. mm-m,m23,20ll-IO i In 1 3 v, . 5-1 if ‘ a , l . 1 30m ~ i ‘ ) (- ‘ ’ i147 » as M A , l " M c A†Mn x it w .' A w. 7 it , ‘ VQ‘ ‘ , > HM‘.0 -_ N './ 1 w 7 j M a I ‘ f 3&1}; ‘ ~ ’ . “ g r; .- . s f..-_ . x ' It 1 l is § / 72; ‘Q r; t . ‘ ‘~ Ar 1 l e ' b - w ' f f ‘ 4 1? F“ - v, - f , f: r f‘ k ) 1. ‘ ‘ ‘.",ï¬;} 1 it \ f" “ a - . f" 4 a - is ? ‘ v , 7 ' < \ 1“? {35 r._' ‘ 5 4 5 ' » ' Scott Yen-Outing left, an 1&year-old Grade 12 student at Waterloo Collegiate Institute. won 3 ‘ ’ v5.4 “a; ‘ - timgoldmedalsattheMMeranmin Halifaxeadierthismomh.Hisperformnce < gothimnamedasaflagbearerforomam' . ,_mm 1 . I l _ Golden paddle 1 o 7 - o o 3 Local table tenms player stnkes gold three times at Canada Winter Games ; Bra-mm» Trailingthesetl- Whiletabletennlswas playmyfastlt’samazing' I ‘ WM 6, hunsfncingelim- the focus of his time at mhmbigasplndomintbespon. I ‘ ï¬xation but he rallied a , the Canada Winter 'l’m trying really hard to get on the j A‘Waterloo high school student is the back and won the It S ag‘ Wt SP0â€, and Games. it wasn't all table nanonal' teamiortheOlympiu." Lusaid. 3 ‘ nation's table tenn'm champion after grid. exercise ' tennis for Lu in Halifax. “One day I want to represent Canada for ‘ ollecting three gold medals at the “It was really you get ï¬vm 1L He got to take in a theOlympiea I (hnadaW'mterGames indium March total.†111 said People move around and number of other sports â€ï¬‚atwould be awesome." 1 1 SeonYen-Olunutacndelzmidmtat Mitwasyeut“ playwryfast. duringtbegamesmdud- j Waterloo Collegiate lmtitute. won the gold His overall per- , . ., ing badminton and box- < moth] for singles table tennis and was part formance at the Its (â€7111251718- ing, 1 ofthe wirmingdtmbles duoand Mmedal games led Lu to be â€"SeottVen-On-|Ln Next up is the North 1 boys'team. namedasoneofthe wwmm Amunchamp'mnslups j ltwasamagimlninechysinflalifaxfor Ontarioflayjearersat mwhhmflnlpofl inMisaisaaugainApn’l. f dwlaymrMWlmhasbeeriplay-ingtable the closing cere- Itwillbeonlythesec- 1 tennisfornineyeam monies 0nd time Lu has faced j The Canada Winter Games was the The Canada Win- international competi- j biggesttoumamenthe’splayedinyetJnd tel-Gamesmthemlminationofasteady tim.sohesaidhe’llneedtopractioe. I In couldn‘t believe hism run for In [11's home club is Top Spin in Kitchener ‘ “It was lie, ‘Oh mygid." lusaid. He got to the Games after qualifying by where he practices three to four times 1 \ thisthreegolchonestoodout. placinginthetopthreeoftheomarblhï¬n- perweehforthreetofourhourseodisel- ; “The singles. beamitwasbymyself.’ terGamet ion. 1 ‘ lusaiti Aï¬erh'spelfomnmemNovaSooï¬alu Healsotrains in Toronto on the week- A ; Itwmn'tanyeasymadtovictory. ismnkedNoZinunderleen'stableten- ends. 1 lufoundhimselfduwntwitx.aridinthe nismOntarband'Br-ankedthirdovemllin 'lt'sagreatsport,andyougetexercise ] ‘ fourthsethisbackwasmimrtdiewall. thenation. ï¬nmm'mmn'Peoplenmamundlnd I ‘w 1 i 1 o i f 3 N I Get your true custom ‘ 1 K w . -. made orthotics at Kâ€"W 3 - 5 I k $1} ‘ Vi ‘ - ’ 5 o o e ‘ . , , 5 “a“ 39: Foot & Orthottcs Clinic 1 1 aoamoncs cumc , , m a 3 l “rig“. -. ~ "" ' ‘ 3 279 WEBB! ST. N. MT 17 , . . % WATERLOO, ON . ~ - m. in“ by Serge Pontiac. BSc. DCh,-Chiropod|st 1 1 www.kwfootandorthoticscIinic.com 519-884-4200 |