, , , , , ‘ 20~\5‘Afl:flll)() CflRONICLE'Wx-dnesdny. January I]. 2010 7 )â€" 1 A 7 _ A R“ Oder†India ,WWWMW_ ~~~â€"~ : \l’llli'IS J M_ ~ ~â€"~â€"~«â€"v~â€"â€"â€"*~â€"’â€"â€"’â€"/ o ' u o a a , a . ammo use Skmner adds nght attitude to Slskms dressmg room 0/0 By GREG MMZDONMD ' i. " the Cyclones battled to tie it up. ‘ 11mm“? 8141/7)“ ...__.... - . 1 t . 3 ‘ but the Siskins were able to hold OFF ‘ .5 ’ ' f? V. V V ; ' Listowel at bay. . he Winning just keepson mm- ‘ ' "‘ , ‘\ _ _ Situations like that are only 1 Buy 1 buffet, ingfor the Waterloo Stskirtszmd ’ 'M an,†m» - a ’i :11 ‘ ' as; going to become more common as ‘i the team‘s captain is enjoying '_ . .. i L you, ‘ the stseason gets closer. Skinner . get 2nd 1 5 % off meme. .\ . 4» «new» ~ V .A 53de ‘ Mustbe presented sum of purchase The Walt‘flUU “lurid Stored “W :‘ ‘ ‘ k n ’1 “You have to come to battle. the : Cannonbeusadm gmtunmon with anyotber victories at home last weekend. \ , , ' ‘ ‘ ’i'x' games are just going to get more ’ â€mum†9" "“an “(M‘mr extending a siwieek winning . 4 , . intense." . a t on v lid wh \ . . i WGermmgL whitest?! :2: m walk to ISgames. 31"? . Head coach Dean DeSilva is I Exprreslan 27/2010 The Siskins took down the _ .. It hoping that message rings through [ Hours of Operation: Guelph Hurricanes 5.2 on Friday ' â€A: _ f". the locker room. Though the { Allweelr '13,".pr before holding on for a tight 4»3 ',§. \‘ g t , ' Siskins came away with two wins t Buffet Lunch every day11'30am-2130wn, win over the Listowel Cyclones .. as; ‘ on the weekend, the coach wasn‘t r Dinner Mm,m‘;m9m Sunday. 1 100 per cent pleased with his ' Sat & Sun 3309th “I've never been on a streak this The Siskins Eric Lekun tries to corral a loose puck in front of the Listowel team's performance TalieDutopen allweek Ham-Hm long with any team." said Siskins net on Sunday. “The last couple of games have . _ captain Ben Skinner. “â€3 “Cm†â€0'0 been sloppy," DeSilva said. “The 4344 Klng St. 5- Kitchener The coaching staff has praised For the captain, actions speak Siskins at the beginning of this good thing is that the guys have (519) 650.4424 Skinner for his leadership in the louder than words. year. been ï¬nding ways to win." modernind'ia (a dressing room and pointed to him “The biggest thing that I try to And he's happy to be back. He's hoping some practices will ' ' as a key to the team's success, do is lead by example,†he said. “I “We’re having a great time," he help tighten things up and DeSilva try to bring my game up every said. said that in the end. he can't argue night and hopefully guys will {01- But he cautioned against get- with the results. Will your business succession Russ Mfum- CFlelCD‘A low." ting too excited about the winning “It's obviously better that we’re 7 I“ K While many of the players streak. The games are getting winning,†he said. "But it also plan be a success. 2;“on haven't had the experience that tougher and a playoff atmosphere makes it easier to make those A â€mung Gum†w “Sm mp Wm em†Skinner has had in the league, the is starting to creep in to each can tweaks than if we had just lost two rha‘ everyone it. vealed «all i lran he]: mm the WWW†"1 1“ . s locker room is very professional, test. or three in arow, Our conï¬dence is a ream ’ he said. That was especrally true in Sun- still up.†cw us to ï¬nd out how The Planmcan new you i". â€These guys don't need a 'rah- day’s close contest with the The Siskins took on the Kitch< Inseam“ and overtime “a rah' type of captain," he said. Cyclones. Listowel pulled within ener Dutchmen last night and Will ’ “Everyone plays to Mn." one goal with a minuteâ€"andeahalf head to Stratford Friday night. 113% Skinner left the team halfway to go. putting a lot of pressure on Guelph will cap offa busy week .gWESTOTS through last season to join the the Siskins inthe waning seconds, for the Siskins when they come , .. , map Kitchener Rangers and play with The puck was in the Waterloo back home Sunday for a 1:30 pm. “film â€mm†" " ‘â€â€˜ ‘ ' â€M MOM-Wm"- his brother Jeff. He returned to the zone for the entire ï¬nal minute as start at the Sun Life Arena. oAtleastthpeople oHalfofflIoselnhnspitaiwlth 4|:an magnum. mm havebeatmderflyearsold. mm, othSpeoplehospltaflzed oMorepeoplehavebeensidtM mmmmmedupin ' yearfrutndteflummparedtothe Wanna/«Mm pastsmiseasom 13*- ' your». â€an. as» g :‘ rt 7,; ‘ .. < may!“ one: 1 _ g g g _ g r . g ._ F. W; -7__~__ ,, Only you can make the decision to get the HlNl flu shot. Shots are available ‘ O u (a t e S 0t at health care provider ofï¬ces, workplace clinics and many other locations. 0 Visit: ontario.ta/flu I P». i so . ~ I ix nta no l l W, . .A,....,,,. 7,,ï¬i _._______________.__________â€"_â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"_