Kl - i\ \Ji Hi i N it “RUN“ II - inn My. [Ni I‘Hiln‘l ‘i 3in TH E CITY 0 F .. Waterloo For more i/IVUHI‘dllUN pteaw i llfl'JLI 5. ’ City of “faterloo 1;..2‘. 100 Regina St South I Waterloo Ontario N2) 4A8 f P 519 886 i550 _,V r 5i9 747 8760 TTY I 866 786 3941 www.waterloo.ca I at ‘ it ‘ ""'**; .- if. a. g .1: PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990 , ' W ' an 1 . » “ . . t A ,4 :2: NOTICE OF THE PASSING or: ‘ ‘ ' ' - â€a “4 ‘ ZONING BY-LAW BY THE .1 ‘ A: ' ‘ $4 ._ a x 3 COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION «.1 it ,~ “s 5" ’ 2‘ i ‘ £15 ‘5‘ ‘ ‘ ,. .' a , ï¬- - i, \a 3 OF THE CITY OF WATERLOO i ,ggwgi a â€â€˜7" . ' TAKE NOTICE that the ('orporanon ofthe ('ity utWaterloo i , ;' J . -_v passed ByJ aw No IN»()‘ on the Nth day ot' December. 200‘), "’3 ' ‘ under Section 34 ofthe Planning Act. R S (J. IWU If '\ \ AND TAKE N()'I‘I(‘l-I that any person or agency may appeal to I?" ‘ the Ontario Municipal Board in respect olthe by Ii“ s by filing ' «Lt \ I, . ’ WIII'I the (‘lerk ofthe Corporation ot‘the ('ity ofWaterloo not later itâ€, 39's?“ 2 V than the l lth day ofJanuary. 2010. a notice ot‘appeal setting out “1’ 5 , ' " ' the ob ection to the by -Ia\~ and the reasons in xu port of the a .. _ ’ J . P ‘ ‘ ' j - A: OhJCL‘llOn. accompanied by a fee of $125 01!. made payable to the ,, -. ._ a“ ’f .. Minister of I‘inance, as prescribed under the Ontario Municipal ' ‘ ‘ y- ‘ ‘ Board Act It‘you “ISII to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board ‘ ’ a copy of an appeal form is available from the Ontario Municipal Board website at wwwombgm on,ca . k ‘ AN EXPLANATION ofthe purpose and effect ofthe bylaw i ' , describing the lands to which the by-la“ applies lN attached The i ' complete by-lzm is axailable for inspection in my office during / regular otfice hours !’ y DATED at the (‘ity of Waterloo this 13nd day of December. 3009 17v Susan Great!“ V . . (‘ity Clerk i ' '7 «a» , 1?: NOTE: Only indmduals. corporations and public bodies may appeal a Zoning By-Ia“ to the ()ntano Municipal Board. A Notice oprpeaI may not be filed by an unincorporated associaâ€" tion or group. However. a Notice oprpeaI may be filed in the ~ name of an indi\ idual who is a member ofthe association or the r ’ group ' EXPLANATORY NOTE _ _ '3 Application tn Conjunction: N A ‘ Bylaw No 094 SR amends Bylaws Nos, IIOX and NH, being / 9 Zoning [By-laws controlling land use deVeIopment u ithin the ('it) a, , ofM'aterloo, The purpose ofthe by-Iaw is to adopt general J : amt ndments to the Zoning By-Iaws in order to provide clarity ' reg; rding the interpretation ofpermitted uses in certain zones; correct conflicting regulations and transcription errors, Items / addressed in this group of general amendments include. i - \llowmg a fence to be pemiitted Within the Daylight Triangle; BE PART OF "*4 i ' Allowing certain architectural features to project into certain aâ€: reqUired yards; OLYMPIC HISTORY ' - Allowing certain architectural features to be added to the proâ€" m JCCIIOI‘I list; TORCH RELAY ,7 a _‘ a"? ' Addition ofnursi/ng homes as a permuted uses \chin the Mul~ Waterloo, ON RELAISF‘tFLAMME "5‘. [It 4‘. tiple Restdential Zone. and Dec 27 2009 5.30 PM vancouver 20w :1 “333‘ - Adding definition ofa Farm . , . e ,7 , at» ' ‘W ‘ " If you require further information or have any questions Waterloo PUI'JIIC Square please contact the City of Waterloo Planning Department at ‘ Canatï¬ 519-747-8522 t Louise Finlay. (FT ___ V8nCOUV€R2010.COIII/TORCHRELBY . VBI'ICOUVERZOIOICOI'TI/R9L8ISD€LBFL3mme Planning Assistant no Development Services City of Waterioo