7W7 7 ,7 7 7 7 7 7 , 7 i mum "in: 1mm j ' . \C B I ‘3‘ ‘~ 5 18 6 . sewage; 3 I s“ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2010 0 WATERLOO, ONTARIO * $1 INCLUDING GST it" i l ' ' WT i CrlthS ~ Backlash t . . . t a rgue Cl“ 7 .r a l g! 0W8 over ' , stiflin "' Tones g . fl , de . ’ . prorogumg . 0 11011 a _ are, parliament ‘ t (3-0 ' 1 it ‘ i debate .,. » Wimp Pm ~ By BOBVIIBANMI ‘ . Waterloo Chmm‘rle (TltmnicleSmfl ._ - . t - _â€"â€"'â€"“_ â€" a)», ere‘s a growing back» I th the water fluori» lash against Prime ! dation plebiscite set , ~ ' - a Minister Stephen for the October 2010 ' , z . : 25% ‘ a, Harper's shutdown of par municipal election you'dthink ' (L ‘ - , ' .k k ‘ liament. which was the City ofWaterloo would ask " " Z a." announced last Week while both opponents and support- at. ' i ‘ F ‘ many people were on holi- ersofthepracticetoopentheir ' , 1' . A“ M day. mouthswide f“. I: 2 M _ " ’ " A Facehook site called But a move to equate the ' . ' “Q ‘" 573 L , $*' ‘ ‘- Canadians Against Prorogu- yes and no sides to election , I; .‘ .» ,7 ‘ y . , ‘ , ,, ing Parliament had 20,000 campaigners under the - y ’ 1 ; g; («5 ' gfl z" ‘ members on Monday, but ' Municipal Elections Act. V ' ‘ ‘ï¬, :3 . 1 f». A 3th Qâ€"p‘ . . had grown to more than passed in December. has sti» 1 ~ , ’ ‘ .~ a; “ H; .. ' ’ r; a“, ' _ e 7 «In 30,000 by noon yesterday. fled some ofthe debate. crit- '1‘, g ' ‘ -. ' †. -' “in, by». , Demonstrations are being its charge. 4’ ‘ *5; ,. ‘ ‘ a»?! â€I ‘ :, ,7 x“... planned for Ian 23 in cities Instead of promoting ., i". {J ’ . . m ‘ ° ' .. . ‘ , ' across the country â€" the open forums, as the city . " N u 4 ’4ny ; v ‘ Saturday before MP3 were promised. it will now be up ‘ - ' V, ‘ ' . t ¢ _" scheduled to return to the to impartial citizens groups . V _ 0 ,’ £- ' " House ofCommons. 'ke the former members of ‘ . . ‘ . ,- , ‘_ . The site also encourages 1 Voter Support Commit g ’ ‘ \ I“ : ' constituean to write to their t to host the debate, 2 A ' 1’ ‘ ' v , - , 1‘ MP and urge them to refuse It's not right that citizens ’ t t y-‘ ‘ r M prorogan‘on and convene in can't speak and have a say in - V i J 4 the House on lan. 25‘ this, and that they'll be muz» "' . Â¥ 0* " The prorogation shut lied after April,†said (bun Q g ‘ _ ' , down all committees and Angela Vieth, an opponent \ ‘ ' \ , ‘ left 27 pieces of legislation of water fluoridation ,3 " ‘ i ‘ '3 to die on the order paper I l (J. ~ J ‘ . Condnuedonpages \ \> . v- Continudonpoge7 ~ _ i , _ , ~ ‘ " J . I i ' ’ . ‘9 7'4“" 7 -, , g.â€" ' p .a _ . i .t 'f I.†g a .‘ . a â€-3 , ‘ FIRST15lb ‘ ’ “ ' ., '7'“ ~ ‘ S. Q if; k“ .‘S‘ -7 “ ‘44 ‘ I ‘ l 7 FREE ~ . w i Getting a push t m Resuns Guaran‘BEU Ct it up? Wolfe, 7, gets a hand going down the snow<overed hm at Columbia Lake from big brother Maxwell, 10, last i «Q/ ‘ wen They were lust some of the kids enioying the" holiday break by enioymg some outdoor activrty _on the University is 1 ' oi ‘t'v‘aterloo's north campus ‘ . i ‘ l i 777 _ 7777777. 7 7 , 77 7,, , , , 777, 7 7 77 , 77,) ’ Drive more. Suck less. i . . i ‘ The 2010 Audi A3 TDI clean diesel -‘v 7' - ‘ iï¬ï¬â€˜s . * ' » - ~ ,, ,.- . @CROSBY m m. . ‘1 w . A u n I \ v 1175 Weber St. E., Kitchener - 519-894â€"9300 Audi . www.crosbyaudi.com i