~ ' ‘ ‘ ro-mmuwcunommmmvmmrysaon ‘ ,1 Business Proï¬le _ .. ’ » It’s II I' J ‘ I I . 8 health and hearty meal MAW;; “'8 healthy] . x ’ V “ - ~v'h-3 , - ' . Bight about now, we are all thinking of I. step. Maybe it gets easier to incorporate * {(13% ; Gorng south“; Losing weight 3. Getting healthier options and regimens (yes. that - ,2 " 5:,“ ' " ' *' healthier! Starting on any program, whether means diet and exercise) when you are feel- . g: .1 ‘2‘" .it is exercise, diet or healthy living. can be an ing good, have more energy. if that‘s true. if; 1» . ,2 2 overwhelming prospect. We are creatures of how to start? 4?; f' 4 , , habit and it is easier to grab the chips and With our new health packages. The :85?» 2 2" head for the couch than to cut up veggies, MediSpa can help smooth the transition. We 2. i If ’ 2’ head to the gym. cleanse and moisturize our can help to clean you from the inside to the '~ skin daily to combat those (GAS?) lines. outside, freeing your body to operate more Sometimes we take it all on at once only to efï¬ciently. giving you more energy. You will " 2.. ' discover...we can‘t. For lots of reasons, time, not only feel better, you will look better. Our . money. time- it eventually comes to a halt professionals will consult with you. help you ‘ because we overdid it and found it wasn't ï¬nd the right treatment level to kickstart the sustainable for the rest of our lives. And new you. We want to help you get to the then comes the crash because we feel like goal of better diet and exercise and stay - failures. But. you know, maybe it was all there. We aim to make it easy and enjoyable :2..‘ . g. about the planning. Maybe'it comes :lhown to so you feel the success of each step. As we taking small steps and appreciating e suc- say in our mission statement. “After all, good FRO M 0 U R [AM I LY TO YOU R [AM I [Y cesses along the way. Maybe achieving our health and relaxation allows us to look good. . goals is easier when we feel better and better feel wonderful & live our lives fully- at any â€15;, . so we are motivated to move on to the next ageâ€. “E 2 . _.24. a? . . 7/†.4 ' 1- g gWï¬â€˜;;,.é;;: .~ ,. 2 2 2 is mg 00 aw». . 5 , _ 2. , “ 1» f», £33 2 A Very Happy . - N y 1 ' «*7 , , . ifâ€; f 2 W ear. 2‘ . . .2 5Ҡi ‘ ‘22» , 2 ’ ‘2 4.2 2 - fan-3». at ‘ g 23.1- , ., :1" 2» 2 .. I ï¬â€™ 5': , . Tadpole , , '1‘ 2% z I, E (HtLOIIh'S snows / .7 r 3 % King St. 8.. (m Willis Way) 0pm Wateuoo ‘ 239:3. '75 2": , m.tadpoleshoppo.oom T c 519 725 7653 e - shopOtadpotoehopoeeom 5 ~ RA HT ETH RA 1 -51. ‘ WWW E ST '6 TE NO B CES . may PETE .3149.“ -~vI-fi‘»~i~.‘ 5212’ ’1 ll 1 i E XE} r 2 VAQMLLMINVM 2 g g 1 W.-. ... k ‘--‘ (l l.“] " C ear Advantage , 2422;... 2 ‘ 8†slate sour) Maple table ‘ a ; ORTHODONTICS . 1 $2495 dgldlvcrcd l t . (d a: â€W ‘ . Installed put) 50‘5 l i a (M. : 5". ‘ ‘ from, . {h p“ :fâ€/ “,1; if “' E ' 0/411?“ ‘ . A t" : 6H ' . l .._â€"- . Back bar minors Dr. Sum (iii 11mm $375; (eniï¬edafiristitOrlhodmtiomle'smlyPrm . 1 Provide: 'eollmisdiwl forward Teens P‘iduugl†“â€1“" 5695 UT any ‘HHIN’ YUIV‘ THE INVlSlBLE WAY TO STRAIGHT EN YOUR TEETH ., 7†e-w _ . 100 0†Adult lnvisolign 8. lnvisaiign Teen ‘ m a [‘ -aa-â€"â€".â€"' ' â€" ....-...w 209.'.. ,, E"..519::,M