WATERLDO minimal Weenie-day. August Id. 2610 oh 1 THE CITY OF [E water loo For more information, please contact; City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N214A8 P 519-886-1550 , F 519-747-8760 TTY 18667863941 www.waterloo.ca CITY OF WATERLOO APPLICATION FOR NOISE CANDIDATE NOMINATIONS - 201 0 MUNICIPAL ELECTION “VJ-“W EXEMPTION , Notice is hereby given that an application is being made i TAKE NOTICE THAT NOMINATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING OFFICES FOR to the Council ofthe Cny OfW’awfloo for an exemption ‘ THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TO BE HELD ON MONDAY. OCTOBER 25, 2010 to the City ofWaterloo Noise By-law “75979 which ARE BEING RECEIVED BY: prohibits amplified sound between the hours of 5:00 4 p.m. to 7:00 am. The applicant. the Universny of ngY CLERK Waterloo. located at 200 University Avenue West. ClT‘ OF WATERLOO Waterloo. is requesting the following exemptions: 100 REGINA STREET SOUTH 3. To permit ampliï¬ed sound/music on Tuesday. 1 WATERLOO~ ONTARIO September 7. 2010 during their annual “Music MAYOR. CITv OF WATERLOO 9, min, when the Clerk‘s Office ls open. during and Movies on the Cree“ event and an outdoor " One ( l i to be elected to sene on Waterloo City Council the hours from 8:30 am. to 4:30 p.m.: I“? concert. Th's â€ï¬‚" ls scheduled ‘0 take 913“ I and the (‘ounctl of the Regional Municipality of Wuter~ lb) on Nomination Day. Friday. September 10. 3010. from 8:00 p.m. until “00 a.m. 10“ between the hours ot‘9:00 am. and 2:00 p.m. 4- To permit ampliï¬ed sound/music 0“ Saturday. , “A RD COUNCILLOR“ CITY OF “ATERLOO 2. The Nomination Paper shall be accompanied by a September H“ mm during their annual ‘Toga' i One ( l ) to be elected from each of seven (7) wards to ï¬ling f“, in cash. certified cheque or money order In"? for all first year students. Th“ event ls “WW 0" (“t-V “mm" payable to the City of Waterloo in the amount of: rimmed to take place from 8:00 p.m. to 1.00 WATERLOO REGION DISTRICT SCHOOL (3, 520000 for“, 0mm of Mam ' ' p A p _ , BOARD ‘ ' ' ’ The application WI†be presented to City Council on 4 Three (3) to be elected from the combined geographic (M 510000 for any other office. August 23- 2010 m the Council Chambers. Waterloo l area of the gm ofWaterloo and the Township of 3. The onus is on the candidate for election to an City Centre. 100 Regina Street South. Waterloo at a Wilmot ' office to file a bona ï¬de Nomination Paper. time to be determined. Anyone wishing to speak on WATERLOO CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL S. GREATRIX. ClTY CLERK this matter should contact the ( ity Clerk. Waterloo City BOARD City of Waterloo Centre. l00 Regina Street South. Waterloo at - 179-74,- Two (2) to be elected from the combined geographic Waterloo City Centre $378 "0 la}? the?" I“? an: qudth‘kuï¬jugtej' t area ofthe City ofWaterloo and the Townships of 100 Regina Sift‘?‘ South ' Qucs Ions regar mg ls even 5 0†Irec - Wellesley & Woolwich “late“oo‘ Ontario N2] 4Ali ed to Heather Westmorland. 519â€"888â€"4567 Ext. 36876. ‘ Nominations for Regional Chair and Regional Council- (519) 747-8704 i _ lor for the Regional Municipality ofWaterloo must be filed in the Regional Clerk's Office. 150 Frederick ' ' ' ' “ ' _ ' ' â€" _' '_ __"- - Sm. momenta-o, APPLICATION eon IIIDISE Nominations for Le conseil scolaire de district du Cen- APPL'CAT'O" FOR "OlSE BY-LAW ExEMPT'o" tre-Sud-QuesttFrench Language Public School Board) BY-l-Aw EXEMPT'O" Notice is hereby given that an application is being must be mt‘d "1 the Oflice ofthe Clerk. City Of LOW Notice is hereby given that an application is being made made to the Council ofthe City of Waterloo for an don. 300DulTerin Avenue. London. Ontario. (‘One 1 l l to the Council ofthe City ofWaterIoo for two exemp- exemption to the City of Waterloo Noise By-law â€78. member m to be elected to represent the “mum? geo- tions 10 "15 City of Waterloo Noise B)"|3W “78-79 79 which prohibits amplified sound between the hours graphic “I“! ofthe R'j‘glon Of Waterloo am] the ( oun- which prohibits amplified sound between the hours of of 5:00 pm to 7:00 am. The applicant. Wi|fn'd Laurier ties ofWellington. Middlesex. Perth and liuronl. 5:00 p.m. to 700 am. The applicant, wumd Laurier University. is requesting a change to the noise exemp- Nominations for Le conseil scolairc de district University Student’s Union. located at 75 University tion which was granted at the Council meeting on May catholique Centre-Sud (French Language Catholic Avenue West. In the City of Waterloo. is requesting two ‘ |7. 20l0. The exemption was for various sporting School Boardi must be filed in the Office ofthe Clerk. exemptions as IOHOWSJ events that were taking place in the University Stadium. City ofKItchcner, 200 King Street West. Kitchener. |_ To permit ampliï¬ed sound from 9:00 p.m. to on Seagram Drive. in Waterloo. Ontario. (One ( I ) member is to be elected to represent l:10 a.m. on Tuesday. September 7, 20"), for their The football games scheduled to take place on Satur- . the combined geographic area oi the Region ofWater- annual On-Campus Party during Orientation day. September l8. from 10:00 am. to 10:00 p.m. have loo and the ( ountics oi Brant. llaldimand and Nor- Week. .t 75 University Avenue “by, Waterloo. been cancelled. The additional football games that M“ i“ _ 2. To permit ampliï¬ed sound from 9:00 p.m. to have been scheduled on Saturday. September 25. 2010 The Munitipal inlections Act. 1996. as amended. pro- “up a.m. on ‘Ve‘jnesdgy. September 8, mm. for m l0100 am. to l0:0() p.m. are requesting the l ‘ “I“ that no contributions Sim“ be made to or accepted their annual movie night during Orientation e ption from the noise by-law, , by or on lhehalt of: ctiilittlit'iate until so expenses inlay be Week. on the Alumni Field. " 75 UNIVWSIW All events will involve the public address system. ~ ‘d ‘ ‘h‘ 't' r rt f Inv , . v ib‘t‘l‘r::scri)beii 2t‘rtliniiniititiii iii“: Willhtlir‘l’clz'lls (fled? Avenue West. “flu!â€- . The application will be presented t° City Council p ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ p“ ' ‘ The application WI“ be presented to City Councrl on on Monday. August 21 2010 in the Council Cham- CITY OF WATERLOO N().‘\IIN.»\TI()N August 23. 20â€) in the ("ounctl Chambers. Waterloo hers, wag,“ City Centre, 100 “99503 Street ; PROCEDURE City Centre. 100 Regina Street South. Waterloo at a South, Waterloo at a time to be determined. Any- ‘ l. The prescribed Nomination Paper. which includes time to be determined. Anyone wishing to speak on one wishing to Small on this matter should (on- the Consent of Nominee and Declaration onualifi- this matter should contact the City Clerk. Waterloo City (act the City Clerk. Waterloo City COM". 10° 3.9" cation. may be obtained and filed in the Ofï¬ce of Centre. I00 Regina Street South. Waterloo at 5 I 9-747- no Street South, Waterloo at (519) 747-8549 no the City Clerk 8549 no later than [0:00 am. Monday. August 23. later than 10:00 a.m., Monday, August 23, 2010. (a) on any day ï¬nm January 4_ 2010 to September 2010. Questions regarding this event should be directed Questions "93"!an this event should b. mm to Phil Champagne at 519-884-0710 Ext. 3335. to Ryan “on." a 519-334.0710, ext. 3731