WATERWCHMNIGE-Wednesd-yJebm‘ ary23.20ll‘7 C'ty arin n w tr t ' ‘ 1 Prep g e S a egy Winter Clearance Sale BV‘CNARIUI’II input sessions with many "If they‘re looking at a PitoM. P-\l(hlli|1 local groups such as the report that doesn‘t match up SALE ENDS SAT. FEB. 26, FINAL 4 DAYS ,, grin/iii 1c \Ill†t.r.ind River accessibility with strategic plan objec» . , -- _ - ‘ advisory committee and the tives. that's a red flag," Trot» ‘ â€s m to â€I’M†‘ L ' I ' ‘ . k . on the ('11) mines transportation aridtrails tersaid. - r-------~-----'---------~â€"--- H forward over the committee. Topics such as mixed use â€ml main: : Stilts â€I WW I : next four years mil liach session includes development. green space. ‘M...: : depend largely on the input breakout discussions, a and how to incorporate uni- w ‘ : m m : citizens provide for the group report and prioritiza- versity students into the life [1...†$1" ;::1::;;:;:;:;:::;:‘:::;:::;:: i strategic plan; tioii‘of strategic areas ofthe city were discussed at W m : ‘ “mm : The last of se\‘er;il mate The priorities from each one of the recent public - mmm&mmw - ‘ gic plan meetings takes grotipcanbequitediï¬erent. meetings attended by I i ‘ place tonight at tutti pm. in “i would suggest the Denise Kocher. a local : WWII“ M g , i the Forbes Room .11 111M mood of the room (last lawyer and member ofthe : . m g 1 Park. week) was environmental; a city's economic develop- ~ 'IIZ""'2“:‘:':':""2:Z:" 1 Rob Trotter. from the focus on Waterloo being a merit committee. ~ ‘- q" , i ---â€"§u"m.1.;-i ': ‘ chief administrator's office. sustainable community," “it‘s an opportunity to s ‘_ : ayamm : facilitates the sessions. Trotter said. impact where we. as citi- \ i f- ' m OFF : ‘ All of the feedback from “The reason it was like lens. want to go in the g ,2 _ , ‘- the public is collated and that was because we had a future.†she said. 2222222222222212222222. put into major themes. lot of university students." “it's an opportunity for . m ‘ : which could include the With the accessibility me to have myinput heard.†_ mmmm : environment, the economy. committee. the focus was on But Kocher's group also f- 3“ on : and health and safety. transportation. discussed what they say is a : -----.-----------:----. “ | lien. from that we That's why it's important lack of engagement from . I a; ""'.".m"" ""3 develop action items, Those to talk to lots of different many people in Waterloo - 3’ I. TWWEMW : action items are what drive groups. he said, when it comes to how the ’- k ‘ \- ‘ . _ z the city's decision making," The strategic plan pro- city is developed. . . _ ,1 5% m : Trotter said. vides a blueprint for city “is it that people don’t 1 ‘ * \ 3333333233332312322333. “It's a road map." councillors. who often refer know. or don't care?" Kocher \, ‘ ’2 ’53 , â€0m : In addition to the public to it when voting on agenda asked. “is it apathy. or igno- g †. ’7“; “QR ‘ “it“? ~‘_ kw ,: “WWW : meetings, he's facilitating items. rance?†’ : ‘1,-: _ ‘ ‘ ' 3" M a, . , a"; m on : fa. ' ,1 -.. «gigs; “ . s...-------.----------------. - '4“ ’ . a? . V gfï¬ï¬ï¬‚qgumuuwuawu Budget taskforce looking for members ’ 8' a. .45 “is: nus-www- MEIER “it!“ < ...:.1:::..;‘::::3.:;i.:: ...llfflffiii'£311.53. 23515321322223? rggi....::.".s:"::: Braun's 2' mm «M w = for a citizen's budget to applicants with a or signiï¬cant experi- more information at ...i- .Icm I. 519-579-“53 “mm taskforce. accounting desigiia- ence managing a mnv.waterloo.ca um»... twitter . ’ l o - . i WC“ ' can anaVIan o i 413?; O l W â€VI-1» 7 -. l anneyear - l Kitchener-Waterloo / g ,, \ ‘ ‘ . . . . {’1' i '7’“ ‘ The Lions Club of Kitchener is seeking ‘ . ' .. _mÂ¥__ - .g - . ‘ ' ti f th 54"‘An l .. ' nomina OTIS or e nua Citizen of the Year from Kitchener Waterloo. , â€â€œâ€œ T , Nominations can be submitted in one of two ways: You can submit directly online at ( , u, ) www.kwcmzenoftheyear.com - » ‘&_._â€"‘. . or you can mail a detailed resume of the nominees accomplishments to: " I The Lions club of Kitchener .. Citizen of The Year Committee ' , Po. Box 1001~Station “c" “ . ‘ .~~"-L‘..:.’=. , Q . . . ' n . . .‘ t ’ 1.; ~. ' 4 b 9'5 _... Kltchenel', 0N NZG 4E3 "a , g," ’- 5;} i- ' “ ,3" 21".“ 35'5“ 1'.“ " - €H~( .-. é: .; ‘-. Contact: Dr. Jack Bishop (Chairman) 519-742-0405 "r' ‘ Nommations Deadline: March 18, 2011 Introductory Offer - 0 . . Award Dinner Gala. Thursday, May 5, 2011 at the Waterloo Inn 2.94, ï¬nancmg for up to 72-months MEDIA SPONSORS: ‘ 7 Kl$106 on all 20†Saab models m- .. . ., it? I JFM F'c'iiiiONiCLia 0‘" - «III-n . 5'9 744 58“ . _‘ f g â€I†«11.. 5’ :99 if -< A - - J». -: ‘71» 3 «A?» I)! ow up... '" )9 ’ CORPORATE SPONSORS: WI‘M‘JO 1"" 6 “I " "0°â€" uâ€"innwï¬-umiuâ€"-uiâ€"uan-uwmmo waww-xnwwMâ€"ngnâ€" I "on...†nun IU‘Nt‘ihr-unt'lll‘ ‘k-flllflâ€"ldh-r‘l-flllufl huï¬w“ , . , g