Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Nov 2009, p. 35

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Y WAi “(too mammal: - Wednesday. November 18.1009 - as ..,‘,,c "fly/L “A; r“% my”; a.» . if. v~ ,. ‘ 1 I £5: 5551; “it“??? "V'" i“; ‘ gr; T"; , "5". . '." : l“ “A g g E 2 IE 9 m . if: . » am = slgis‘litlsllg 7:~- was» - . ' “F -â€"7"‘~i“f”='f ‘ " ‘ ‘ S E ° ’ ‘ lce dancers look ;-j g- gt «fat a 4.32553: . ll if“ §§5,§§g§ 3â€"9? i’f s f . we: r ; a; .- 13" * g .. . I for local support gagg- ' .; M Elli? 3; 352; 5: ~ 1 s - , a. a» s ' s a E 55 (ontlnuedfiompageZfi $41“, . J; . . fluff figs“- gifilggggfiggflflg “There is always great energy »j’§3.Wv-"f.=~ffza~fi . ~ , '- fisfifaffw2 » E‘S? Q 5 ”it from the crowd when we're in (Ana _; ék "51775; .. _ ' - x {Ast- fiQ 1; 745313? E! 1°§§ ‘ 3 5: da." he said. “Being in my home- ,j5s§13¢" “fi‘g'i‘fi 1? "3'1t‘t‘f‘r;;‘t§f:“;gj:»‘ g g“? Eégggg; town will only mean more of that. . ( fag]??? , ,» » , his" 3551 j a fish; < a z , “svewexcmng- , YEAR-END EVENT ggtpflfiggfiggigiljl r It's also a chance for Pole and T3“- , I L '. " he Ea; iiisfigs . _ . . , > . gm; 3 5912333133; 3} 35; _ , THIS SEASON, WE’RE MAKING iT EASY To GET IN glssgggggslgg ‘ ' I . grammes. AND DRIVE THE BEST VEHICLES WE’VE EVER BUILT. if; {Egg-E 5 "All the people who have sup ................,...................-.........................................................-...-4 “nun...“ Es 5‘ £13555 ported us throughout our career 3 ‘ 5 ggggfis, finally get to see us in a competr % $ $ : gg‘lgg 555! 5 lion," he said “It ml] be great to be : highly; Egi ‘ in front of family and friends." m PLUS ii! Fé1§,§3“gi i The energy Pole described . l“ gggss {figlii » increases” With every competition in PURCHASE DOWN DUE AT ; MONTH 5352 iiEES Eggs “ FINANCING‘ PAYMENT DENVER“ : PAYMENT fiégfts§§5r3~g very amicable and amiable," she (P1000 MONTHS ”mannNuDNadmflda-mfitd‘v'wu §§§E ge§!§§g§ ‘ Said. .......n.............................-........... ...............”u”...-......................-.- . Ag 5 6 § . As for Olympic qualifying, the A gggiggéggsggfi pair is excited and confident, They " g m. w.“ E 5 s g believe the competition is wide N ”mamas“ gggggflgzgifi l open and hoping their hard work EE§§§§£53E§§§ ' pays off. i m. cu.“ M _ . a i 5 “We're further ahead that we fim . ,. I, ~.‘ u“ , “Eggggggsgggigk thought we'd he." Weaver said. ,, ‘ flattefifl'fi‘“? "' . E 355-5 ”' Haj . "We‘re pretty much all set for the ‘ t, i , " 1 " 11 a: 7 - A ‘ 1“ Egg Eéifiéé 55; qualifiers and we Inst have to keep ‘_ u ; u. I» ~ " - _ V .;< 3 Q ~ . , f?”- , ‘ 5 i ‘ ’ working hard.” 1» " A“ V 3 l“ “13" ‘ ‘” " i a "k 55 l}; g 553? £5? ’ "I think our chances our very ' . < x"}&, ,. 5! Q§Eg§§3§§§ strong? Pole added. ' if": i' ' "W3- .{, . a S ' E E 53 l'.Vt'n if the Olympic dream does- "’ “fin”; ‘ 2 010 F0 R D FCC U S S E fig 2“ 1555}; n't pan out thistime around. the at“ gs ggsiizgg 5 duo is still young and Weaver figures ‘ i A ‘ I _\ Si §5 ! 2 eg 2 g; there's a long road beyond the one $ 0 0/0 E b “i gggigség headingto\"ancouver. J . m gglfggr Egg“? 5; "I‘m confident we have a great K. w dainuwofl _,,~,;..‘.,‘.t.,, E25 §§§§s§§§s future ahead of us," she said. "We've " l ., _ ,. {f so DOWN PAYMENT. gg E 533 '~ 5:2 got a lot ofyouth Iel't." F ’ Z» 3 ' so FIRST MONTH'S PAYMENT. E} if? 5: 55 3? ES .. w}, awe; «a. ‘LfistQEQ-s'nn'utq'AT j 3 Egaég; . ORGET EH! Fig“? Waterloo minor if; %m §§§5§g~§§§§§§g . - gs .. E; 5 “jag”; hockey reVIew Q‘ \~ . 1 §l§§§§5§§§§§§ - c_Iv‘M,-.',‘_ > ~ i: E z} ”_<;. NoviceWolveseamsplltdeclslon \ “géggggggiég'é The Waterloo novice Ml) lce i§§5§ 2 £5 aééi i Wolves split last weekend's contests. g‘ g E§§§ 3.5 $3 is l'he Ice Wolves were edged in a ; 2g EES 55 g fiSEE close battle by their Inna-city rivals ‘ CE“ "ION m ”i 5 r; E the Mountain Wolves 3-0 Saturday “4g Is NO mama m W 5555555 E Egg? The team bounced back on Sunday l , fl" mum EH 5 I, as gig; heating St.(‘atherines 3â€"0. Lucas ‘ _ Eggigggéfi w? ' Baieman stood [all in net earning ‘ . " r;â€" . E§§gÂ¥r§§§§§§§ 3 his first shutout of the season, \‘ _ R- W £52 Eégsg g f ("arson Wickie and Will Maxwell ‘ ' . f" “x E g is “f? giff l each notched lllt’ll fifth goals of the _ - '_."- T fi/L”t; “ SE; 5 3 E i E ggigi season. Owen Robertson sealed the l -'n O Q Q .‘é£;iw~ “ £5 g; ~ Eb! ' n? ‘ game With his goal mid way through ‘ w NNLEj‘fi/J Egg? §§S E 525? the third period. Pascal Prior and ‘ " " h J 1525“ i a * .. 2919. E989 55.943? or. 3919. F989 new. 5.5 . gag; 5; it 3 liettler playing a strong game on I . vow; ONqucquo quCHASE OFFER SYNC HANDS-FREE TECHNOLOGY' 1 5- g defence. earned player of the game * Canada’s Best Selling 0 - _ .. ‘ 553; g; a; g 355; honours for the lee Wolves. ‘ \ Compact SUV‘ $189@ 3 99/0 ‘ - ‘ . " . H 1,“ {£553 a w; 555 Pew ' ' A. ..-. , r ' T 5 - The N18};)?$LԤ53T1?)pfizar YOUR ON-THEâ€"ROAD PURCHASE DRICE Twice a "amid” months- . . . , Egg g gggigé géf wolves travelled down Highway 6 l $23 499” wmnommnn'mm . . . . is f gggsiggag 5 this past weekend and skated away , OFFER INCLUDES Fusing AND AIR TAX. - E'gi £5 5 fig . 55 l W“) ‘h’fi’lx’lnls- l OFFER INCLUDES FREIGHI AND AIR TAX. 0 A!!! one ‘ iEEgéfig‘igffl ' lit a hard fought battle with 051557 06 097048 " ' " 1 ' ‘. " is gz‘égggsfg Hamilton the 'l"Wol\=e's defense and 39 m m mm; m Months ' ' l ' ,. , 29 g E a 5255” E as ‘ gnahmdmg W“. ”H. keys [0 a 2 . 1 want You punanSE mecs on LEASE- an mm 2010 rum mu, 1 ”5? 35 xi"; LE victory. Leading the team on the g giggigggglggg scoreboard were Matt Brecht and ii 1 552.5 id “a” “dwarf“ W,“ a W“ and 3" HURRY INTO YOUR ONTARIO FORD STORE To GET m AND DRIVE AWAY YOUR FAVOURITE FORD. “lg 5! '§ 5.5 55 assist each. [he I Wolves followed E? " g, E 5 gig? E“ that tip with a I-l tie against , T":\\ _§§§g§§i 5535; Burlington Kurtis (iray scored the , . K5“- , ‘ Derf‘ one ‘2'!§-!§Ei ”l lone goal. with assists to Adam “M, Eigiggfiiigifii Shelter and Sam Md)uiggan. h” j 5. > 5 “

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