Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Feb 2011, p. 8

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‘ 7 ‘ i ii - WAi'ERioo cummcm - Wednesday: February a 201 l 270 Weber Si N ‘ Suite 20 ' Walerkto. 0mm N2] this N U I ‘ Sill-8802830 Fin, “9180900 tum waterintxhnmiclc ta PeterWINKlfiR _ i u 1 7 _ w ; PUBLISHER ,. . _, -< t“ ' . g - A, L A x > g . 1 at,” (film Nikit‘ ”if“; t w th DEPRESSlNG TO * 1 f we , j ‘ Bob VRBANAC 1 l TH T CH U I Tl E l“ we v “it“ »~‘ , a I - A., a {his :* A t iat)iToR ell 319 , a 1 a. r 1 t, at; A-“ 1 ' cdiiiirtalutwalerloochroniclexu ' FLAKE J” Am 0 N A" .', g r .‘f 35 A g t ’ 11, ‘ qkll'lN‘éfWillL'I'kKl‘hlofllL‘ltiCa 5T 5 T .I\s~..(:fm~, " l >¢r I; i .‘ C 4“; 'j ~ - i! v 1 fl 4.x- MY STORMNATER BILL '» ~‘ 3 ~‘ 4“ 4- " wit" it"? i x A Charlotte PRONG PARKHILL ‘ I, 1 ' «it Q i A e; . to 1 3; g. c g. “a; p 1. “it REPORTER m 203 ‘ i M - ' ,_ ' _ r ' , _ Ax? at A i v i“ ‘ ., ‘ ‘ a } cpmngfi’walerloochrrmieleca ‘ 1; W H k ‘ _ “41 ' . 1 ;¢' W; A- 4- ,, > X; if ~ _ ;,, ‘ k 5 ,~u: z lt ‘ 0 ‘ -?,§ a; r“: 1.1.“ w . . a ‘ Greg MACDONAlD ‘ : ’ 14’s"; ‘ T” a g‘ i â€" ~ 7 a _ \ . - " fl?" 7‘ is V" " A. i REPORTER at. 215 a“; w as. ”A; ‘ 1 a»? _ - a . ‘x °‘..'f‘- A; “A.“ ,. gdmactkmaldG‘waterkxtchnmicleca , "‘ -, A" A A " g, r . 1 x1.“ _A 1’ , l 4 ’ , AA,A, â€"- w - . ' ,- ; w ‘._ ' H" ‘ ‘ ,_\ t ’ _“ ‘ ADVERTISING ‘ E r f ' if V‘ ' 3; A. ‘. s' 11 . c ' .‘ ’~ ' N ' (ieny MAT'ricE (EAL 210 4, __ ~ 2 i sift; » ,. . a a ' ' RETAIL SALES MANAGER ~‘- f“ ' ‘ it . X i “Q h 1,1 . . . _ 1 “than watcrltxtchroniclc ca ‘ " its; { ?# é. » . ~‘. , , ; , , v‘ a “a ‘A ' ' 1” ' 3 a' r Auk-“M" i J" . SALES REPRESENTATIVES , s‘ i . a" , Mitt-4 ‘ rat’s. “(a 4 Heather BOYD ett 221 , J 1&1?» y . 4 y 1 1 751 ‘ A: 1 y'- tfit‘t' w - hhoydtflwaterlonchmniclc ca . ‘ ‘i‘szfl? _ it “‘ h‘fl _ ‘ ' fi‘ . uA‘ : v‘ i Norma (‘YCA ell 223 f , '_ t ‘ . ' Lit . f " - , ’ <7;,â€" "9:an walerloochronicle ca 1 , . I ' ‘ A . q ." 15; Aub- Wayne thHl.ctl ::x a a . v. N i V _‘ £5“ f 3 unchlta waicrloochrtmielc ca 0 __ v: _ Q, ~ 7“ . j ‘ . {F : {it 61335? ’-~_, 71.1 t,“ (W'J‘wfié‘tnfiz-{Rfi is“ - . , , A A -' . - > sixth, ,’ A l ~ . t ’ wife‘- ”A " 1. “$55"? - » it??? ~' ' ~ - ~ ' ~ (LASSIleD if? * J . ,_ is: 01A A . ~ 1 an 1 W5 it“: A it; 7 , A , muggy) A A Main... '- w k‘ -. tLiWQjQ, ‘ < MN . ~ Mugged .A a A ___;_ A i; a. A “A.“ t'iRt‘ULATION ~ - .. A. , i t Zl‘l»lzxo-2§jglext.‘ll3m H i i~__1,1,‘AAA_;__,,,,AM,A”A? T . . , ~ ~t~- aria ll!" Icahn!“ t in t ll 5.“ w w ‘ ‘ v v Publication Agreement Number L (a! ll‘ON l(4 [All El)l [OI{14\I, 1 a k Ing It to tl Ie Stree S mom-mt f A‘RVfâ€"Aâ€"mâ€" - "we???“ â€"â€"--â€"-- ~v~~‘ ‘ . lniematitmat‘Standard(Serial Num- I i Sten to file Whistle ay yo“ live in inter. nology made It even easter bcrASSN 0831-3410 esting times is the W H” Ti ‘\ forggvernrn‘epts to do 5:1“) t ~ '~ ’~ A ' ‘ lSlsn osu'es a Audited Circulation ”4.9. e idea Of bringingan OHLteam (0 Waterloo has been old Chinese PTOVeb t‘ \ ‘ H r l 1 ) 1] f m ‘ a." floated out foryears that comes to mind w1th the t \ , l 1 all that wi come out 0“ ~ . A ' ' these mass movement wi v And while a group of local investors. bolstered by a "Meddlugtss coming out the be positive but asde t~ v‘""n/ former chairman of the OHL board. might seem to have I e t. . . ' h B era t gm - Unfortunately some A re nations we muc respec , moved that dream closer to the goal line. local hockey _ ._ . 1 th - th f , and promote the idea at 3:5.- fans shouldnt get ahead of themselves count 2“ saying as more 0 , th h th . d . d T‘thaterloo Chronicle IS hlished ‘ ' - 0d acurse thanablessing. A (a), ey ave e right to ect e W What is already being painted as a go guy versus , 21 i... f th Ives each Wednesday by Melroland A . . h Certainly for 3" "loge m... f or emse . ‘ Med” (“up L“, bad guy story. With the Kitchener Rangers wearing t e h t d t on "91. Democracy is messy, but black hats. is probably too sirnplea narrative to paint. I]; o wan e ho 355m we all it’s thel l form ONTARIO PRESS COUNCIL The reality is that this local group will have a lot more emocracy “0 t e ‘ e ‘ f agree nt when ut u The Waterloo Chronicle I\ a member hoops (O jump through before “my get (0 meet the East. they might want to be 0 gmmme p P of The Ontario Press (‘ounctL which Ran em in the OK Con-a] careful what (he wish for: BOB against all the others. We ‘ Minds“ complaints attains! mew g A ‘ A . . Th ' bec a». d '- should push for peaceful ats ause e omi VRBANAC he; newspapers Any complaint The tmth is that the OHL brass is already bristling at th ts m to be fallin to W 7 7 transitions and offer whatev- about new Opinions advertising or this characterization. and the false hope that it breeds in “05 0a ee g l A A . . . . . . m wa that all these telecom er we can do to support umdud should rim be taken to the I H l t be the Will of the people are e y newspaper Unresolied complaints an expectant popu anon eres 3 UPI): It "1152"an th a ones that were at least companies were hoping for actively seeking the same. ‘ “a" “9 ”mu?“ ‘0 0mm" Pm’ good idea to peeve-the powers that ' especi yl ey benign to the west if not out- in the first place With no And while some would ‘ Council. 2 Carlton Streeli Suite control access to this provtnctalboyshockeyclub. - i . . . H: 'b ll h . ‘ ' ' r - tight supporters cm] society to speak of, they I e to attrt me a t at is 7 ”06. Formula ON A MSB ”3 We only have to see the cmshed hopes of Hamrltoni~ ' ‘ . . . . A _ A ans 'ust u the road from us to know how irrational exu~ That democratic disease were creating a Virtual online happening to the technolo (“PYR'GHT ) p - « has travelled from Tunisia to one that eventually would gy. people forget that body The “New 0; "m "chm“ are berance can bring a whole town down when the protrus- t with a sudden dump- have to spillover. politic in Tunisia and Egypt whittled by copyright and may be es of an NllLteam never materialize. E53, p ' . . - - h b t f r a ' 1 A ‘ v . mg of the lordaman govem- That might explain why ave een COI’I‘UP 0 Nd only for Perv'nd' Wfflmmfr Thais not to say that Waterloo shouldnt have some T d h K' II these authoritarian while Plus with as I] cabal tial purposes All other rights are hope. The new team would be in me hem ofa resurgent merit ues ay y ing a . h" f holdin on to ower [he an‘cdamm'mnwrc-al the “PM th ( ldbebol I redbyits resence Abdullah suggesting the regimes were pus mg or . g P . . hthited To make any use of this “mow“ COTE ,a wou S e. P ~ symptomsarespreading Waterloo‘s Research in conditions were “fit for a material you must rim obtain the The local nvglrmbetwgen Kétchflener angwiierlzo “ The contagion that seems Motion to open the back lution. [lrmI\\:I()lfl;lf it}: «my? effigy; would be the stu _o egcn s'an re ect a to try ahy to be carrying them seems to door on their technology to H Soc me have called this the “ill“ l” ‘ufl U I", "T” , felt at the local minor hockey level when teams from t e be 'al ed' th “ll/vi see what the ’re 0 ulace golden age of the internet 2“? 8°3-V5h7'o"\'1cf$1“3." fifth: twin cities suit up against each other. soct ‘m la. asd e t. was real] u {a Agidpkudos where freedom Of (hOUEht. 3‘,rwj:c:|;‘j_ (Mam, Ni, my A little friendly competition is healthy. but not when (ewe? '5 folls‘allh)’ “Flag for RIM in?" in to kee exp ion and the exchang- the )00| of goodwill might have already spoilt by what mg e rea "5,0“ e 3 “R , y g p . "is. . _ ‘ ' ~ - and encoura in more » those prying eyes out as best mg of ideas are being cele l,l~’l'l tits Pr ii it '\ some feel is a premature foray into gamesmanship. g 5 per) - brated like no other time lcticn in (hi: editor must “WHEN" the We, a" hOCka is a f d f ple to come out In protest. as pOSSIble. ' . - _ A . 7 A game 0 respect. an respect or . B t t al d It writer \ lull name. signature address ._ . . . i some pundns were When governments mon- LI l 15 soun er assau , , (mes opponents is one of its ultimate ideals. Plus you , , . h 2m" "km" "mm “mm“ ‘"‘" h' 1 h h wh th d‘ th always concerned about not our private thoughts or W" no movement 0" net lit-levy“? numhcrx itrcnnfilliliniylt: dlt (0ch at appens en eysen In egoon. what was happening on the conversations we get the neutrality, and CRTC and HS" K‘d Hill u mm a ‘I 0 A A I; 7 y - 1 _ . y w. . . e - ~ published 5.3L will mil be with. ' " - ‘ _ t “ A; ' 7 :M 715A; _ Arab street. that has long fes~ realization of the world others making dectsions that held We mm “it ”K7" I" “M rm» " A ( ’ t 1; g A at... tered in resentment at the George Orwell envisaged in WI" make It less affordable filfii'l’t'i'ifip't."é;i‘éf‘l‘2“.fl.‘i"ni§'§ - A 7 ”If: t" 1“ "NS“; "phi; is"? lack of real opportunity his seminal work 1384. and restnctaocess ‘ d he submitted by fax In Maximum es" (W m s; an}, 1 111155: while being stifled by auto- And despite being a cou- Perhaps one daywe ll fin or hy email to editort- “if” fifiN’i‘fi‘wm‘ 17-1 sf 1 figs”. >‘.i Y 1. r 21»; cratic regimes p|e of decades off, the ourselyes In the streets. alUwalerloochromclc ca or by mil firm“; Aw; Wikp‘xfl-si, .; Jiféalt-Qvifikwn' But perhaps a" this time instinct for big brother to prolfsllnwg our limitations on “' “mm“ "’ w“""’° ( "Tm” *' ' ‘ - re s a t , ~ $7.44“? «we're-aka they were just plugging in look over your shoulder has our free expresston. 279 Weber St N. Suite 20, “merino. ‘ , A -‘ f i , 1 , g _ f v“. ' H (~â€" _ _ , I _ h h UntanoNA’J tHit ~ ~ “ 7 ' «flim- <->zAa-w-.â€"Aw-m'~wsm~.~vav. and getting connected in a been in p ace stncet e tec -

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