ï¬ll" til|l(ll\illl 'ii ‘ i . int wt Documentary ï¬lmmaker says there’s still time to help polar ice caps tontiiiuedlroinpageI?! llll‘lil\ dillllllll llll‘\\1lll(l llii‘»t'lllil(lt’lll llltlllllllt‘ li‘illlilltl;tlililliilllltlliitiilllilllsll.|\.1illliill\ While lllt'li‘ is \lllll111[it‘ll1.tl be. ;'3‘“.’=‘ 312! r 3 __> it s not till ilooiii a elooiit at the lltlllitllt ol hel lslti Illltll llhlll illiltlt‘tlJllIilHt‘ soitielhiiig 1.111 he ilotie thete tile v ,n u V"- "f 2 ‘ fl; “Jw‘ij‘ï¬ï¬n ’ l l to AU†. . ‘51' 4355“; v lllt' maul (im- llllll ' that is \ llilll ‘Ill ' lot the ‘l oi the litst lllllt‘ some its illsi own in those nho are tiliemlx i iii-stimuli» - ' ‘ ' in “If"? 37» a" is l-v s l i, JV 1 â€my 9 , lilt\lll\l‘l\[lltll llll‘llllll‘ 111 tlieo/ottetsiiitti N?“ 11s stopped growing“ saiil lens ‘\i1 ll ainilitiie mil tome out or ‘ ‘ f . 99“ “fev- 1ill\ shtiokitig i'ititst pied“ It’ll ll would take )tl years to (Ulll‘llllilgl‘ll lens said his llIin is “i? _s,_:_ 1:1": i“ lens stoil the tillllllllllllt‘lll that “merit sl1t|i “toning its titlllillh happened to halt .1(iillltliilllllll ,; 43; 9 “(it y,†g "in": r " M“ ' Liar .’ . ti 1 , viii†. : J I ’ “‘ I ' ‘ v 2 “j, 1 f f ‘ (â€N ® Hvununr m ADVANTAGE * “ A “S ficx’tAfi’U‘gi a, 4 5‘15’5-5‘H‘ -"’~'.'".':' m “at. ..-¢-~â€". ‘ OWER PRICES t“ t)""""'"="“sE -. - it, , ~ «r - m i A in A _ . . ( < . .. :3:‘~;-x1 53 A ;. a v» 46 v - a meme 35:13???“ ., L. _ a, “i ii?:§,â€",‘L‘.x“ -~' A “ , , if“; ;;;“,§ “ â€"..:_~ _06 of r‘wéd wow-maâ€" «is; - as» . A“ w ' ' W'm‘“ â€"'_ ll ; 33,5. 17 g a 3 5‘- {sexual (rm/1m the' Artftarzcticta Challtehnge fo‘téhd outt 7 s 1 ' m ‘_5_~:*;g‘%4;:; aoneo eperisosoomgtn ewor smos e e ., w», ,. » 3, m s 7. m %,._.mi 5!" 1 1355 3 x g "_ inhospitable climate is getting trapped by sea ice 1 ) 3 ',:na 3':5,;;:s§§§,3< tiï¬M‘WV‘Hl â€Muâ€"Ml-â€"â€" ' it“ Jvâ€"rnï¬llm ‘ fi'f,-§'â€:; .â€" ~ _ £1533 i ï¬fty}. He remains optimistie that tittions taken l1\ world 53,1 _ 3 3,11; 115; governments (at) stem the tide olglohal warming 2009 Sum I. 55 “L; i; 3:1?“ 5" {5 112 “l sat in the ï¬lm that it doesn't matter how insurâ€" " “I -r- â€if ‘ “535 33,3 mountable the environmental crisis may seem, we Wm“ $11,995 H! mm it Li 351 i -" " § 1 3; have proven in the past that Wllll .1 global, united ellort 2133 5. ya i a > min-or - EL 5; 3h! 1 A 33 that we ran solve any challenge e\ eti the Antaretiea “when." §f§§§ 5; $3 9 £5 thallenge.â€said lerryc A . 224/13; 2“ ‘ E; lii‘kets tor the screening are Sit), Waterloos :\lter- 2009 11,030! I. 33 $53 §§i; 3; natives Journal is presenting the ï¬lm For tnore on the __ ï¬rglJi-ig. Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warning, visit WWW†- m 5 = i Q“; 3 ; n â€"‘ fl; mmtheantareticaehallengetom. m 517,995 -- 05h"â€" 55 we?“ m r and 11 m m... 5§5§§§§§555§§ Guys Do sco es taggiéai‘gji 1 al 3231333354; toB uev eNov.25-28 mmnzna ‘ T Sgéiggffiéiig‘ unmmn-nnu -_ " a; 33§§§§€gp M 321995 - mm x in}: ’ "m." a 6'- 2§§s§3§3i’:§§ 3553423551; _. "i I h \ . u . *'**’\†¥ - , «c, §¥,!R 2,1 W integers; 9 \ iii: “i"35 ‘ mmmmwmwmmsmmm 355; iiiigis: , f? ' a}! £5.5‘2'xigg“ ' » " 4 95: e i sivi‘_.§§i.‘-;A-v§ , ZOlOMTLm j ':’ ;?_»;E~ , ' alumn- gfkgigtaéï¬â€˜ai a ' m - m g ;1 1“ 1 ‘xi m $l|94"|.3.""" ‘omwn sizing Ker-â€3? ’ nil-nu an i heâ€; i â€Wmm“mtmm ggfgszï¬e‘éifl; l 4“ “WM†3§§ 5 i g i; is ;: Bluevaie's production of Guys and Dolls held dress 35†g Q i g “I? fvs‘f rehearsals at the Waterloo school last Saturday ‘ g 13 a .’-"5 3 no. new». wow 201OBMIMI|IML a . ,. I “3‘91:§5,;i ‘ ‘ - I‘ r“ , A 1 \ gig; § 5 g I“; i f 25 Bluevale's musical production of buys and Dolls n m , \ it}; 53 553; ff; takes the stage Nov. 25 to Nov, 28 m m...-. ' = ~ .>‘* 52551553 -_ 17; Rehearsals are now done as more than 50 east and “u†_ 1.1 f; 2 i i f 1: lat? crew prepare to make this their most memorable pro mT‘ 3.755 â€" my.“ Mu i 555 lg; g i g ‘ is} duction yet “mm“â€â€œm‘mn ’ ‘ 2! r: q 5‘ Li: at The school invites the community to come and Gswm ‘ if; 3' 5 is; 32 » experienee the exciting tale of a elianee encounter set W ’ ’ ' ' a " ' " f‘* â€w 77, ’ {if l s 7". ? _:§ in the rebellious 1950's of New York (Zit‘v. where two own-â€" 1 Y: { f'i‘ {- “ people worlds apan. ï¬nd true love _ M w . a 3 , ~ , , ‘ CW "118357 UP TO mm mom ms gas; 3 i g °~ 3»: â€its comm tale of morality is set to a hot tau score, c 0 Int! in. n v mmmnmtmmmmmm 3:31:3th 4:1 and ï¬lled With memorable songs and ra/or sharp (lid “l'§i§“3fi‘~l logue. . H 3 > Visa iotrmreOemAirCommrtment Malawi!) erHyundaidoaler ‘ 5 ï¬g? ~‘ 3 e- 5 Curtain time for all four shows is 7110 m. 55‘ i - i ., v p g; a l 3 i 3 ;_' 3 Iiekets are $12 in advance. $15 at the door. Atlx‘ant'e §iiig * ‘1 ‘ ‘ 1 tickets can he iirehased hv cotttaetin Dale Scott at v a b 5; 1 . P . is miiAli- {55 g 3 ï¬g 5 f lg SIS-685»4620,ext11153. ' HY n g h" . . m ® U D I 5,3 3! l 3 3 U i = Tactus presents Gabriel’s Greeting .. l' | Ii ' ii ' ~ N , t . » < ill“: hi if g lactus Vocal [ansemhle mth guest instrumentalists "if f 51 ~ E] {3 (ireensleavesi presents Gabriel's (ireetingt Music for Vb" your bed or“ Hyundai om“ : 4-3: 5 ’ gift 55 Advent in Honour of the \"ir in Marv. No» 214 at the TERI “I‘m“ E5 “75 (Wu; ha I Hi i hn's Kim rn>cE§ h I, ‘m‘,‘ i i " C' o1.o -i a r too. " WA 00 r a? ‘3 i‘ S i a F ’ ï¬ghts are $20 for adults†Sill for students l’ickets Mir-M WWW COMM it? f'g.’§§§ ‘. i , e u Alpm- Rd 625 D-vonport Rd 1902 Eagle St. N 9 $5: ; r J _ ‘ . are available at the door. Kitchonor1519â€"742»Mw Wanton 519 886â€"2625 ammo“ 51976505000 t 153,33,“ f For more information (all 519 885 9167 or visit me malaria-woman mochlucterhyundltcn www umbndpahyundmcc {£3 5 s 55] i: l a, tuwocalensemhlerom.