’ , 5 ,, ,ï¬,, 7 7 ï¬rm ' WIN. mg. ," ' mdzinung The gold standard - i o , ' ' ’ * Paramedics and St. Marys work together m a race against nme ; Bren-0mm nan-r. ways to streamline the steps from diagnose WW to procedure. As a bean attack continues. § mend-misdtmetotheheart. ,7 1 her eating sushi for lunch and chili That’s why it’s important for those who . ! Afï¬rdirmerJayGreggthoudltmepnin uspectthey‘rehavingaheanamcktocall 1 ' hisd'testwasawell-dtservedcne 911.8ndnotdrivetodiehoqitdâ€"oreven . 1 ofheatthum makeaGthnaonepatienttï¬d. ‘ He took an antacid, but got no relief. A â€Time is hean muscle. That's a very , 3‘" »,~ . few minutes later, he began sweating proâ€" irnportantnmf Pains-id. - ‘ - . l finelyflisjawandarmweregï¬ngmnnh WithparamedicstninedtoreadEKGs, ‘ ' ‘ i I ‘Allofasudden. I realized somethingisnt and a medical team ready to open the It '5’ . _ ‘ nonnalaboutthis'hesaid. wheterintionflatamommrhnomdle ‘ ’ Homealone.hemadethedecisiontnalll undistoreopmtlntartaywidtinBOmim 4“" Yb 9] l. Ninety minutes later. cardiologist Dr. urea. ‘ BrianMcNamarahadalrmdycompleteddIe Ateammadeupol’acardiacinterven- .1 angioplasty procedure that would save tionist. two mines and an Xâ€"ray technician "? t Greg'slife. are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a f. A} That's the new gold standard of care wedJonoetotheathhh 1. ' 5m , offeredatSt.Mary'sllegitmal BythetimeGregarrived 5 V “as CardiacOueCentre. an - on that January night, his 4‘» j Theï¬redepartmentand mels familyandthecardiactenm , ii ambulanceam‘vedatGreg’s Wmuscle. wacwaitingforhim. . - l,- ‘ Wtarealnmeinlem W McNamaraperformedan ' .5; ‘ ‘ . than seVen minutes 5 a very angiogram, putting dye in ‘ 3â€; 5, g g ‘ From dispatch. they impormnt the arteries so he could see ' ' ; alreodyknewhissylnptoms. n exacdywheretheblockage "gift r - and immediately hooked "W in". ' {3}"! \ hirnuptoanEKGrvttthere 4..“ Then.heinaertcdabal- 5 '13; ‘\ inh'slivingroom. WMWMW loon catheter through the ‘ x ‘ a 3 ‘They were remarkable. WWW groin up toward the heart, \ 3 They made me feel so com« inflated the balloon at the ** fonahle. they were so proï¬ts blockage, and inserted a “ siorIaL'Gregsaid. stenttobeptheatuyopen. \ 3; htParamedicswereabletodeterrnrnethat â€Mummaflofthisonamom- Waterlooruidentand I. II I WWW' l I he fl laheart h “mammmm?â€"‘ . mwmmmmmsemsmdhsme. eanattackhmusedbyhlockageman 'lfdttotfllyoomiortahlemthwlmwas ’ mmmmo artery. going on. They explained everything they 'The communication between ms and meduï¬lg'hesaid. not used then. he said. The technology regular spring golï¬ng vacation. He spent mehospitalwasjustphenomenalfGreg Hisarterywascompletelycloseddmm. evolvedoverdie19905,andinthepastlo timewithhisgranddtildrenoverdteMarch said maditwam’tuntflathirdstentwninsated yenrsdlaehasbcaiagrwingbodyofdata Break. †" The EMSteam ï¬lled ahad to makesure that he felt what he called a 'whoosh’ of that shows the procedure is superior to Soon, he'll be starting cardiac rehabilita- anoneallcardiactearnwouldmeetthemat bloodthroudihishodyâ€"andanimmedi- mingadot-disaolvingdmg. nomarIdliestiflrequiresanotherprocedure dichospitaLGtegwmindiedmrsZZmin- anrdeaaeï¬undlegrippt'ngpain. Andithappensallthetime. toopenanodierpartiallyblockedartery U16 aï¬erhealledSI I. 'Once they am in the nth lab. almost 'lt's an everyday occurrence, pretty But he has ï¬nally kicked his 'terrible 'Webypasswi'umhoqitalswe'renear alwaysthey’reopenwithinIiOminutesof mudL'McNamarasaid. addictionâ€â€"â€"he hasn't touchedacigarette and head straight to the cath lab at St. theiarrivdï¬lhl’l howfaatthinp happai.’ ‘Everyhodyhere hmhowto handle it.†sincethatnight. ' ‘ Marfï¬bypassdleemerpncydqramnent Maid. Prmsaidsincethenewpmtocolwnsput “Idlinkwe’reallalittlemorecognizantof and any delays that are m us there.’ Waterloo Region and St. Mary's were in phat: in lune. about so people haw gone the frailties of life.†he said. “But for St snidlothrrndierep’odsdeirector. Whmmmflnm- byambulancestraid’rttoStMary’scnthlah. Mary's,lwmldhavedied.'lhat’sthebottom I 'We'velndaperiermrmwherewith- lhtedsym'nnowinuaeinothercaltres 'ntevastmajorityofdiemdoverywell.' lineAndit’sï¬ndofnicenotto.‘ * mlnlfanlun’oftheï¬rstmediealconm. Wmmmm hesaid. 'ldogetsomenicecards.‘ McNamara ’ the person has already had their cardiac Yorkand Huntinn. Being yanked back from a face-to-face said. ‘People do tend to be pretty thankful. ‘ Wand is mooning. Map are happening far more quidly encounter with their own mortality can't and it’s a verygratifying ï¬eld. ’ ‘lt’sahaa’mtmgsystem.’ thantheydidwhenMcthmaraï¬n’uhedh'n helpbmleaveamarkoncordiacpatients 'They'reinbig trouble one minute. and . The system was put in place last June traininginCalprymyearswo. Gregg returned home the day after his lo minutes later you've changed their ‘ when St. Mary's and EMS started to look at Balloon angioplasty and stenting were heart attack and is currently planning his future" ? l _ , ‘ ~ r‘ i. r , , ‘ " ' live" Colorfull ' I“ x a . - ». *- _ ' * . ‘L i' a 4 . . .1" I: “3&3; a“: ...; ‘4’17‘1‘ _.. 1. - :1 "by HEEERNS , ‘ V . 1. :-, -’; a ‘ --.- 7:; ““?f‘%‘ff§;%r~4«3-jé;( D court G ' a L *â€*wfl!'mflguï¬â€˜u â€"-a DESIGN CENTRES ~â€" ‘ 1 m ;- “Mfl' . , e “'0'. 0" Mmâ€) 3:3? in» 772-"17 at lied ‘ â€GM? .- mmmw, "some“- i ‘ 1' L» ' 3 ‘17}: 3a.: 19;: ~. ' . “1'3, {5.7.725‘; jg}; mm MR ‘ . . 1‘ H _ 5733*}. n 1 .t ‘41. 345;, j ‘ M > . ‘ 13;â€!5353"; 1-: (new (5‘915761578 : S . - 5‘: '_';'.~§R . 1.53:; ;“ _' f . 1- . 'W W 5: , 3. , ._; .3 1:3 ‘ a» "f 5,43 533; ‘15:,sz ‘v ; “a†W . a- A K . mhauadocontingcom w,, i