a.thiiitilitlthwmcu-wmnmn mob." gut 2003 E W Weber SI N suits It) Murillo â€OWN NIJ (Ho (is Kim .‘Mtlhit SW Mm writ at“. Nit-ritutlitttlltlr ta 7 fl @ l'i‘tt‘l xx ism l R H HI ism it I ill it no \l I littlt\h‘ll\\\t ‘u ALL I 60 w‘ 6 lllllllRttl 3:» . , ‘ trim ii itâ€trtimittttttttttttl ‘ g l wit- nrttiw‘ltttttrtrit tit . Q 0 O Q . Q Q ttr:\l\tllti\\llt ' Rll’llKlthufl‘ = ( ,‘\!lll.:1lll‘l‘.llkl“l u.ili*ilt-\ llll‘llltrt' til I 7" /" ‘ ‘ maximum, l ’ ,' g ‘ . t“. tit-m \l\lll( i t'\l no 2‘ , ' V Kl l\ll \\|l\\1\\\tll-R ' ‘QVQ , a ‘ Ml‘C‘l‘ »~.ilt'ilt>t-thrt~ilitlt'to k l V‘ . «K : it â€I. I 5‘- ‘ ‘_\ ’ . j, 3g: s\ll\R|l’Rl\l\l\ll\l\ I I V ~\ “whom llt-ailit‘i Ht It “t"! 11} ‘ ‘ 4 v ‘ yo tr \‘ lll‘i-‘ttlllVlrllk‘lltflxllltlllltls'1A \ f l ’\ fl' / ’5- l I ‘1.' -, E ‘ ‘ ‘ ~l. _, I - ml‘ n , \‘tlllll‘l( it \t‘\: 31‘ ’ \klâ€˜ï¬ ' . . / ‘h V > lg li‘ /’ ~ r lit Malt! ‘1\rll\‘lll~| lllHlllt,t' Hi “x , _ .’ .‘ J 7/ l v _ ‘1 . . . r, , . ~ ‘ r ‘ ' I " \%'l K (l$€,$ f {/£ & l ‘ ‘~ I A ‘ ‘ D .9 . . ~ ‘ l 4 V i a†>â€" - t'l \\\|llll) ’ J “ha"! . ‘ \l‘l MN {Wu tiltt t [ \llt)'\ s11; Mo :hlllt‘U Ill ‘ (am-titan l‘tlblitalittiis Mail \ilc» ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . l‘tlhlitrtttttit Agreement Number (IIIRONICLIZ thTOle‘L I C 00 e ay no a a lng “NEH-17’s ll'llt‘illrlliulldi Standard Serial Mini Wh , th I 2 ptln hearing of the __..A,,_Â¥,__,,ï¬_i which goes to l’arkwood lK'l \sw on: um ere S e I) an o delayed opening of ‘ (lllSl Mennonite Home once a \udttcd {Inuktitut â€.301 . , l t l d rt fall the Millen Woods 1 ' '* week to read to the seniors a e pr0\"lnCla governmen re ease i s economr . ‘ . _ . , , ' V i there. He's in Grade Build m e.‘ ic statement revealing that the books in Ontario Pub“? :“h‘m' [in Waterloo, (( )l l J ‘\ I '\ , . , , ,, , , t, « p . t , . . . my mum] reaction was one what a wonderful apt l'lUlU. are in worse shape than any time in history. {di b *li f and dis ointp __ it is for him ~"‘""/ What‘s troubling is that $24.7 billion projection could 0 n: l“ '3 rapp t When our family “r“ W 0 still change and it is already more than double the previ- me r ' . . , t. - ' up? . , . . . fastbndge restdents were i mow-d to Waterloo in 1998. m- tius record deï¬cn of $111 billion set under the Bob Rae , ‘ Fastbrid e ublic school stu- mp “.Ilcrltut t'hmnttip I\ publtmeti 0v ,mmem in the earl , [9905 repeatedly assured the open _ v R P - ‘ ‘ {'tlkll “ednesda‘p ht Metroland g L .V‘ ’ ' . , mg date for the new school 3 anIS were buged to “[18- \1cd“(‘,n‘up[ m ‘ The government Claims these are extraordinary times, ‘ l ‘ beth 7‘ Publ‘ ‘ Sch )1 n ‘ ‘ r - i V, a would be September 2010, l p “33‘" K ~ 0‘ 0 and they were hit With by a unique confluence of events Th h l cation was i l Moore Avenue We'd just â€NTAR") PRESS â€WNC'L that included corporate tax revenues dropping at the e C 958" 0 , ‘ , , ~ , . , . d d h [h moved from a small ttmn lbe Waterltutthrmitlc harm-miter etermine to C In 8 t . y _ same time it was offering bailouts of two of the three . d Id t , ‘t f , of The ()nlanti Prev ( Ountll. Whlkh ‘ t 1. . neighbourhood by board 1 CINDY ‘ an cou no K6] or d LUanCn com laints a ainst mcmr [haloI North American Cd: companies‘ ' ‘ l h l b ' W“ l BF p ’ g , ~ , , trustees. adirect result of the i WATKIN SC 00 near l~ 9“ p her newspapcrx Any complaint We can accept that extraordinary times call for h rd ork of man conâ€" opened in September 2002 l â€â€™0‘" "0‘“- "l’ml‘tm ad‘tms‘mg W extraordinary measures as long as there's a road map as a w y M 7 7 ' ' t Wâ€" 7“ all kid _ h' 1 , walkin to ‘ tunauct should tint be mm m the r . , . cerned folks who came WaterlooWRDSB Committee WC 5 dPP'ii g , _ towhereweregomgintheprovmce. , th 'h' b i'ld'n nd llc“\pap€r Lnresolycd complaints l , . . . . . together to make I! happen for Boundary Study, [ am e s my new u I g a E h h n m n 0 mm p, “ ts a little diquieting to see that the budget proiecp . - h ,p h h l , . tan :3 r ug i n e , , y E f th f , f hild . ï¬ h d fth toget er mt t eteacius. . t e or e sa et) 0 our c ren aware rst an o e many t tlunxll. 2 ( arllon Street. Still: tions have blown past the Sl4-billion deï¬ctt talked about , , - ff d t' g- , “0 Wm r ()N ms in ~ - And the recent groundbreakâ€" factors seriously consrdered Sta an Pare" b -|ng|ng ~ 0mm“- ,1 - » last March, and was no where near the $18 billion that _ _ Canada" on the front lawn It E , 1 Finance Minister Dwight Duncan predicted at the end of mg ceremony on New when It became clear that a p ' Wm loom f h lune Hampshire Street made it all new school was required. was a binlie CElebtll‘dllOll. h econlcnh o t h neuspapcr are t ‘ , - . P . C lL’VE I at is W at protected by cttpynght and may he Are those dollars being put to work? Sure some of that seem promismg. lhe population 39d over ‘ d V,‘ “A“ n W d .4 It, I , . t . - . The reasons for the delay crowding at LBP was increas~ opening a) d A 1 9 00 5 W "M 0' WNW "0" “mm" stimulus funding is apparent on the highways and the . t x y , PS 'II b k da , to e I» .tal u oscx All other n hls are - ‘ were reported in the (.hronlp ing, safety issues were of 1 W1 9 a .V U3 L p '7’ g byways of Waterloo Region , f, h _ "WW1 “M “‘mmm‘i" “5‘ " P†, , cle last week and after hear concern and there were 207 brate the opening 0 anot U Mum, To make my me of m†And there has been some acknowledgement by econ- . . . i b( h 0d r 1100. that 1 ‘ ' ‘ - mg It detailed at a recent plus portables. Parents are. â€â€˜3 Eh “I" 0 M - "lillcrlal you must ï¬rst obtain the omists and others that is has been propping up the eoon- Waterloo Regional District however relieved that chi] number ofus worked so hard rml\.\lt)n or lhe owner old): in _\ om tat atime of at economic u heaval. ‘ . i , , ' . ' I t ' new i-m lunhcr Inl‘tirrnfllltlnkurln y ‘ gre p School Board meeting. it dren ml] continue to attend to set ure for our children. F 7 _ You can also buy the argument that other govern~ _ _ , . lt -†b transitio for mu Bub \rbanat, Editor, Waterloo , . (Kcun‘ed [0 me that perhaps [‘BP In [he interim. WI 0 a _ n (h x ,7†w s N S ments around the world have bought into the need for , . r i th , hildren but also the for- , â€"3" c. - thaw! i . uâ€: massive stimulus spendin including the feds the delay might not be so While the population at RC - .ti win-um Ontario .N_l H8 ~ ‘ ~ 8’ . - . had. It certainly makes more LBP is over 1.000, the Staff ination ofa new school corn But what are the provmmal governments plans to . ‘0 than re arin “w d t . ‘l ) . d , C II t munitv with existing friend ' â€TH“ “RWY address what is becoming a structural deï¬cit. It takes a mo , p P g ‘ a" at upâ€. 0 an ex 9 en sl i g 5t h n *d and 1 ldi~ lztlcn In rite canâ€: mint umlaln the » . . p . , dents in the rewsed bound Job of managing the number » 1 P 5 “mill 9 i ‘ ( . long time to bail out of such a fragile economic pOSlllOl’L , t' l . 't d A ‘l _, r uriters full name. signature. address A d , r , , an; area to attend a new of students. The secretaries iona ODOR trea t? . . t (d ml k m numb“ Adam“ EM n we shouldnt have to wait until next Marchs ‘ . g r r ,- h I , H J t m - - h l d th shin k h [d b' , d connection VH1 resttr r st 00 an en pu g now t i ren y name an telephone numbers are used only for provincial budget [0 ï¬nd out. . _ l) . -†‘ [I , l h , \criï¬calitvn purposes and Wlll not he “we e‘gtï¬v 5“. , a, _ v- a» , u back the date, leaVIng l’VE‘rY’ often the parents also earson W‘ (on "n"- 0 l m..- _.1 ‘ H in. l"h“'171wd‘i3"'; “‘ T . 5 . ,' M .. . . . M , . , , , ., it published Namn writ not he Wllh {p.193 if; i â€â€˜3‘ “x _ Thai? 4W1 one in a posttion of uncer- Ieachers are approachable Pm?9""7‘5 ll“ m“ “hf“ ‘5 Md “f Ms"? W â€.3†m a†“F" taf‘w‘fï¬Ã©wiv 1“ - ‘ ' ' a†'1 .. 3'. tainty once more. and ready to discuss issues Junior kindergarten ‘0 (trade :21";‘E:":’;;I(;;'r;;:"l‘::£rmx " ‘ . ' In the meantime, the stu that may arise, after school 6. all senior students Will he \uhmlltcd m (at to stormmx‘i f" .' ' ° _ dents attending Lester B programs exist and volunteer attend â€l" ' ‘ Mr by email to edilori ‘ 1; Pearson Public SChOOl will opportunities abound. Opening day at Millen “(If“lfllfrhskhfl‘wljltlclta ((irhh) mlul ‘ COHIanO [0 do so until My 50" recently came \‘VOOth Will be a .Very spectal Salmons , as; Mitten Woods mp. As a pomeexppp mom the up day Indeed ~ Just a war mummy “48 member of the Northeast Extreme Reading Group delayed.