mi t idol 1 t.mioNit u- - mum-sad» Nilirtilln‘l :~, gum - F 0 Ground broken on west-Side YMCA NOW 0mm 0 “instruction ut the new west ,N;;-:d§-ï¬ 7, ‘ side Stork I'atltll) \'M(.;\ and John “fwd h E 7“ M Harper litstiiti I ibrar) is E , v I$:"‘?‘f ' Cora at the ShOpS underway alter a groundbreaking ' ' ' in the Water'oo Town Square terernony last I-riday tbesrde yam mart) In 2006. the t‘ity oi Waterloo ‘ A - 4, , ._ together With the Waterloo Public u, _ ‘ library, the Kitchener Waterloo i r " T "" i i ' (519) 886'8878 YMCA and the Unitersity oi Water â€ILL . l i ll! _; , ' 1 k ’ I (g 51] Monday to Saturday 6 arm to 3 p m. loo came together to develop the " ‘ c _. ~"" I " " at, lrnlrfut and Lunch Sunday 7 am. to 3 pm. proposal that would see this new i ‘ "' la " . , , gfjfjw-g ‘ ' library and recreation tat Iltl)‘ ~- ( at. v ' “my“ â€nip, 7,1 V“. in ' developed oii uniterstty lands on ‘ i ~ 5â€" l.) _, divs-lg». 5}th f _, ,- at "- ALTH WELLNE ,., i i . ., t i Ame , ,., or, ‘ Ioday we are telebiating the r A i: “r; - A'F'if‘an is“ IYLIII\()I unconwntioital collahora ’ 1:5“.IA;:: 2 5, i ' é" ’ ' tioii and innovation" said Water “ ' " ' 5“ ' loo May or Brenda Ilalloran "By An artist's rEDresentation of the new west-Side YMCA and Library compllmentarv workShop working together mm tin-mm, " With Dr. Bryan Lawrence, 0.0. the library and the university ‘ .t_ we‘ve been able to develop a plan ning track. would allow continued gronth tor Q ‘ Pressure Points are Areas OI tor a Iat’lIIIV that tat exceeds what About Stii‘l million is coming IIW All"! Stored SIIESS on a Nerve Pathway any one ofotir organi/atlons could lroni the federal gas tax fund "We're delighted that we haw ' have offered our R‘\I(I('I1I\ II “uric " I he gas tax fund provides been able to partner with the ( it) ‘ ~ . ingin isolation ittllttlt‘lpitlltit'\ mill the resources once again to bring tremendotn YOU WI†Learn HOW IO FIJI! 8‘ m the Pressure POlnIS For‘ "lite west side and our entire the) need tti pursue Itingrtt‘rni new community facilities to - Neck Pain - Nervous/Irritable community “I“ be betterâ€"served goals," says MI’ Peter Braid. “ [he fruition." said IIW president I);i\‘id . . . through this collaboration. It not federal government Is proud to Iohnstoni “ lhis side of the city has Headaches Fatigue/Poor Energy only enables the creation of this support this important community grown very rapidly the last decade - LOW Back Pain - Allergies & Sinus facility, but it will see IIIlI\‘t‘r\ll)‘ project, anti to work together with and has been LIIIdL‘I'ASCI'VIL‘t‘tI in . I . _ , lands serviced to support their local partners to deliver positive terms of recreation infrastructure. nsomn'a ' Numbness 8‘ Tlnglmg futuregrowth." results" which will now become a reult- . Mood Changes (Arms & Legs) the total cost of this project is the key components of the t_\‘ through otir unique collaborar 531804218, “the city is coiitribtitâ€" project include a district library, a lion." Learn new gentler liï¬xnglgï¬ngyihbgiï¬gï¬qe improved health tug $24,Hlil.tilih‘. the total cost for YMCA recreation facility. the I'he YMCA will include a four- - the building itselfis $22,337,218t opportunity to develop 23 acres of latte lap pool with swirl pool and When: December 2nd. Pamcrpants are 89091110 bring a (ifthis. the library is tundraising sports fields across the west cam» recreational pool attached. a fit» Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm non~perishable IOOG item YO be $530,000. while the YMt A has pus of UW on Westmotint Road, ness area. a group ï¬tness studio. Where: 30 Dupont St. 5†0003130 to the local F000 Bank. committed $8 million plus an and the servicing of 87 acres of the mttlti-ptirpose exercise space a Suite 204, Waterloo www.drblawrence.com additional $237,169 for the run? â€W's northwest cam ins that gymnasium and an indoortrack. ~ l ' CALL 519-746-6022 - SPACE IS LIMITED ‘ g r 00 M0" VI Region of Waterl TODAY, KNOWLEDGE IS E . I U B LI c N 0 I I c E ‘ This FREE EVENT Could Mean the Difference \ Between SIrllggling & Prospefing mghI Now Public meetings are scheduled to gather public input on the 2010 Regional Budget, Several Some OI the worlg'srhrichesl mic hhavgogtine tantrum _ critical public policy issues are being addressed during this budget process. The final public afï¬rming“; (ta/wee" â€x e' “9 ' C '° mg IIIDUi meeting WI†be new on: Because they had what's really valuable . . '(/,;' ' Q WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2009 what YOU really need right now (/j ‘ /) 61m p‘m. Its FINANCIAL NTELIIG NCE! ‘ I?†â€6/ "mm 000mm“ mam-"mama, “ 1,09 150 FREDERICK STREET, 2ND FLOOR. KITCHENER ‘ ‘ ' The real estate market in Canada today is in A if you are interested In Regional servrces you may Wish to attend, much better shape than some areas oi the g . v United States I ave strategies and ~ Final budget approval for user rates (water and wastewater) is scheduled for Wednesday. Kimmie; the, wow m be “My,“ - December 9. 2009 at 7:00 p m, and final budget approval for all other Regional services is In loci; LOIErbUleZlg real isms p both f/ scheduled forWednesdayr January 13, 2010 at 7:00 pm. mgmygm {my A °° ‘ // Notice of these meetings is being given in accordance with the Municipal Act as amended and I'm “my", m My, 00de Edna,“ "we“ / the Region‘s notice policy. to hold a ï¬zEEvhve workshop that shows you i v . . , how to apply my methods of amassing money Please wsrt our websne (wwwiregion.waterlooion.ca) for more information on the Regional m today's economy Budget or pick up a budget package at the Council 8 Administrative Services Office. 150 Frederick Street, 2nd Floor Kitchener To speak to a Finance Department staff person on o the budget please call Peter Holiing at (519) 5754745 FREE learn To Be Rid! Workshop You are welcome to attend any of the scheduled budget meetings or the Council meetings, For Based on the Book it nothings at World Famous Author nail.†Russel†a copy of the budget schedule please visit our website. You will only be allowed to register as a delegation at the public input meeting on December 9, 2009. Please call the Council 8. COM 70 TH! M/mflfl A!“ ON m I, 2 0. 3 Administrative Services Officer (519) 575-4420 to register to speak. If you require accessible semces to partrcrpate in these meetings, please contact Councu 8. Administrative Semces by on m- 1'800'808'0668 Thursday, December 3rd. 2009. M MM Kris Fletcher hem a I!!! (no. minor new: mum . Mumbleh‘MMIn-uwwm Regional Clerk “you" n- on. «aim» In“: a.“ "a... RICH (4 DAD. All comments and information received from indivtduals‘ stakeholder groups and agenctes regarding this â€mm" armed are being collected to 358481 the Region of Waterloo in making a docvswn Under the trunk/palm. SHARE THE WEALTH' BRING ALONG A FRIEND OR A FAMILY MEMBER' personal information such as name, address, telephone number. and property location that may be ‘ included in a submissm becomes part of the public record Questions regarding the collection of this “mm mrï¬gwmsmazmzaw m .,.,., m inlormation should be rotated to ttie Council 8. Administrabve Services office ° â€ï¬‚u“ W “in“ mm