(I ' â€" ' â€"â€"â€".â€"'â€"â€"â€"’â€"’â€"â€"â€"_â€" ' 7‘ WW'Wkabrmlï¬ull - I: + mmMmmwmm .__. , â€" W W ‘ , Shellac FRENCH Manicure ‘36 \ Hentage Day Showcase Aromatherapy‘ Pedicure and Manicure ‘48 Q The Waterloo Regional weaving demonstrations. ' "A “$2M M â€W “W "' m . Heritage Foundation buy pictures, maps, 12% â€Form & Mamaw W F "R S T m hosts its annual Heritage books. or post cards, pick ‘ . Showcase on Feb. 19 up brochures and consid- ,«:. I I . h . ‘ ‘ from 9:30 urn. to 5 pm. er volunteering. There is . 5;; {If} A :l u a k ‘ i . M . 3‘s. attheCambridge Centre. also an opportunity to ~ carats-1f“ Elna-ex. ting-7‘; {urea at 25,. Heritage Showcase. chat with staï¬ofmunid- . r h l l «,7 1 m. .. . . Watt: loo . free to the public. isaday pal and regional govem- 35" E" S tee \ es " ' A H . I . ‘ to learn about history in merits. and volunteers 5 1 9-883- 1 268 " WWW-rubynalls.ca 1 5 Waterloo Region. from over 30 local groups _ 1 In celebration of Her- Heritage Showcase _ _ I ‘ itage Day, the third Mon- 20ll wrll Include the ADVERTISERS appreCIate It day In February. the gen- Spinners and Weavers . . a eral public is invited to Guild,Waterloo Historical when you tell them ' ‘ , , p browse displays. watch Society and more. Visit "‘ videos, View spinningand www.wrhf.org for more. I saw your ad In the Chronwle ' , ii ' Ew' Ems ‘. .1 a i» ‘ a; i Y = , a; . . 'rI-IE@N . ,. .â€"â€" - HURRYIN! ' ‘ , J. = ' ‘ _ OFFER ENDS V J. ~ FEBRUARY 28}; , . . ' . -. '\ . ’ R 0 mm mm Meet Gidget, a two-year-old female (at. She likes to /0 FOR up'ro START THE YEAR m be close to her owner at all times, but will help you _ relax after a day at work. Come meet Gidget at the , M â€was: I. Humane Society, at 250 Riverbend Dr., in Kitchener, t . or call 519â€"745â€"5615. . â€057007" 6 - more cmvorwrmv My ON 5m "009-5 WW" “WNGS UNTIL SPRING‘ CONNECTIVITY‘ : 7 ' «"41“. 3 Things to celebrate . I I flew" 3 4 â€" ‘ - 1 Continued frornpage ll cooked scallops. Drizzle noon ‘f _L i .. .. ‘ j with tarragon creme and m ‘ , . . Pat scallops dry with garnish with two crostini ~ I paper towel, then season per person. 1 with salt and freshly Note: Ifyou like a lot of 3 cracked pepper. sauce or plan to serve the < Pan sear on each side scallops with pasta, dou- 1 for two to three minutes ble the sauce component. , I or until golden. Remove ... may†sci-mam mum “autism 1 scallops. (Note: Do not DanaShorttistheowner- - . - crowd the pan with too ‘ . nit - â€"â€"20"â€"-â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"-10"â€"â€" WIO‘IIW -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"aorrr-â€"-â€"- my “no,†_you will gm,;,;‘i{,fdm“ymng ~ KIA RIO KIAFORTE KIA soot. KIA SPORTAGE need no sear in batches.) busirmsmuedDana +â€" â€"â€"‘â€"â€" â€"â€"""’â€"â€" ' " . To the pan. add butter ShorttCourmetatSSErb mums-anon - mull-rm and a dash of olive oil. Streetin Waterloo. s % % s a." 1 Sauté shallots and leeks m m m- 1 until fragrant. ’ “bum â€I . In ammo-nun“ ‘ 1 about 51x mm 4 .N 5,..- 5 â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- 1 utes. Add 33%;“; if “A ‘vg’ï¬i ’7 “I“ you.†w mum W M ‘ :11 434* 29% ~ . and saute for if $355», ‘33: ~.‘« " ‘ , n uh». 1 another two to 5; a! :f’ï¬r'; .; .1; , W W â€W7 W Husâ€"â€" ______________._ 1 three minutes $.33“ *sâ€"~. gal.†' s m'“'“’ 53 700 "°""" $500 m." 3500 $3,375 â€In: ; 1 .Add white ‘k‘iï¬ta 3%,... i magnum Ismail-nu ‘ titanium: 7 _‘ f 1 Wine, scraping . , . .» ' . 1 up any stuck B) gamma? it strimmem’ it zrzrmem Bl mammam . ; bits. Add cream ‘ ' 1 “d“ - rim-2' may a?“ I l mm"... ‘ re ucmg iqui "w â€cm-mm ‘ vuiuiuarommmm. _ .0 about hair. meawwmmm mum... i mammal 1 Finish with .. 1 parmesan and "" †i freshly chopped 1 £12231" 122$: February 14 to 300 Homer Watson Blvd. Kitchener ® 519-571-2828 www.kitchenerkm cum . gégega'tand March 5, 2011 . . . , , . , , Lightly x055 mum's ll “A m5 m Iâ€! frisée with a "’52“ â€'21:?" ' O ‘ my - â€" m ~ KITCHENER KIA adrizzle of olive Tran}; ,8 - “e 1’10 mm i oil. “a“ We“ â€5 (ammo? 2“ ammflm7mkmwm in “m“ "f (51!) 6214000 Miln- â€7-206â€! mtmrszwrzm'az-mzammmtrmmmrmxzwmm .~ Plath ‘OP WW1 Open: Hardly-Saturday tome-5.1» mmsmzxzmmmmm “â€"‘umle-u-nn-nuâ€" l