Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Dec 2009, p. 9

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WM “(Ill t t'HllONIClJi ' Wednesday. “a ember J. it!” ' ' ~ â€"’*_"’*â€"‘â€" '* ’ ' ”;'_â€"_‘â€"*j I l ttl lt-Rs to THE CHRONICLE * I Frltterlng away , A , c Nothing funny i.i.Ill‘gl‘l‘f.9555533??? 33113225?” Glad to get a bleak i valuable time in t - about cartoon wliiclt carries work hv (lanadiait from Waterloo’s I I on CCGGIS thbleS artists from toast to coast and. iii a fluoridated water th 1 I newspaper siirvev in All”. lot al titi e C assroom s.i loiig time volunteer with ilie “II“ “III-(“Id II ‘“ my” I‘IIIILII I“. “I" vat a sigh ol‘reliel to read I A anadiati ( llav is t .Iass ( ..tllen,l “It," “IIIIIII III" “IKIIIII . thlnll getting a break to tilt heard a ioke a while batk that went like this. \prt iltssor Ls giving I sits shtxktd disgusted and l II‘IiIIItlI‘II‘I\l‘ IIIII I I‘IIII‘III II‘" IIII . itigestinglltionde. Ia let titre as hundreds ol sttiderits tap avvav on their portable tiistilted Irv the cartoon tltat appeared “II“ I It ‘IIIIIII‘I ‘IIIII It‘IIuIII pm“ People need to educate thettt . toitiptiiers except one Instead ol lx‘ltlgllltnkllt‘tl over a laptop. i in the November 13th issiieol lhe (IIIIII III II‘IIUINIIIW “MIR "In“ IIIII selves on the ellects til fluoridation he's plavirig Nilllillrl‘ with a deck til cards on ltis desk. [he professor I chronicle I ”I “I I'I’IIIL'IIIIII ‘III‘I II‘I’ been “I” in otir bodies. stops the lecture and tells. “What are vou doing?” llie student ‘ I have been asstit rated with the \I\I.CIIIIII IIIIIIMI “INTI? \(_II.IIIII _ I lheti and only then would thev shrugs and replies"Mv' laptop is broketi I' (lallerv sirice it opened in I‘M} arid I‘I‘I‘I‘I‘I IN" “up court I“ YO“ ‘I’II'II‘I, have a valid opinion on the trite . i‘vt tlte tiitte, I didn't lIlIII_\‘ get the toke Iltit I do now ”its past I I have witnessed tlte challenges it II” III IIIII‘IIII “(1m fl II” fIIIIhI‘III“ ellects til putting fluoride into our week I was an irtvited guest speaker iii a( otiirniiiticatitiri Stud has laced over the vears and the III“ “I“ done by III“ IV“ SIIIIIIIIIIII bodies. res course called, “Image, Sound, IextI at Wilfrid Iaiirier Uni ' ‘ bv the( hildrens Museum arid . . .. - . i progress it has made as it has grown III] .- , k l . _ "I , _' Where is the Waterloo Irttelli versity With sortie tittie to spare belore rnv scheduled vtsit, I ittro the prestigious gallerv it is III NW“ III n m NI‘ II I “Ill“ “x gente‘e‘ wartdered down the hallway arid decided to sit iii on a geogrii '. todav. were granted. Brushing voiir teetlt wtll preveitt I pity lecture on the effects ol climate change oti tourism. I II‘I\ art architectural and cultural IS II "(I IIIII“I1I‘II ”I“ IIIIIIIIII'I IIIIII cavities. ‘ hitting iii the back row of the fill-seat let (tire hall hrottgltt jewel iii the labrit olIthe cit)". And IIIIIIII IIIg‘IIIM‘IIImI “W” “I“ III“ There is soritethirig not quite back ritetiiories of my first vear as a student at Wlll, IS years tlte services it tillers to local resi» same rotite In I“ quest II" [he IIII‘IIII right abotit being forced to ingest a ago, But ntttclt has changed. I'he tttost ohviotis for me was itot dents. visitors lrotii other areas of III‘II “IMP“ that II 5“ IIIII’IIIIIII-II harmful "chemical." tiist the presence of a portable cotnputer With Internet access ‘ (liniida arid international visitors, “IIIIIIIQI’I And Is "III" interesting It sltotild be a personal choice. ll at everv student‘s desk. but the serious distraction it poses to include exhibitions bv world IIIIII ”I“ ”KIM.“ lrom art “IS“IIIIIIIII voti wotild like to make fluoridation botli users and fellow classmates when the privilege is so blaâ€" . I . that is actuallv located iii the ( AW of ' , - _ - I . , I ________. ' renowned artists who are olten in W' , l I . ~ _]. I] ,1 I} II : part ol your diet. but fluortdedrops, taiitlv misused. I attendance at e\hibit openings, , ‘IIII (“I “I? L “I u “II I" l If or perhaps you cotild line tip lor Iii my astonishment, almost every I \ ) » education programs lIrirchildren IfIsICIIII {C‘Ilmm "I II"! lorm “I tour somethat the cit_v may provide : student vs as playing Solitaire. I A I\I\\I I-\I I t and adults alike, and special events I‘IIIII‘IIII’ I iittttiersed in Sttdokti. entailing, \RI I\ arid lectures that enhance the artis- . browsing the Internet, or looking at i tic knowledge til the cut/ens ol tlte Barbara Y?a’“"”‘ Sum “8118“ I social networking sites like IIaceI)ook. I” I area and bevond IIIIIIIFIII” Hutt'rlmi I Anything but taking ttotes. from what I . i r 7. ”7â€"7 W 77 if”; W, W? h â€"â€"â€"7â€"~'â€"7â€"- . â€"u~~ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"râ€"v~â€"â€"â€"â€"-~â€"â€" â€"uâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 7â€"4â€"3 I I could tell. All I coitld think was. I I I? I I ' "\\'hat are these students (IlilllinIII and 5 z I i . . . “Why is this even allowed iii a tittiverâ€" I k f,“ i II I t I aca ent waiting tO appen Mm “a“... I »- .. a . . t I Iforttinatelv, ttiv experience speak I I \ol that I want to vvish bad things on anvone. but iti\\'estntotttit and I ather I )avid Hatter l)rive. llteti ' t trig itt I)r. ltilia .'\liittroIs ( oiiiriiunicaâ€" I I I there's a gtiv in a blat k Honda somewhere in Isllt hâ€" he vvas gone live or sl\ illegal and iiiisigiialled latte I tioii \tiidies t lass was rust the oppor ‘ I I enerâ€"\\Iaterloo that I reallv believedeserves to wrap ( hanges. at lt'.tsl .§ttkiiit‘h over tltelitiiit and oiiestop I site. as her small group ol students . 1 I hiinsell and his llllIt' t ar around a htdro pole. light later I seemed genuinely engaged in riiv per NIARSHALI No. wait a rniittite \ot a livdrii pole [hat cotild I hope the sell important tat k.iss got vvliere he was I spet rive while looking me straight iii WARD I intotivenierice sotiieonii goiitgoit time Itari only assume people who drive . the eve. and asking questions along I I \nd riot a tree either the tree hasn't 77â€"14..7,_I like that (Ulisltlt'l tlieitisehes, and I I the vsav I came awat horn the class let-ling t‘nrtt lied. thanks to I done itiivthiiig to anvoiie . I , . \\lldlt'\t‘t thev have to do. so mitt It I I l)r “intro and her interactive classroom environment I'erliaps lietould do its all a lavoiir. PI l‘,’,(,l ()l more valuable than .iri\otieelse I i lvvas reminded that nothing beats a small tlasstootn. like I and drop litstai into it big sinkhole where BOURKE Otherwise. lies just stupid. Mid I I the one I visited where It) people totild interact and discuss ‘ there is no possiliilitv oi it rest tie. so ue while I rev ogiii/e stupid istlie delaiilt I I ideas rather than sit amongst hundreds ol classmates I don’t have to tie up tint valuable time 1 tr 1 setting on sortie people. I would prelet I I slumped over a laptop honing their Solitaire skills . people to believe heIs rust an arrogant Jerk t \l_\' cont hisiori \s laiirierIs student poptilatioii steadtlv .\itd I dont \\illll liiiti logo t|iiickI\. I , v, I wasn't surprised tosee someone I I int teases â€"â€" with enrolment almost doubling lroitt 7,911 to want him to stiller v ‘ K like that. but there tvasoiie tliingthat I iteitrlv I’i.(|l)() sitit e Jot)“, actorditig to the Nov 33 edition til I I \II tIiesedaik thoughts t tilttt‘ about it” caught rnea bit oll guard. I lhe ( ord ‘\\l llIs student publication It” toitvinced the alter a rttiitk tripilovvii\\estiiiotiiit lload ‘ “RI; . ~ . Iltiiiestlv. there were titties. when I I I sheer number ol distrat titiiis lat trig students ttt large class through both kirclit-rier and \\itterloo the “h Iar' ’ was a lot votiiigei. when I drove like tltat . I rooiris todav ititist be staggering other rlav I too l)onIt weall think were invincible It I David I). ("ole. a professor at the Georgetown llriiversitv I I [here I was. ltttillttgtllttllkltll some ”st behind the tvheel til atat the first Ievv law (Ientre. has barred sttideiits lront using laptops iti ltis I t thing in the area ol the speed limit tI a .‘ l years" I classroom In a JIMH issue ofthe oitlirte rnaga/ine. Inside Iligli I dont ilaim sairitliood Yes, I go over the . I IIIN‘I] I grit what I believed was the er Ill, be was quoted: “Allowing students act ess to the Internet limit. not a lot. tiist a but Ispotted this I BRIAN nurnberone saletv device ol all time. I is like putting several magazines. a telephone and a television tottbov roaring tip behind me and then BOURKE A girllrierid. I monitor at each student's seat and inviting him or her to time I swingingover to the right hand lane trio Once I had a girl iii the t at. and I out and brovv se. talk or watch IT anv1itne their itiitid starts tti I signal, ol coiirst-i belore stttiee/iiig Iiitn knew we were special to each other. wander." I sell irt between me and the Ikitt lit-tier lr.insit bits inst roaringartittrid and beatirtgstoplights and caret-rung I agree whtileheartedlv with (Iole, aritl applaud ltrs (omit . ahead on the right from laneto Ianeno longer seemed so important ‘ iron While I recognile that distratted sttirlertts are nothing ‘ Ile giitined it. swung l).tt k and lorth iiito both What was irttportatit was getting wherever tve new. and there will always be a ratio of those who choose to be lattes to get arotitid the trall'it and their screamed to a were going together, alive and in one piece t\ppair intellet ttiallv I;i7_v. I see great value iii blockitig littertiet access I I stop .tt\\‘esinioiiiit and I rli Iht- same plat e I pulled entlv this giiv didn't agree with what looked like his in classes so all sttidettts can lot its on note taking. t I iipheside Iiiin girlfriend sittiiigiii the passenger seat beside biiii It" parents coitld see how their stipposetllv ‘aditlr' children I It‘s not tiist Itll‘ is it" I took .i great deal ol pleasure keep it tip tlioiigb and one dav. l mav get to read I are lrittertttg away valuable l Iassiootn time. I imagine they'd iii kiiowntgwe were both in the same spot at the tour iiaiiieoii the radio lust make surevoti oiilv liiirt be it“ lined to wnhdr‘dw ttiitioti patmeiirs or whatever other . . same titrte I le hadriIt gained an int It lit all his stiipid vottrsell assistance they’re supplying. I . driving "' I '\lt(l that's no toke I [but didiiIt last Iorig Not surprisingly, he tore HrrurrHorukurtmernbt'rojrlru It)? {A001 I \I t I awav from the light. I iit between two other vehicles. morning crew can he reached Irv t'uirrtlrrr Marshall Ward is u I’IHHI] “TIN tutti tilde/nutrient til/tiniukt't . . swung into the other latte. and then ran the red light lilmrlrk’MflLtmI/rrt cont Ignirul it" rte/come u! mun/tit” “with“ Itorniutl com. I t.‘Il.Il|IItI-'i' ti, “no“,wt.,.i,,t»,.tit l',lil ”it I ”it. â€"'~.--»»~--~-~I-Iâ€"»-~-~I-â€"'~ ._ ... “Ii-

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