H \l i til i it it “HUN“ Li- - “mini-stray Uri t‘llllx‘l J Jon‘s - 5 City ofW t l l h f a1 h for new CAO HYBoiiVliMMr: llalloran said she has a i. i - (it of Editionton in the new we will be followmg a well set out process W 77 ,, (hf/rm [if \{fli . few qualities she's looking for we re IOOkUIg year In the interim Chief We want to make sure we now continue with In the next iandidate (Ihiet for a good Financial Ofï¬cer Hob Maviri this good history." twill be the first time titet‘ityolMateduihinz among them is their ability to ‘ - wtll assume the role t‘ï¬etllk‘t‘ lhe mayor was referring to the resigria a new (At) without the cloud tileM Park work with the iriayor and (OIIUTIHIUCUIOT Dec. 15. (tort of former (IAU lorii \tockte arid the hanging over it or with problems With counctl. thO can curly lhe search committee tailed start to Bob Robertson's term With the pmspective lure's mmnilum vitae mining titto "We're looking tor some I - h f n hopes to i orit'lude the city. But under llarbrother. the office finally question. one I cart call at the drop Ufa I 11,183 I roug 1- screening of interested appli- enjoyed some stability And Mayor lirenda llalloran said it‘s an hat and they‘ll answer the , Mayor mend, Mailman cunts by the end of January, ‘ Halloran‘said that larbrotherhas been an opportunity to hiid someone who shares the call.’ said llalloran. “it s 0,, â€WU,“ (HUwrrh and start intervtewmg for the influential (A0 for the (.rty ofWaterloo and vision oi the Waterloo they want to butld. somebody who's Wllh me ' position through to April. The has overseen some important developments while having the tools to deal with the (had shoulder-to shoulder as we work together goal is to have a new CAD in place by the including the westside YMt‘A/Library projr lenges that come With getting there. and has a very open. trusting relationship. spring. ect. The new (LAO will be responsible for The city lormally launched its (AU search “It's someone who will be quite amenable “I've already had quite a few people con» implementing changes to the city as it con- last week. which included a national Job to a lot of the things I want to bring to this tact me and express their interest in this tinues to grow up and not Just out to its borr search with ads in the Globe and Mail and City. because I have a lot of ideas and I‘m position." said Halloran. â€But we‘re not rush ders, Workopolis as well as other relevant munict~ looking for somebody with those same ing into it â€" we will be dotng our due dilir “There's a lot intensification and develop- pal websites. lnteriial city candidates. as well dreams and visions. We are always looking gence. merit coming forward." said Halloran "We as external candidates, will be identiï¬ed by a for ways to improve the quality of life for our "There's some history to this process. and want them to have that focus as well." hiring committee made up of the mayor. a citizens, member of council and the city's chief of “We're also looking for a good communi- I human resources, Rob Deyman. They will cator who can carry things through." R\\ receive support from Kitchenerbased (Iurrent (1A0 Simon Farbrother Will be - - \ human resources consultant Susan Denier with the city until Dec, 18 before moving on f ' T ) - Tl , ter in his new position as city manager with the L ’)I L), f ll.\ 0 o - 1‘ Third conï¬rmeddeathdue to HlNl fluv1rus \ H mm 1.. tritium. /,1 Region ofWaterloo Public Health officials chronic medical conditions also require two \ 1/1: I have conï¬rmed the third local death attrib< half‘dosage shots. ~“M,-'“' uted to HlNl. For now, healthy children from three to He was a 50-year-old man with underly- nine years old require one half-dose. (Ihilâ€" \ .- ing medical conditions. dren over nine years require one full dose. I ‘ .. . ‘ , Flu clinics for the HlNl vaccination are Clinics are: \ l l \, l ‘; . l continuing this week. Public health would Thursday. December 3 â€" St. David I I I / . [ ' i like to remind parents and guardians of the Catholic Secondary School, 2 pm, â€" 8 pm. i i . ./ / vaccine requirements for children. Monday. December 7 â€" Resurrection ' Children from six months to three years Secondary School, 2 pm. â€"8 pm, ' of age require two half-doses of the vaccine. If you have questions about your child's I \ with a minimum of 2l days between shots, dosing requirements, consult your doctor or y Children three to nine years old who have call the information line at 519~883-2289. I 1 \ i l A TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HIGH DEFINITION ) , t .A/ Tech Talk . , r -__ . . * . \ i ‘ - A C by 5mg Mam“ Gumâ€, Sound & â€3,0,, Comiort Plus tiltlirates their ' - High definition is here in full force! HI) than» crs an: fairly inetpenswc now A B|u~ray player ls . . ‘ ncls on TV, Blu- ray rentals in the video store' Is a great gift idea for (‘hrisimas' Elgih thinlWl‘Sfll'y ' it lust enough to buy an HDTV“ Do we need spc~ What about cables" Do I have to spend oodles cral cables or add-tins to take full adyanrage of ofcash on cables" Well. maybe ' \' . . ~ ' this rims technology" The best way to connect tin HDTV h with In th‘" "L“ l0(flll0n 0†We know that TV companies tiller HI) pro» HDMI HDMl is a connection that tillers perfect . . . gramming. but not cwry show is ayailahlc in HI), picture and sound in one cable It also makes Bridgeport Rd. \“lth 40 (his â€I plus that show may not be dences easier to use There ‘ . on when you are home are wry inexpensnc HDMI ‘ ' . . ' inter the P\ R Rogers and cables aiailablc. but they are IanaStK 5"“ In? throughUUt the Bell offer a deuce called a . a flimsy and can break easily ilCl'\tttiJl Video Recorder It . 3’ ' 3.! ‘ Sometimes they can men Siore...plu5, \()U can allows you to record 2 damage the T\ A better ‘ shows at once and play 4 cable is lifetime warranted them hack when you wish \ W \ and most likely will not . - . y . . You will new" miss another . \ break. Also, HDMI is a com- WI N( Y r j show' At (iihson‘s. we sell ' putcr based format They are l ' J A - . . the Rogers PVR‘s and K k k ‘ always adding and upgrading - . ll . l l i/ v‘ t l would be hapm to explain " features for use on the same ' ' 'y ’ ii 1 how it can help you They _,â€"- ‘ cable Some cables offer it t r l l,‘ ‘1 are also on sale until ( hrist- warranty against compatibilt- , l I ' v . y mas. so hurry in’ ' ty failure and will replace the l " ' l ’ ‘ ' What about moyies" (an we rent an HI) cable for free Pg ‘l I. . mime" Yes you can HI) movies arc aiailahlc on We will gnc you the truth about cables and , I 1 I I40l h a new format known as Blii~Ray You need a Bluv help you find the right one for your needs We I ,, I In“ J c ance ray player to play a Hlu-ray mm is The nice thing can also help you to find the right combination of I; ' about [flu-ray players is that they do .i great Job of dcyiccs to accesson7e your new HDTV, with Blu- 4 playing l)\'[)'s. ( Us and a hosl or other disc Ray players. P\'R's. sound systems and the like (“It lull tit‘l.lll\ in skin: based formats You WI†not have to replace your ('omc in and us†us to learn how you can take music collection and you get HI)‘ Bluvray play- full adyanlage of High Definition technological Quaï¬tvï¬rmimre...i§}bnfa5[e prices! ! ! /._‘.\ \ . / ' \â€"\\\ i t i T I 7 - . t r ( umfurr 1/11: . ii'y is» Wtilt‘thO \‘ it limit to -. \iiiiii-~r~ ,, .- i ., vâ€" . â€" cg Xx I sauna 5‘9 N“ 8030 \ " CED“ , .. , ‘ & I’m ‘1 - . ‘ .. i m ,3 SINCE 1355 www (lll)‘s()li‘»v (tom