7 77 *â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__“: WWW-www.mu-a ‘ THE CITY OF [2' I ' For more information, please contact: ‘ City of Waterloo 1 x 100 Regina St. South ; Waterloo, Ontario N214A8 « P 519-885-1550 F 519-747-8760 1 rrv 1m7as3941 ; 0 , www.waterloo.ca ‘ ; l ) CITY OF WATERLOO Learn more about l ' 1 - WATERLOO PUBLIC LIBRARY Waterloo s recommendations i BOARD RECRUITMENT for a new rental housing licensing The Council of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo invites applications to fill Pmram ' ‘ 5 th : â€cam!“ on e The City of Waterloo has been investigating a program to licence the business of rentâ€" } : WATERLOO PUBLIC “BRARY BOARD ‘ ing residential units for the purposes of protecting the health, safety and welfare of res ' T : C ‘ 'th ! {C 1. ~ N be 30‘ 2014' idents in residential rental units as well as to minimize the impacts of property stan- ‘ erm oncurren W] the errn 0 ounci ending ovem I dards, lot maintenance, and scale of rental units on residential neighbourhoods On Purpose: The Waterloo Public Library Board is appointed by the City of January 10, 20] I. Council received an initial report on the proposed residential rental 2 Waterloo pursuant to the Public Libraries/let. The Public Library ' licensing by-law and directed staff to undertake a consultation process and to return to 5 Board '5 legislated mandate is to provide a comprehensive and Council with a revised draft on April ll, 201 l. i effluent WM“: “hm 56m“ “‘3‘ reflects the community's ““1“ A Report on a revised proposed residential rental licensing byâ€"law will be available on i needs. Tuesday April 5, 2011 for public review and consideration. The Report outlines a pro 1 - . . - , ed residential rental licensin in the Ci of Waterloo. Staff will table the i M t : M thlr mi Wednsda i4.3 tthM Lb . P05. 89W '1’ l “ â€gs 35°2lb§n°§uezt°m e y 3 0pm 3 e m" ' my Report at City of Waterloo Council on Monday. April 11, 2011 W l mandate); ; Stall Contact: Laurie Clarke. Chief Executive Officer. 519-886â€"1310 ext. 123. Copies of the Report, including the proposed Byolaw. will be available starting on ) Elm-wise Henley April 5, 2011 from the City‘s website at W or for pick-up ‘ Eligibility: According to the Public Libraries Act, R50, 1990. a person is at Waterloo Qty Centre, ,By-law Department (151 “OWL lOO Regina Street South, ) qualified to be appointed as a member of the board if they meet all Waterloo. '; of the following qualifications: the member is at least eighteen years If you have questions or comments about the rental housing licensing review l of age. is a Canadian citizen. is a resident of the City and is not process. or wish to be included in a contact list to receive future notices, please employed by the Library Board or the City of Waterloo email W or call 519-747-8587. ; Library " Information: Information about the Library's mission, values. strategic plan and 1 current business plan are available for review at Whom i APPLICATION lNFORMATION: I 1 Application forms and relevant recruitment information is available at the 3 following locations: i . Clerks and Corporate Secretary Division, Ist Floor, Waterloo City Centre. Ad U it and Sen lOl’S O pen H OUSE l 100 “9"“ 5m" 5°m'twa‘°â€Â°Â° Adult Recreation Centre } ° :"Wâ€"‘JWWEWS 747 8798 b l Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 3:00 - 6:00 pm i - y contacting u ie cott at 1 - - or y emai _ _ _ ’ ', committeescwaterlooca Contact, 519 579 1020‘ , Applications will be accepted until 4:00 pm on Friday, April 8, 2011. WWW.water|00.caa seniors ______.__.__________.___.__ Waterloo Potters' Workshop Spring Sale , APPLICATION FOR Friday, April 15, 1:00 < 9:30 pm l NOISE BV-LAW EXEMPTION saturday. Anna is. w - s pm Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Director of By-law Sunday, April 17‘ 12 noon , :3 pm ' Enforcement for the City of Waterloo for an exemption to the City of Waterloo Noise _ By-law #2010-073 which prohibits amplified sound between the hours of5:00 pm. to Waterloo Memo: ‘31 Rec (om Pk“ 7:00 am. The applicant. Wilfrid Laurier University Students‘ Union. is requesting an Frey. Admission free park I m) exemption as follows: ' To permit ampliï¬ed sound from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 am. on Saturday. April 16, WW W WM“ l00poitm’, (‘1' ' 20†for their annual Year End Celebrations to take place on the outdoor _ . Quadrangle area. at 75 University Avenue West, Waterloo E a rt h Day, A [3 HI 2 2, 2 U 1i 1 Anyone wishing to comment on this maturshould contact the By-law Enforce- EVW‘IS from All"1 ‘5’ h merit Department in writing at too Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario N21 (wt involwll _ 4A8, no later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday. April 6, 2011 or via e-mail at p), mow mi w, m m0†Hm. the» bylaw9waterloo.ea. Questions regarding this event should be directed to Phil ‘ ‘ ‘ ' _ ' ' k. , Champagne, .‘ 51W71° .n 3335_ L :i y vii L‘Jilll ‘l M . ‘.‘.‘t 1,) ii u il\ i‘r‘k'Jv. \i‘.‘ ill"! M2 iii » --~--~-.-----~----a "1 " Anus“: It 'tllltlltta 'ttnmunrrr in" U -.- - ~