WATERLOO ctr-omen . Wodncnday. September 29. 2010 - 31 TH E CITY OF E ‘ water '00 For more information, please contact: , City at Wat-rice 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2) 4A8 P 519-886-1550 F 519747-8760 I TTY 08664863941 www.watorloo.ca w _ * ' MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS WILL DE HELD 0" W Councillcr‘ council den écolcs sépnrécn dc laugue Inuqolnc MONDAY, OCTOBER 25. 2010 A W“ who has been appointed a voting proxy must “We“ pour rcpréscntcr la Région de Waterloo at lcs C omtés do for th- followinc 0'00“: in person befon the City Clerk. City Hall. Main Floor, loo 3'3"“ dc â€alldmami 6‘ dc Norm“- OFFICE FOR WHICH NO TO BE Regina Street South. Waterloo. Ontario to complete a required DOROTHEE PET'T‘PAS VOTF TO BE HELD ELECTED form including a statutory declaration that the person is the Maya; cm (imam, 1 Person will!“ as a me my W Councillor‘Cttv of Waterloo 7 Ward 1 _ Southwest l The City Clerk's Office Will bc open for this purpose from: W C nc'll '0; «w ‘ ‘ 7 Ward 3 _ L k h l l) 8:30 am to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. including Les bureaux dc scrutin ordinaire seront ouverts de 10 h a 20 h ou ‘ or. I y k a ct 00 3 cs ore Election Day. October 25. 2010; sans fame, Les électeurs reccvront unc cane postale durant la 1 C ounmllor. C ll)‘ of Waterloo , Ward 4 r Northeast l m 12:00 noon ,0 5:00 pm on Saturday. October 2‘ semaine du 27 september 2010 indiquant 1e lieu on ils doivent l Counctllor. (‘ity of Waterloo »7 Ward 5 - Southean l 2010. Sunday. October 3‘ 2010 and Saturday. 0“,} 5e presenter pour voter Councillor. City ofWaterloo ~ Ward 6 , bcr lb. 2010 (Advance Voting Days), ‘ CW'-C°'“mbm ‘ Proxy applications may also be completed ourlnt in. W Councillor, City of Waterloo » Ward 7 â€" Uptown l Adnnce Votes It Conestog- Mall on Snturdny. October 2 Le “mull Chair. Regional Municipality of Waterloo 1 Ind Sand-y. October 3, 2010- 2 octobrc 2010 do 10 h a ltl h Conestoga Mall Councillor, Regional Municipality of Waterloo 2 SUSAN GREATRIX. CITY CLERK Le dlmnuchc a la 550 King Street North Mcmbre. Le Conseil scolain: dc district du City of Waterloo 3 “Nb" 20") do ‘2 h a n h Waterloo, Ontario CentrcoSud-Ouest (French Language Public 100 Regina Street South Lc jeudi 7 - School Board. chion of Waterloo. Countics of Waurloo, Gnuï¬o My 4A8 l Huron, Middlcsex. Perth and Wellington) 1 octobrc 2010 Mnlrlc dc Waterloo, lcr étngc V i , . W l ‘ j Member, Waterloo Region District School Board 3 ELECTIONS MUNICIPALES .. â€8333'? mo dc ‘0 h a 18 h 13:52:: £32,233 7 \ “we no“ in: MM" mlamtions, LE 25 across: 2010 AVIS DlELECIION â€Wm. WWW 0mm 1 . . g ' Avis est par la présentc donut aux élcctcurs municipaux dc la 15 octobm 2010 l Councdlor. CW flï¬ï¬o&}rï¬m 2 ' Northwest Ville dc Waterloo quc. commc plus diun candidat 5e sont Le umedl l6 octobrc mm 1 ~ . . préscntés a chacun dos postcs suivants, un scrutin sent tenu au Member, Waterl?0%20;Â¥%%;%cl SChOO' Board moment ct au lieu indiquc's dans la présente en vuc diélirc un JANEK P. JAGIELLOWICZ “mm“ a Chaque P05“ Une personne qui a été nonunéc mandamin: doit so presen' ter Mcmbre. Le Conscil scolaire dc district catholique Cantu Sud â€STE FAISANT â€OMB“ en personne devant 1e grefï¬cr de ‘3 ville a la mairic a'u rez- (F h Lan in c Separate School Board) to resent the 0N" W SCRUT'N A tum: , ' - ' MC 3 g _ â€P _ dcâ€"chnussée, 100. rue Regina Sud Waterloo, Ontario, ct ell: Region of W'atcrloo and tthcglIIET of Brant. Haldlmand and Maln.Vlllc dc Wlul'loo I doit remplir we demand: dc [a mania": prescritc, y comp!“ ° Councillcr â€" Quurtlcr l â€" Southwest 1 unc déclmtlon statuairc attestant one In personnc est bicn DOROTHEE PETIT-PAS Councillcr _ Qunrtlcr 3 _ Lawton 1 cell: qui a été choisie commc mandatairc. W Councillcr â€" Qua-tier 4 â€" North“ I A can: (“to I: bureau du grcfl‘lcr dc la ville sen ouvcrt [es gm mum Time Concillcr â€" Quorum 5 â€" Southeast 1 hunts suivantesr . ~ , Saturday October 2 Conestoga Mall 10 am to 6 pm Comllkr - (ll-"kl S â€" Central-Column I " :58 h if ‘ '6 '3 30' a“? 1:3??? mm?“ c Jour u scrutln, sci c 0c ; Sunday October 3 Conestoga Mall 12 noon to 5 pm Councillor ‘ Qunrt‘ler 5 ' â€mm 1 .. ' . , ll) dc 12 h a 17 h,1e samedl 2 octobrc, lc dlmanchc 3 Thursday October 7 City Hall [0 am to 6 pm Went, M‘IW“ Milk “w‘ufl‘m l Mob" c1 1c Mi l6 octobrc 20") Gem dc Friday October 8 City Hall to am to 6 pm Comm" may. with“ 2 scrutin par anticipation). Friday October 15 City Hall 10 am to 6 pm "m" m 5 da ( ‘ be 1 6 C' H 11 l O 6 Councillor. council den cool“ pubilqucn tic SUSAN GREATRIX. CITY CLERK/GREFFIER DE LA 3“" y k 0 r "y at am ‘0 pm [logic anal-Inc pour rcpréscntcr la Ville de mug Waterloo ct 1: Canton dc Wilmot 3 CRY OI “hum/Vi“. d. mm W Councillcr. council dc: kolcn publiqucn dc 100 Minn Strict Soudt/ 100. rue Roglna Sud W Inuguc lrnucalnc pour rcpréscnter lcs Régl‘ons Wlufloo, Ontario N2) us All Raul-r voting locntioun will be oPtu between 3: Wmatcrloodfml‘t‘omtés dc Huron. dc Middlcm. l (519) "7.8705 ct tngton 10:00 cm. and 8:00 p.111. cud no longer. During the week of September 20. 20m letters will be mailed PM": 4° "0‘“ '°5 "calms WWW†“"5 comm" to all electors indicating the location of their voting place. if Councillor â€" Quartler 2 â€" Northwest KAREN SCIAN you do not receive a letter, please contact the C lcrlt‘n Ofï¬ce at Councillor. council ‘5†kolcn “pug“ ‘5‘ lint!“ “ll-g“ 5l9-747-8704 or 5l9-747-8777. email clectiona@wutcrloo.cl pour mm la Ville dc Waterloo or villi! the City‘s website at W to ï¬nd a leg mefls (k WCHCSICy fl dc WOOlWlCh out whore you voter ROBERT HETU JANEK P. JAGlELDOWlCZ