, sowmrziurxicunoivicw-Wedm- y. February 2,20“ Time...to think about means-modern ° ' securingyounemememdreams QM“ ES S ma e 111 to ones No matter how well you take care of yourself, you “wt-NM can‘t anticipate every eventuality. That‘s why you Another brazen robber at a ~“ fl' " 7 should think carefully about protecting your plans (autumn-aw \ cheque-cashing business on â€i“ if, from the effects of an injury or long-term illness. ‘ ’ «e Thursday led to the arrest of an 18- a ‘ 3 i ‘ Elves?“ Group MhWMhW'mwm‘I . ‘ } year-old Waterloo man and two ‘ I “ . "" 4 f . isability, accident and sickness insurance plans can 1, th I a] , . t l i†put you in control. Because if retirement is worth I 0 or 0c men. ..-. n ‘ g 5; if , we“ mm waitresses?asst fâ€" ."“ , pr ing. u.gwms . f it. . . , ru‘hww a..." nt-«meW-m _ throughout the region over the c u '. E . ,. \ m7m£rï¬r:x:mn*xatr:' Mp past six weeks. starting with a _ ,â€" > $335: “W '° W "“ CashMax Payday Loans robbery on { Weber Street East in Kitchener on ‘ l Dec. 14. followed the next day by a " e“ . . _‘ ‘ ’ HEALTH WELLNESS ., -- f- , Fairview Park Mall. “N" ~ ' “‘ " _ On IMMS." lewellel'ls in Con- Waterloo firefighters use fans to clear the air of a noxious nee esto a a in Water 00 was a d d ' ' l st obbe t C nest a Mall last month. I compllmentary WDrKShop mbbgd at about 10a.m. Police say SW ye uringajewery orer rya o 09 mm") 7 ~ - . . . , ~ a noxrous spray was used. and the almost immediately and, With the dence of a link to a jewelry store ,} 4 With Dr. Bryan Lawnnca' 0.0. mall was evacuated for nearly help of a canine unit, tracked the robbery at People’s in Fairview i; f“ Pressure Pmnls are Areas at three hours while Waterloo Fire men andanested them. Park Mall earlier in December, " Stored Stress on a News Pathway Rescue and out the building. Along with the Waterloo man, a said police spokesperson Olaf " * On Thursday morning. the 19-year-old Cambridge man and a Heinzel. The investigation is con- . - , same CashMax location was hit 20-year-old Kitchener man are fac- tinuing and anyone with infonnaâ€" You W'" Learn HOW to Fl_llq & M the Pressure POIlllS For" again. According to police, three ing a suing of charges. including tion is asked to call Waterloo ‘ - Neck Pain - Nervous/Irritable rrltlen fledhthf scene anidiamréed robbery and possession of a Regiongagl Polcizce at 219-653-7720 . _ . t eir ve lC e on near y u er weapon. ext. 44 or rime toppers at - HeadaCheS . Fatigue/Poor Energy Street. Police were on the scene At this time, there is no evi- BOO-2228477. - Low Back Pain - Allergies & Sinus ‘ ..nsomn.a -~umbness&nngnng Waterloo sex assaults were unusual . M Changes (Arms 8‘ L995) Bye Pinon P d f d (1 al be ha bee laid th . . , - a: m. ' unions o minim sai ,“oranyin ivi u to viof ve n ' at istime. Leam how gen†[mhmf'mm’m . â€n health. Chronicle Staff lated . . .†“it sounds like three hoodlums t ' . . _ But investigatively, identifying out to cause trouble and they vic- ' When: Feb. 9th mm are asked to bflflg a Sexual assaults are a staggerineg the perpetrator is much harder timized this girl in the street," he Time: 6:00 - 0:30 pm “We food “Bf" it) be common offence. when he is a stranger. said. Where: so Dupont St. E., W the local F005 380K In 2009, Waterloo Regional One woman was walking down At Waterloo's North Division. 5m 2°“ w"°"°° “WW-“WWW“W" Film-e seiwgemp‘s’i‘ftffs L? i†Emilia?“ "A “252221323 itâ€a;fi‘i’lï¬ï¬'ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬â€˜ï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬" c smvovm u xâ€" ay wens ew sa e - CALL 519'746'6022 ' SPACE |S “MN-ED ual assaultâ€"an the sidewalk and sexually assault~ mation, an important pan of the average of more ed. intelligence-led policing method. than one every After police released a compos- “The suspicious persons, the ' day, ite sketch of the person they were prowlers, the indecent acts, they But the three looking for, a 15-year-old male was all come across my desk so that separate inci- arrested and charged. we can take alook to seeif there dents in Water- That same month. a man and a are any patterns or trends or simi- \ loo last fall were woman were in uptown when they lar MOs between them.’ she said. a n (A. 0 M0 rro W unusual. accepted a car ride from a man. Moore works with a crime ana- RRSP Special “They were Afteran argument. the woman's Iyst to map the data and track - - | deï¬nitelyacon- friend got out of the car and trends, and also passes informa- A" the 'n§,regignt§-I°r'ï¬nanc'al success‘ GOO/oi cern because the driver took her to a remote tion on to special units such ' they were a location, where she was sexually as major cases and drug enforce- f°' 50:2?2‘2 s t r a n g e r assaulted, ment. W. Mun-«mm assaulting a vic- At the end of November. anoth- “It’s a way of making sure the ____, ‘ †V/‘ tim,†said Staff er woman was forced into a back- information doesn’t fall through l Sergeant Tom yardand sexuallyassaulted. » the cracks,†she said. | . Matthews of the A 25-year-old Kitchener man Any hint of information given a major cases was arrested and charged in both to police during a report â€" a 3 unit. those cases. after an image from a physical description of a person l 4 «Afar. “ a ' _ f , , . â€f a? " i 3, ‘~ , a, In the vast surveillance camera was released or car, the time of day or location W "3 "‘ “I wntvj majority of to the public. â€"â€" could be useful. - I ’ a , ‘ t inf,“ ,.,,..- .- kw,“ if cases, he said. Matthews said both men cur- ' “it might not be related. but in f 3 1: . E 5 Kg" â€" a}; â€. - .;:.-â€"f i ,.~.,: g c a. 51 a "mi-iv} the offender is rently remainincustody. the event that it is, it's something “42,5, ._ t.. .. ,5 if %E&@ ""*':.;~;.,i,ï¬f,f é??? Ag; known to the lnafourth occurence.awoman else to further the investigation,†i j t in. “ _ 41:13:55 39,5»35711- i. _, ““ ‘ f ‘_ ,f‘ss’ victim in some wasjoggingnearHazelandchko- Moore said. ‘ ‘ ’ ' " ' ' way. ry streets in Northdale when she “Every one of those reports 1 519.740.l770 m; “crumb. \ Vt.“ “Thosecases wasassaultedbythreemen. that comes to us, there is some WWW mscu com S“ m r M, f , f H, are equally as She suffered minor injuries, but sort of intelligence gleaned from f ‘ ' ’ ' k “ s e r i o u s , " this was not a sexual assault, them in some way. shape or 1 ram v w u. t Hummus“ mm , w..tw..m Matthews Matthews said, and nocharges form.†f r h i W i t . St. Louls Roman . , Cathollc Church 53 for. SLVEI 743-2101 To advertise in our Worshi- Directo . dense call Matt at 519633050 ext 208 or mmill ' (ambn : -- a on mmflwiumh“ Mom 1 memes“, Wampum/WW. . “J . . . - First A’Baptfst Sundays ' ll am. - Worship Service Celebrate Eucharist with us 1°50 W a! w W 22033“? “2 m“ wmw Mass times are: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Wednesdays 7:00 pm an: , mmtériomdvemmh' Sunday 9:30 & 11:30 mm. Vietnamese 4:00 p.m. 306 Ed) St. w. Waterloo - 886-6530 W “53310 Tina-ab: [0 pm, I“ WNW!!! “all! - Fl‘ldfly 9:00 l-m-