r .i -_ V g ,., g ,. .. mumm- i. 12.2ou-u ‘ approach provides . l Aroma Cd‘f’g Patients with the abili- " ' " ‘ ' r ty and confidence to ‘4' Court/i" the aroma ‘ help direct their own .4â€" orthe mrience ' treatment path and “r ' â€I also allows a patient to ../ (50339508004103 mum E achieve their dental / gawtofbd! ‘ goals with a plan that - i ï¬ts into their lifestyle 7 - Mmhtï¬ymmmllw . ‘ â€" and that is different ‘- some murmthï¬uhbms i for everyone. frommmdthcwm’lcl 3 Education is closely f . . I linked to innovation. ‘ Come orhmchandenjoyflmhsoups,aladsandsandwmhes. I and TechTown Den- : Weoiferalargeseleeuonofglutcn-ï¬eclm : [istry strives to be an , ' Checkourwebsitc for monthly specials. innovative dental 7‘ ‘ health provider that . 4 5 has the best interests . I of the patient in mind . Your Uptown bacteria†â€you: ‘ “Our goal is to make your smile better ted, comfortable plastic aligners. ‘ 3-1 and your mouth healthy We truly Invisalign allows patients to straighten ‘ ». Aroma CA+6 believe that ‘your world needs your their teeth without the bands, brackets 7 : smile‘ and are committed to making or wires traditionally associated with 3‘3'is-ét?$t":?i?fdw ’ ,. . ‘ ‘. your smile the best it can be" says Dr. braces. A free consultation can help _ _ I Tim Sellner the primary care-giver and you determine if this treatment is right Holiday Location at Waterloo Town Square New Closed leader of the TechTown Dentistry for YOU. I â€33““- New Patients are always welcome ‘ I lnvisalign . The TechTown team is committed With an emphasis on innovative and to helping keep your mouth healthy '9 preventative dental care. TechTown and your smile beautiful. They encour- i Dentistry continues to be a leader in age you to call and visit to ï¬nd out I new dental technologies including how you can become more conï¬dent * offering lnvisalign. an invisible way to in, sharing your smile with the world. ' f _ , ' . ‘ straighten teeth using clear, custom ï¬tâ€" Imagine your possibilities. ‘ ' ' " * 4‘ , . ' " ' ' * ‘ r“ , i / T e c h T o w n s it D E N T I 5 T R CALL 519 746.7333 7 Flow 5?. St. Jarrobs i t . 519664-0771 www.chuslveelcmcntsxom ‘ i , , a , a A W . .. ct~:~2 ' r 1, ‘ MOVING ' RENOVATING ° NEW BABY ° ALLERGIES i ‘ it ‘ not ' it†A R _ ï¬ â€˜ F out? t r2 «2: U in... m it» M i 1 ; " l: is H E i» ‘ mutual - (tumult! . lIIIstml . t iy W t W 3 F‘ 7 N CARPET CLEANING & ‘ ;. Poem it t 5w t ‘ AIR DUCT CLEANING " ‘ www'me‘hh°oeed‘v°'c° { M 519.5695 (7463) 2 5 I 9-893-0046 50hr . BCGB . VIA SPIGA . FRYE r BORN MICHAEL KORS i COACH . NAYA . BERNARDO . FRANCO SARTO , TSUBO tn CANADIENNE L O C A L LY 0 w N E D & O P E R A I. E D -W :rla'.lmfl;::€eijl.:ii‘|'!q"Â¥."'€'?.]-IV7.‘YV -