WATmmam-MWISJQH - ll Sustainable Waterloo holds forum on climate change " ‘ 831332321232;ch game right “It should be 3;; ~: Elizabeth Winner, MPP p “It makes based on other “ï¬t Kitchener-Waterloo ‘X' ‘ ‘ neofthethingsthattookabeatingdur- financial b ' â€w. ‘» ' . V , . â€$171855 concerns : . rngthe recent recession was the commrt- sense for , , ~ - V)" ment to addressing climate change as them to do thatyou refacmg, ’ _ '_ ‘i’ businesses kept an even closer eye on the b0t~ so, and that's not because it's an Please 10m Elizabeth for a tomline how we're . " But that doesn't mean change isn’t comâ€" going to conâ€" environmental _ , ing. Sustainable Waterloo. which helps guide tinue to grow issue " F rec F amib’ Skate local corporations in the region towards a our member- ' ° more sustainable future. is holding an edu- ship and â€"Mike Morrlee sunday,]anua1y 23, 2011 cation forum Jane 25 to talk about the sci- retain the an makingenur'mnmemal . . ‘ ence, policy changes and the implications m e m b e r 5 change: that help ’ LOOP," ' 2:00pm for business who have the balancesth ‘ i The conference takes place at the Holiday joined so far.†WW MW Rmam mkx ’ inn in Kitchener from 7:30 am. to 10 am, Visit www.sustainablewaterlooorg for 101 FatberDavid Bauer Drive, Waterloo i and Mike Momce. executive director of Sus- more infomation or to register. The cost is I ' } tzLinabl: Waterloo: will urgtllate mErtr‘ibers 5:08for non-Jiewbersland be: for membe: Please R5. VJ! to (519) 725-3477 a outt e recent rancun i rrnate an e o ustaina e ater 00 Wit romotton ‘ Conference and how it can affect local bugi- code. p or by email: eltzabetb.wilmercoOpc.ola.org nesses. Sustainable Waterloo is also gearing up - Vi “We're going to talk about what's been for its annual recognition evening March 24. Come out and ado-V m cm a“ WW: I happening.“ said Monica "What I are the business implications of the ' science and the policy? . > “Some might think there is no business case for that, but where ‘- there is a case is around future pol- _ , '; 'NF. NIT' . icy and the cost ofthat," if ; , . Speakers at the conference @213. L'MlTED i include Linda Mortsch. a Universiâ€" P4154 ", , . 7 _ , W .. "V ~ I ty of Waterloo researcher who is a ‘6 " ': ,‘ ‘ ‘; __ 1: "" " < - I contributing rnemher of the Inter- ï¬g“! _ 1 " A i ' ENT 1 governmental Panel on Climate “gait; :- n ‘V Vj ,, ' _. '3' e . i V . Change. Craig Golding. a specialist 3:?" "1‘2"; - "‘.Z£§rr:a§§“ is?» ‘1 a L . . 1 on cap and trade with Ontario's r _ F ‘3‘1 {f‘g faijtw‘g affia, , ‘ .}‘: ‘ Ministry of the lim‘ironment. "V ' ‘ r. » 73:"; «33;, 13514:"; :1; ’:}§""‘4,"‘;4 V, (41:? a I Matthew J. Hoffman, whose latest ’i ; " 3‘ I urgeï¬ewï¬xég: $2253. 31;; ' m “a; , , V ’ M31".~£'"/I$»/ I book looks at governance issues 4"": ‘ ,1 *‘jngis-E 9V!- ' :f‘fétj 3““;s "5‘s.“ My ‘ "â€3 -, 39'" ,i a? ‘ ’ »: 'yï¬n v-r A I surrounding climate change and 5535 {j} ;;~cigï¬zf‘V5::"W~: se’ » 9‘": '~ ' 3 , .,‘ â€1/ 1 if 3:}: ) ’ ., 1" Matt McCulloch of the Pcmbina if; 2 .V‘ ‘ . j ‘ r» ,/‘- . “ I I _ a I - .a-;"‘;7ï¬"' w ,5 Institute, who works with compa< ‘_ .7 f" "j _ ~ », ’/ / ' . a V ‘ ,1; 7",, 1 E" I tries to advance low carbon solu- . V ._ ,~'~ ' I , I u I . if 7.“ ». , V51 159%,?"2 ~ | tions as pan of the transition to a " . . "‘ r‘ A I . ,_ j ' ‘ .‘ ‘_ .. ,‘ “A 47'" a: . . __ I green economy.‘ ’ A ' f Jf ;?étt:vr†. ‘ ,_ ' 3.?(1‘11-34‘ v "‘ $1}- ‘ The recent climate change con- . , ‘ “-7 > 5‘ r, V . I .â€" , ' (Mg; . -- a}: a . ference was greeted with lower V . r "f ‘ g ’ t- . j" V,’ f 7- " 74.;1‘ J expectations after the failures of ., 7 " . \‘\ \ :1 J?!“ j 1"; 5 e \K i." , Copenhagen the year before, but 2,; ' _ , V ‘ M w i ,* t . ,. V; . 5 i4 . "" ,., , V. g g \ . there were still some significant " " r I: x "‘ ,1 - /} iii»; " I . "a“ agreements reached that could _ I ' " a; - '" ' V " " _; ,, change the way business is being ' "_ â€"-â€"â€"_â€"=\ . "3. ~" _; .~ afl done. “ j c' , a. \ V i r r ’ I Since its founding. Sustainable ‘ g " ' --\ - ‘ V , ,4 I ‘ 1 Waterloo has been demonstrating ' cg g; ‘ . ’ â€" l, f" ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ 1 how making environmental ; -1. ~ "" a. [I J 1 changes and reducing a business' ‘ ,, V ‘ r ,. mums . ‘ 3 carbon footprint will save it money. QR / V r / up; “a at.“ ‘ "It should be based on other M" , % s 9 I 1 business concerns that you're fac- _ *" 2.9 37 _ Eh“ I ing. not because it's an environ- ; A ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ human mww a†on 1 mental issue,†said Morrice. ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ _ - “mm W ‘ W I The chief one in Ontario right m DIâ€. v m“ . , " -†, - ' ‘ a, w 'I now is the discussion on energy mmo 29% ~ , A - I; v. ‘- ; s V . . u » V V “2 I . policy that looks like it will domi~ V 3 , ‘ « 7 -. « ‘ its“; .» ~ ’ «Ii 1“ 15255: 3%†w I nate the upcoming provincial elec- - V" . â€3Ԡ" a. m 3 3 1:14;: 5. 53126.} n." :".}"‘:’ f“??- ‘A’w’g‘u III I In I. ‘ tioni ~ ' ' ‘; L i.» g, 1:. â€I of? :jc‘fsr a , 33:3,: “area-«:5 f :7. With the current Liberal govern- 7‘ . ' . " ‘_ » . 1:51..†255:3: 4,3134. f ' .3; -"‘ , f " ‘ a; merit already predicting an almost ' , - , ' ' - ,, .t 5‘ J ,. W *1 3‘" 't V "2‘ t 3 i , } _gtyg :_-‘ j.’~~"; - a 50 per cent increase in electricity " 1 2'? .. ‘ ii a: i j t a 1‘; it 5:; i g ,4 i V," ’35, 7, Z ,3 i»; ‘ .g.‘;‘ I . a? : rates over the next ï¬ve years. con- ; V. " "r." . .3 .... A .1 *7 o my, Qatar: 5,V73:’.;;r 133* in" 2 ‘ - h N, '4 3? trolling those costs go right to the 163;,“11 ' ('3 3 . a i ‘ I " u : *flfgflf “m 5:“? : "3’3 3‘7"" "A"; 3&3 ‘ w ,é bottom line while also helping the I ‘1 383“: 5g“ h5g3§~vÂ¥ " " {T‘Rg-,;flimï¬jێaï¬r'- an “Vii“fl as; .934: a. ‘ xvii E: environment. 1 at?“ it’d ï¬ï¬‚' .' ï¬g r ;;_VV"‘:,TV;,"':- he“ 3. 1&3. [ i, “The government has to do a w Wéï¬'iéyii‘ay :â€" *‘wï¬"8§“&§‘ :35.'::.““‘:v‘.¢o‘i<§vcez» 33713;}; i-r-‘S‘Tsvfr‘ i -‘ ‘ ‘ "‘ _M, V 1.. ,1 V “3' better job ofimplementing its ' ' ' ' ' V1 ' ' ‘ ' ‘ exisï¬nggmmndhopefullywim sales@guelphrnfrnrtrnrssan.com | www.g,ue|phrnfrmtrnrssan.com this incremental Progress we can womuasmmnmum mun «In mm. muflmmmummmwnmmdnflnâ€"nnmmmnm set to more value-based changer rammemmï¬mnm’fï¬Ã©mwm"'a...“mammammmmmmsem-xwï¬we: said Momce. mummy-mumir.mhrumuwrvummd:mmwmuammunmmnu-mwwmgimnï¬gurm “And while it's very important to 531251Wiflï¬m‘ï¬Mflamlf‘mï¬ï¬gï¬%§fl£ï¬ï¬ï¬‚flflfl%uhwm5.mar-‘2‘? talk about the project â€" the sav- mmmï¬mmm-zfgwmu unharmmmmmn-nuptua-Amnmumi mMMIm-u