.111111' 11111111111M111 -‘1\11i111s11,1.111111111111 .11,‘1111‘1-1 \V V/ (.1) . ~ '- ANDY WAT-on [1‘ I 7 ~1- -- ' - : “ LA.zs-umlnnI1-1 u 1' 1 519.579.4110 C I l ‘ I i W 1 l ' , a; _ fl .1 y k '1 ._ ,1 . > â€a ,, 7 __,,, _:J 1 . 1, __ ' ~ ~ 1â€"1 Answering the hen a Mayor Halloran looks back on year of challenges and change for City ofWaterloo - Bi BUBVRH-\NA( l" ‘7’" H ’ ‘WiZZ " idâ€™ï¬ "V â€ff, . LIAM ‘ .111'11111nging 111111 11111111 1s 11 1111; â€1:111:11 V1411" l \ 1 . ‘ s111ll 1111111\1‘1111'1*1111111111) .11111 ‘ lillslllt‘s\('s .111‘1-11111111g 111111.1sk111g1n[111-1.1111111111111‘ 111111'1'11‘s11k1'1111‘11-.11111-1s11.11.1- Si1yn‘11111g111lhrn1*\\ skiung rink ‘ , 111-1'11 1111111\11 111 111111111 .11111 1111*\ .111' 1111111-111111111 s11u.111n.\l.1_\‘11r i still 1.111111g11111111.‘ s.1111 ll.11|111.111 1111111111ll.1lloi‘.111s.1ldnii1re good ‘- ‘ k l' 5. " 111111 r1'1entl\ 1‘1-1111111'11 1111111 I 11111.1 111-11s should 1111111“ so11n.1l1out the ' to 11111111 s1111I1' 1111111ls 1.11111 111.11 11111 111.1111111111'1111-1 1111111111111111-11ar1ot * q _ geonlng 1'11111111111 "What is 11 111111'1t1 . . _ going to look 11111- 111 \\.1t1‘r|1111 11111 look111g11.11k11111111'11.1s1\1'111. -‘ ‘ toten11*.11str111nn11111' ll.1ll111.1n 1111111111111'11g1'11 1111111* 1111s . ‘ ' 111111111 11pt11n1s111 .111111111111s .11111111111nt1111111s\ s111111111111111g , M ‘ ‘1: > g . ‘ \ ‘ .111*.1‘ 1111*$.'31111||111111111111‘11 1111111 ‘ 3‘5 ‘ ‘ , â€"- \\lnl1-\\'.111*tlo111111*s111\\1*.11111*1 sk.111*1s11s1111:1111'511111111s1111.111-.1s.1 H, ‘1‘: 1 , “ . 111.11 11111111111111 11.111s11111ll. 1| 11.1s 11.1111111111111111.1.1111111111111111 .y ‘ helped this p.1si 11311 111 stimulus 111111111 1111 111111 111111 1'1 11s that V -, , ‘1 ‘ - 1111111111g 111111111111 111 holli 1111* led promised .11111*111111‘s 1111 1111* s1111.111* ' I end and pro11n11.1l go11'1nrnenls 111111111111 11111111111 . J I . ' Heading Into .1111» 1111* 1111 1.111-11.1 111.11111.111g1*1l11111~1111g11111p111 gro111ng 11111111 11111111111 dollar 11111.1 1111 .11 1111111111111111 \olunleers -- structure 111'111‘11 111111 \\on111‘11'11 s11'11111‘1111111111.11s1‘1111111'lli.111 ' ‘ ' 111111 1t\1;1sgo111g1op.1\ loril 5111311111) 1111 1111' 111-11 111111111 sk11l 11111111th11-11e111l.11111pro111111.11 ' 111g1111k1n1111*s1111.111* s.111s1\111g .11 " :. money flowing 111 help stimulate 11x1s1 11111-111 lli11s1‘1111111‘111s \1111 g the economy. Waterloo recent-11 1111111111111 s.1111 1111-1111 1s1111lls111s ’ p almost $1711 11111111111 in funding 1111 s111111111111111111111111111111\111111s ‘ » projects ranging from road r1-p.11rs 11111*11's11111111111.11111g1111‘1111te111'.1 - 1(1li\1ng1herool.1t Muses Springer 11111» 1111 11111 [11111111 «111.1111 .1 r1u1|111 Mayor Brenda Halloran surveys the new skating rink 1n the public square, one of the new developments 1n the 1\1‘1*11.1. 111111111 my 111 the past year Desp1te some 1n1t1a1 criticism she th1nks the square is becoming the c1ty’s gathering place. lhe1‘11_\ contributed $5,028.73] “lie been sent .1 11*111'1 1111111 11 51 1a .1nsu1A1 mm to that Infrastructure program. and l.11g1*1orpor.111on111.11the} 11.1111 to really 1es1st.111t 111 11 111111 111111 tnrlng 1111:. .1 local auto parts com- than a lot of communities because it didn't have to borrow .1 dime 111 support it Ithe 111111-1‘ 11*.1ture1.†said 111111'1‘1' seemg the potential p.111) 1111s1-1l 11s doors after more ofthe local high-tech community. do it. 11.1111111111 “\othat11'111111*111*\11‘1*.1r. “M111 111* lime .1 place to gath than .11)1‘1*.1rs 111 operation throwr “It's a slow recovery," said llallo- "We had that money all put hased on the letter l'11* re1 1‘11‘1‘11, er." 111g more than 130 people out of ram. “\‘t’earen‘t seeingthejobs right aside." said llalloran. "We‘ve really and 1111 looking lorward 111 11. 111.11 gathenng place 11‘.1s on work now." been able to financially stabili/e “11 WI†11111 1111* final touch to it." 111spl.1y llt't‘, 27 when more than 'l‘here are 11111s to he found in the city after all the lustorlcal lhere “as also 11 lot 111 contro- 1.3110 people swamped the square ‘HHV Change has the high t1*1h 11111111111111ty, \s1th 1‘\ents111the past." \ersy surrounding the Waterloo to get 11 better look at the Olympic ' companies like ()pen l‘e\t l he extra funding has also Hell also knou as the Bell lor torch as 11 passed through Water- [0 grail": [171d the announcmg a major new exparr helped position Waterloo for the kepler [11211111111111 discourse over 11111, 1111* uptown parkade 111 ross publicsquare is 710 sion that 11111111 add 801) new future. said the mayor. while what is [11111111 art peaked on Aug. the way was an ideal viewing spot _ . employees 111 Waterloo. but they addressing the 1110.11 and potaroes 1’1 when local poet Marcus (1reen to see the Olympic torch proces P-XCeIJTION. People at require a specific skill set and the of local politics like fixing 11p 1111 ered the hell 111 chalk drawings. sion pass by and demonstrated the ï¬rst Iver-e really challenge is matching people up neighbourhood streets like llalloran admits that she potential of that area of the . . . with the jobs that are available, Pinewood Place. thought the hell was going to he uptown core. reszstant [0 It (17161 "011’ said llalloran. “We had 11 1.5 per cent tax “shinier†than it presently 1s. and While the year ended 111 (1'11“ they're seeing the " I he) have very specific increase this year and posted a has heard the criticism of the hration. it staned out with gloomy . ., requirements." said llalloran. "So surplus," said llalloran. “'Ihat‘s a â€rust1 hell," But she said the sym- predictions as Waterloo wasn't POtennal- they average person isn‘t going to good spot to be in while we see holism 111 the hell as it calls people immune to what some were calling W Brenda "were" be able to walk into a high»tech other communities really strug~ to gather Will cause people to the worst economic downturn 111avorr‘m»ofmup,/m lob. gling. reassess 1t, and the public space s1nce theGreat Depression. ' ‘ "That's a frustration to me, that " We're not facing layoffs and that 11 marks, as it continues to 1111*(IityofWaterloo's manufac- we just can't take people who have aren't looking at any senice reduo gain acceptance. turing sector continued to be hat- The local unemployment rate lost jobs now and put them in lions while we were able to build “Any change has to grow, and tered in the last year, the latest hovered at 10 per cent for much of those positions. up our reserves†the public square is no exception.†casualty coming at the end of the year, but llalloran said that “Historically you could â€" you said Halloran "People at ï¬rst were October when Maxtech Manufac- Waterloo was cushioned more could transfer skills ~ but things Gondnuedonpoeeï¬ 1 ‘ fl “ "a. Benjamin.\ll11\\ 1111 1 111111 09(911111111111 sp;11‘1'.’ A 1 Moore A ‘ 7 \ â€" ‘ _ a - u _ , .. «<11..- "“"“" 4‘ * HEERS . 1 4- 1 , I... 1 1 . ,1 _ a ; I. ‘5‘ 1 883 King 51100111 .Wattx'lur) :2 1 i..- /1 ‘ no "gutigv 1‘ / g ¢ â€/ V V , ‘ V. s .4â€" I / Wen 8 LB We“). ‘ P: aw n 1111!,w*.1:1;1.';rz111111 1.11m . // _.