WM Hil In) LMWNKLLI: - Wednesday, Noiriiibci 50.0021 ' 33 THE CITY OF water loo For more information, please contact City of Waterloo l00 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N21 4A8 P 519â€"886â€"1550 F 519~747-8760 TTY 1-865-786-3941 wwvv.waterloo.ca FORMAL PUBLIC MEET.“ onto the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for 1 , “ l j . ’ ' l 2 . consideration. The Regional Municipality of Waterâ€" Y I f - . v _\ CONCERN "6 A on "G loo will either approve the proposed draft Plan of “m“ M ’ BY-LAW AMENDMENT Subdivision or refuse it. , 1; A , : AND DRAFT PLAN OF if you wish to be notiï¬ed of the decision of the 1 / fl SUBD'V'SION Regional Municipality of Waterloo in respect to the ¢1;,’,57 /' , ' . . . 4 ‘ l TAKE NOTICE: that the (‘ounCil of The Corporation of 2:23:35: 12.1212 aséiï¬'1li'a'l‘i'eioxe2lzï¬arake \\ 1 5 the (‘ity oi'“aicrloo “Ill hold a Formal Public Meeting Clerk and Mr. Rob Home, Commissioner of mm 1511â€"*,\ / on Monday. lkcember N, 2009. no earlier than ning, Housing and Community Services, Regional {Mmug}. -/' 7/ 6:30pm. inlthe ( oupc‘ilt hamhers. Sidyfyioorl Waterloo Municipality of Waterloo, 150 Frederick Street, \t:r\§ Alf/1m" 1 , /} fi'zri:::f:.iia“.;“fp'sz its: mm m om «A ~\ \_ , mm (I t ‘ g' L" . . . . . x‘T; . , , By-law pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act and A decision °f the Council °f the Regional M‘fnk" , \' M ‘(MA- ""‘"°““" W’ a dratt plan ot‘subdivision pursuant to Section 5] of the polity of Waterloo may be appealed by making a "1“: , 7 Planning A“ written request to Ms. Kris Fletcher, Regional Clerk, )_ \/\ , /'\‘ ‘ j/[J Zoning By-Iaw Amendment “8-04 and Draft Plan 150 ï¬g‘kusmnmhgzrzw N2†60:1: if , Qnï¬gï¬f , Nag A 4, fSubdivision SOT-08401 pe . p . y . . ( an i263“; “x. ‘ _ l‘y.e\_ x':_\; 0 . decision of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo , signalsggï¬gï¬a " 7.“ , , CV ,,’ 700 and 705 Woolwieh S! N and (W0 other properties in respect to the proposed draft â€an of SuMivi. , %%\§11l§§lr“ï¬: ll }\ ,' With “0 assigned municipal address . sion does not make oral submissions at the public ~"‘ ‘"“““““" I â€" , ‘ City of Waterloo - Northeast Ward meeting. if one if held, or make written SUbFMS- ' _ 3 _ - A ‘ THE applicant is proposing to amend the zoning on the “of", to the “mortal Municipality of “(am v .~â€"- nag; property from Agriculture ‘A‘ to Semiâ€"Detached ‘SD’, be ore the W draft Planof Subdivision is _ ‘ . Single Residence One ‘SR-l ’ Multiple Residence - approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board submrssions at a DUN“ meeting, °' make written “Medium Density - Three ‘MRâ€"4/‘MD-3 ‘, Industrial may dismiss the appeal. â€Missions t° the Corporation °f the CRY °' One - o “ll-6", Convenience Commercial . 4 ‘CC-4‘, if a person or public body does not make oral sub- Wmdoo before the Irv-law is Passed. the person , Green Two CT and Green One ‘Gl ‘ in order to permit "$550“ at a PM!"it meeting Of make Wm" Wh- °' public body may Mb“ added as a party to the , a diafl plan ofsubdiwsion which is proposed to contain "$5507†to the Corporation of the CRY of “doc MW of an appeal More the Ontario Municipal ‘ a mix ofresidential units (single detached and multiple M07! the by-law is passed. â€it 9950“ Of FUN“ h“, unless. in the opinion of the Board. there are residential), two parks, a convenience commercial body is not MM 00 appeal the “5550" Of Mable grounds b do so. bloek, open space blacks and an employment area Council to the Ontario Municipal Board. In addi- Susan Greatrix block. tion, if a person or public body does not make oral City Clerk, City of Waterloo FOR further information regarding the above mat- ter, please contact the City of Waterloo Develop- ment Services, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 7, ° Waterloo, Ontario, by calling (519) 747-8583 or by A CPUHCIHOP email at trevochawkinsOwaterloo.ca. A copy of the staff report will be available December 4, 2009. , AN.G 5 LA VI ETH Trevor Hawkins, Development Services A inwtes you to the and/or 3 The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Planning, , n q A H ' v ‘ r \ v _ x f! 3 Housing and Community Services, Vs“? *" ’ A l A in t ’ ' “A ,; . ¢ * 1:2; 150 Frederick Street. Kitchener or by calling A 1 A 5 ' 57544†Saturday, December 5, 2009 l ,A Shilling “D- "50659†Planner "3:00 am. to l2:00 noon ANY person may attend the Public Meeting and/or .-~ ' make a written or verbal representation either in TV I support of, or in opposition to the proposed Zon- ALCBES; ZCCORM'CK COMMUN' " ing By-law Amendment and/or the proposed Draft E R _ _ Plan of Subdivision. if you wish to make a presen- 500 Parkside Drive,Waterloo tation to Council or would like more information . . _ , _ . about the mating, we,†contact: I inVite you to 10m me at 10:00 a.m. for the unveiling of no“ Clemens, (my, ofï¬ce the Albert McCormick plaque in the main foyer. Telephone: Sis-7473549 Following the unveiling, please join me in the Beaupre 2: 5119'7‘1'223“ â€00 (a , Room for my open house and refreshments. A â€in" “mm“ °' "W “mum" â€W“ “0 For further information contact Linda at' 519-747-8788 , . . , . “ed with me my CM W '° a" â€M" m“ n l or by email: linda.vandenakker@waterloo.ca '"9' ‘ ’ â€"" www. waterloo. ca/council The Council of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo will be fomarding its recommendation