunonm-Wedmd-y.rtpruia.zoti I " " ‘ ’ ’S'I‘()'I‘HF(‘HRONlCll‘ ‘ . 4 1 « I-I.III.I\. .. . . Who’s talkin about mandate the labeling of GE foods. ingour prime minkter. lapses is ‘just a political ploy." The elections since the liberals g Now why wouldn‘t they want to Telegdi said ‘we're going to lust because the opposition initially won a minority govern- fOOd this election? label these GE foods? 1’“ tell you have to get this prime minister to says it’s so doesn‘t mean it’sso. ment under Paul Martin have folks. because if they did con- start telling the truth at some l wonder if Braid thinks the been a major disappointment to would like to bring to your atten- sumers wouldn't buy them. point. That’s if he remembers Conservatives fabricated debate the electorate. Ition an issue of grave concern to Surveys have shown a large proâ€" how." about a coalition is “just a political Negative campaigning and fear me and one that has by and large portion of the Canadian popula- Such hateful rhetoric from a ploy.’ Or are some plays 0K while mongering learned from our fiwnunderthepoliticalradarscreen tion do not want GE foods. man running for MP illustrates others are not? (ES. Coalitions are neighbours to the south has ’ , The issue is the use of GE As a Canadian. lwasn’t asked by perfectly the Liberal's contempt for legal and sometimes productive. become the norm. Both the Liber- ;‘ (genetically engineered) foods in our government whether or not i any government but their own. Coalitions work when people want als and Conservatives are equally ‘ Canada. The federal Conservatives wanted GE foods Were you? i sus- We all remember why Telegdi them to work.) to blarhe. support their use much to my dis~ pect not. What gives Harper the was turfed from his position. Tlte And the commentabout just in my recollection. the fear ; may. right to decide for me and you Liberals were caught red-handed because the opposition says it’s so mongering campaign tactic was . Attempts to bring the dangers what we must eat? stealing more than $100 million doesn’t make it so leads to even first prominently used by the Paul ' of their use to Mr. Harper and his So. what can we do about this from Canadian taxpayers and giv- more problems. is Braid saying Martin Liberals â€" remember the II gang have fallen on deaf ears. problem? First of all. we need to ing it to Liberal-friendly ï¬rms in nothing the opposition says is Harper hidden agenda? The Con- it Harper does not appear to be con- turn up the heat on the Conserva- Quebec. true? servatives have been running a ‘ cerned about the health of us tives. (all your MP, write letters to The Liberals needs young, is he saying the majority party similar campaign on lgnatieff's j Canadians. newspapers and voice your opin- smart, positive minds not tired, is alwaystruthful? patriotism sincelast year. > I! So. what are GE foods and why ion at public forums letting them angry. negative curmudgeons. Whatwill happen when the PCs The only thing i know about 1‘ should we be concerned? They are know that you are against GE lane Taber on CTV Question form the opposition, as they the parties‘ platforms are flat the . foods that have been genetically foods. Period revealed a fact about this inevitably will some day? Should Liberals don’t want new ï¬ghter ‘I engineered to posses an uncom- You can also phone companies bogus contempt trial orchestrated the Liberals ignore the PCs jets and the Conservatives will mon trait. For example. Round-Up you normally buy foods from and by the opposition. They in fact met because anything tlieysay‘doesn't stop human smuggling. This is Ready Soy, which has been geneti- ask them if any of their products and collaborated their verdict make it so?" not enough for the electorate to cally engineered to withstand contain GMOs (genetically modiâ€" before the trial which led to bring- Braid (and by extension. Mr. makean informed decision. large doses of herbicides that tied organisms). If they do. tell ing the government down. Harper) thinks that governance is 111ka for lack Iayton. He would otherwise kill them. them you will no longer buy their That sounds like a kangaroo ' about short-term tactics. insults takes us back to the good old days So why is this a problem? The product until such time as they court committee to me and should and distortion. He is campaigning so far on a problem is folks. that GE foods stop using GMOs beinvestigated. Come on guys We deserve bet- health care platform which is have never been proven safe to This whole issue has left me Harper has spent ï¬ve years see- ter than “It’s true. No it's not. Yes it unfortunately, ultimately under | _ ingest and the necessary studies to between a rock and hard-place. l ing us through the recession and is No it isn’t. . . ' . provincial jurisdiction â€"- promis- ‘ prove so never done. There are have always supported the Con- the Liberals have done nothing but ing Canadians legislation he can- many studies coming to the sur- servatives politically. but in all sabotage anygoodforCanadians. not keep. ' face lately that would cause any good conscious. I cannot this elec- i wish Telegdi luck with his SteveUndt We know that politicians will normal human being to raise a red tion. campaign. but he won't be getting Waterloo promise more than they can pos- flag. The only party l'm aware of that my vote. sibly deliver. ( There is not enough space in opposes the use of GE foods and Give th l truly believe that the average I this letter for me to articulate the the mandatory labeling of them is us e Canadian is not as stupid as the dangers of GE foods. but if you are the Green Party. Clyde Gflmour MOI-[nation political spin doctors assume. interested in obtaining more infor- No folks. this is not a plea to Waterloo Those promises. however mation about them, just Google vote Green, just a matter of record. needed to Wte unlikely to be delivered. at least "GE foods". You decide. offer the electorate im ortant Food and water are the two we deserve better oes anyone 9'58 reminisce information regarding theppolicies basic needs for human survival. than the tactics about W80“? electron cam~ and platforms ofeach party. We are in the process of cleaning , RobertFalla palm? , ’ . . To all of the local and federal up Ontario's water supply. A num~ Waterloo being “59d 1 ""55 when POII‘ICl'anS IFS! campaign managers â€" stop the ber of communities have already ‘ . made unfulï¬llable Pf0IÂ¥|§eï¬ Like negative fear mongering and focus rejected adding fluoride to their T I Edi tt k (100“? In the ï¬lm“ page amcle 031“)" MQGUIDW 110‘ 13151118 taxes on presenting your platform. water. e g a ac (And they're off. March 30) and enacting the health care pre- we are Canadians and this is Now we must ï¬ t for unadul- arpe ade me think of elementary mium â€" not a tax â€" soon into what we expect from our democ- terated food git $1.1 deg school. Remember “Can so. Cannot. office. . racy. You may not realize it. but 0““ CansoCannot?" Or lean Chretien campaigning you‘re probably eating GE foods k ff h Here's the connection: Braid is to abolish flee trade and the GST. .. right now as the Conservative gov I‘8 e 0 8"“ '0 l 9 statement quoted as saying the Liberals' con- before Signing more free trade mum arnmem in its wisdom refuses to made by Andrew Telegdi regard- cem with Stephen Harper's ethical agreements than any other PM. Waterloo Simplify your life...Ge’r LASIK! LAS/KMD i l o a ‘ I A one-time Investment in your vision. , . . , F I h. A N C I N (a I .. â€7: ~. . . . ‘ .‘j I C 5 | LASER VISION CORRECTION ‘ . N 3“: . «waxes ï¬gï¬yï¬ l _ C) 7 Starting at :v ’ v .1 C223 I - LAM/fl? 8833 1 ‘ a .\ O 0 I ‘0 % > $ 0:0: FREE COHSUIIOIIOF‘I. I-877-965â€"9888 i ‘ . a www lcwkmd com I, ‘ . ) 4-- yeye- Findouthmrrmhyouoonsavoon ‘. #13::‘4'1‘3’ visionoorabyhawigLASlKnowi KITCHlNERWATEPLOO ; t; All-Laser LASIK Available WWW’W . _ y i; ‘ :2: I†WIWI‘MIMIWIW»j.W‘tWh _. M