mmï¬ï¬ 7g _ lo - \\ Al l RUM) CHRONKJLE ‘ Wednesday. lanuary 10.1.0“) 7 l j I I l LETTERS T 0 THE CHRONICLE i ' sermon) of Mr. Harper's tiniaction other needed services. minority situation. can you imag- tune, the implementing ofa new . ASk the question, regarding Canada’s environmental Surely Waterloo council and its ine what he might decide to do if lodging house licence while trying 1 you ml t be stance. and now the prorogation of city planners can see that North he was re-elected with a majority to redress the imbalance in neighâ€" * S fl b the Parliament. I am beginning to dale is ideally suited for this pur- in the next election, bourhoods caused by the previous ,‘ T um y question whether I Would be able pose. So I wonder what his personal byâ€"law [especially Northdale). 3, responses to support you in a future election If reamed and developed with agenda really is. That's in addition to Clay and Glass , This country faces many issues. condominiums geared to the And by the way. i think that pro costs, keeping the property tax at a 1 What’s in a Question? Finding solutions will require hard young professional, these neigh- roguing of parliament should be reasonable level and storm water , Answers work and intelligent decision mak- bourhoods would once again outlawed. It has no place in a management costs (including the ' r After following this debate for ing, ~ become the home of a vibrant democracy except to sabotage par- clean up of Clair Lake). l the last ten years it seems more i urge you and your fellow MP5 community of permanent resi~ liamentary proceedings when it In Kitchener, they have higher I than appropriate to officially put to get back to world dents. suits the ruling party. debt than they‘ve ever had, soaring l the amalgamation question to the If you don‘t have the courage to It would become a municipal downtown improvement costs. people. stand up to Mr, Harper's arrogance showcase for urban redevelop storm water management (Hie Where is the harm in seeking and unwillingness to listen to the merit and intensiï¬cation. Bernie Gaston clean up of Victoria lake) and extra feedback on this issue from voters? Canadian people, I have faith that It appears to be such a logical Waterloo maintenance costs with their facilâ€" l In the last municipal election only the voting public will assuredly evolution given the demand for ities and museum costs. . l 28 per cent of the community ï¬nd alternate candidates in the housing by the employees of high Another at To my mind. the question of a l bothered to vote. next election who will act for those tech industries already in our try merger should not be considered a 1 A referendum question on who elected them, midst. knowing the need for such Slip in me er priority. 3 "engaging in a dialogue about the housing will continue to grow for talks 11 The question posed is Wrong. . merits of merging the cities" the foreseeable future e pl! C the tinting is wrong and it would i would certainly draw more panici- David Agnew We need our council to be ere we . “Would be wrong to devote valuable staff pation in the democratic process Waterloo proactive in its approach to the [am fmyoucil time to pursuing this matter. How and may ï¬nally put the issue to future redevelopment of this Supp? in . D I on much time have they already spent zed or give the new council a man- strategic opportunity. the "1mm . mthehgclgtias of on amalgamation studios wifli the t t th d'al . aging ' ’ ’ “ !' aweï¬ulfé'éneofhé’flima Council should Mfewm’dmmwmw p“?lï¬n§“n§'u§$rf§llҤo$° referendum question on merging demonstrate a new Hilda Mason . Tlus ls What a small group Of cities. feel so strong about the with Pickering in the 2000 election, influential people requested from merit of discussing amalgamation they learned that 71 per cent were ViSion for troubled WWW muggyugï¬slggvlflrégo strong the SOlUï¬OH is a simple one. Put ‘ pfvtéonsed and 29 per cent were in neighbourhood ’ but did not presen t any signed illicit;I support “then forthcoming Good information to have? I n the last few years the Northdale 190k at What 3 with†“ppm†me" â€We“ (1503's wimpxifchfnz: m think so. Ineighbourhood has become a behind Harper's g;w€:get:se:: 3:2 $131: $325 They do not need permission to _ ‘emP‘WY. “0m†ff†3 may "m?" prorogation who have not shown any interest “0 50} , Catherine Fife stem population ofï¬rstyearunrversi- . l th b' f It is obvtous to me. and proba< tystudents whose interestsb'eebe- or e 5†pect 0 a merger to bl to the man others who follow Waterloo Ferrite beneï¬t ofthosewho sup councillors. pillitics that whenever there are WI . . ponandlorthosewhodomt Yetbothcouncilsagreedtogo ‘ . .. End the torogue, C . Jul: fguigeï¬iizhiuid be ls (meme wayoranotherabmrt ahead with the request, although problgtsloon tiling? ahteï¬porl‘n; et bac to work tying , . theproroguingofourfedetalpad‘n- inWaterloo they did want some "in“. , . g . ve e g sophisticated urban Village, El . . . . . public 5 attention or slip some- designed to meet the needs of the "m“ vomuge {MM in your %?$néi$¥§&?cgï¬?$ thing through whtl' e their attention Mr. Braid. I wanted to let you ï¬felsesi‘sgigl 511385: 0125305153323] dictionary for the deï¬nition of the and Coun. Angela Vieth of Water- 5 diverted elsewhere. know that I strongly disapprove of p er healthier ht} le ' words pmroguing and anarchism. loo voted against putting the ques- ane Minister Harper's decision green ‘ . . ' . . Now doesn't what you just read tion on the ballot outright â€"â€" good to . People whomshtolivewithin i WM promgue Parliament. . dist of their employ- send even a small shiver down for them. _ _ _ _ Ill l m £3?an 1 doinfjfblfgftï¬ra hr; m. mentlgtheir anc E tion. their emerâ€" ymierapilrlie? has [cannot think this question is ‘ - tainment, their ï¬tness and their .' arper abwlutdy no on important one at m5 particular "f . in}? a...†‘*“5~’Vnif*.f that you were the strongest candi~ lib . plausible reason for suspending time of recession and high unem- Â¥,,,f y, . a" j < Q“ a»? . a date m gut nd'ms- , ‘mm‘mes' people | W parliament other than to hide or ployment. . .: g g. a r ‘- . g"; a? - -.. _ My (1151110 507 M1 Harper 5 we to and S“! rt 3 bustlingmarea camouflage some issues from the Nor should it be considered a j, i ‘ n aw “a . 31 Views was the reason 1 voted Liber- . . ppo . 3 public. priority of the Mn Cities. both of "I t i . , i " al although I have som , that IS adjacent to a lively Uptown . . , . t; A . ., , . . , . etimes Waterloo two ma‘or universities To me this is, at the very least, a whom are dealing with more ;, if .. » .‘ . ‘ voted Conservative in the past. walkin trails and when th are bit scary. pressing p roblems. A . Tim ' l lowever. given your recent - g ' » ell While proroguin parliament is In Waterloo we’re dealing with a ~'L . - . - built, shops cafes, boutiques and . . g . . , . ~ , support for at least lack of dis- ‘ technically legal in the present high debt rate. strain on infrastruc- Have LASIK Now. Take Until 2015 to Pay! M 1 LASER VISION connecnon Fif‘ï¬ï¬â€˜ffâ€"ï¬fâ€" stoning at . Take 5 Years it“ ‘ g. . V1 , â€"-â€"v ' o s 4 90 Lat to Pay! , /eye‘ 20] 5 fl . Dr Omar Hakim Dr Nimesh Deso' . ~_ .~ ~ , - .~ - .- w- 4 W rs» .. r a . o m . ._ , .»~ .. no. ,. v... , , {a ' .'* t , a - ~=~ ~ . , e are Q ' ~ "5... u M. s4 K f. in“ . fly 1‘" .,~ t‘ "to We 1, 4‘ a“ 5. 4.331? ‘7'â€" ‘-.- , W," e "‘ M '7".,."3"-"'.'i'-f ~‘ f . ;‘.-'it in by 31,0 3435 gym-$45“; T?†ACCOI’d’ y l'lf'“ 1 A. of, "- v a ï¬t.“ A " ref :»"1"',;“'~"? t. {an 253» ~ †" J†»~ fags if? .n,,,.a... a. ,., as? . ' " e «a. :- a Mm. 4523?- ‘fiï¬orzy -.’:~"~" "$38†. t “3 ’ “3 1 ' ff " ‘ i is immune rs; ~ , » :« "i'“»‘£‘#..'=â€f’»zm firming: lax ‘ ‘ a s. g w an at: ' -' “if “5 fl" ' ' ‘ " 7 ' ‘ ‘* " l >~:‘;- i.,»lv '."‘t“; ':‘ 1;.‘ l