“Ali Hi i )1 I (.HRONK If ' Wednesday in tuber .‘d it)!†' Z7 fï¬â€"Vit'k‘l ‘ i \l’tllt I 8 l I 5â€"? wwrerâ€"ï¬ 4 Hawks 100k ; .5, o m , 2‘13â€? mum to kee on s- , . ‘ L o . é _ __ . 5' to in 2» < . Xi ' I if _ U ,3 (bntlnued from page 25 .1- ' It, N ’z ‘ ‘ ' I , a * _ ~ Tires. Bra es. ervrce. t orinat‘k said they re lust trying to v , r ‘ :i I r“ ‘ i .. keep to the plan the toat‘hes are " , {a}, 1‘- ' , , ' "U '21-; ' ‘ Lonilng up With on a weekly basis '_ if; : , ‘ 3‘ l T ese guys ave everyt lng and it‘s worked particularly well the _ l -‘ g 2. , last two weeks against the ()UA's \ Kl >2 ‘ ’ f y d t k best quarterhat'k (.uelph's Justin ‘3“ ' .4 ‘1. we nee O eep our car Hunk and Queen's Branagan. .1. ,1 . ,3; _,... u n a , , mph“... . , 4 in top condition. said (.Ul’lll'de. "lortunately for me a ‘ - . w r. ‘ . t4 " \ i the last tew weeks l‘m havmg some ' ' ' _ . a ' f ‘ ‘ luck in disrupting the passing v ; «nâ€"m ~- “" routes and closing in on the quarr ‘ , , .‘ g ' terhack. ' " ‘ "It all comes down to the funda- mentals for our defensive line Â¥ - . _ we're very adamant about sinking Drlve safer, drlve Never buy another ‘5 double teams in the interior and 6 WI no a chipping and blocking up on the smarter_ set Of Motorcraft â€"9â€â€ I ’e u n d e rs Old Our excluswe Fall Service Package “ F. - ' - i We lttnltlnivtthat Ilf w; takke two I . helps ensure maXimum safety and brake pads or Shoes guys on I 9 our ine ac ers ge maxtmum fuel econom - In there with some speed, cut on IreS! y‘ Wlth our LlFETlME $331? the lanes and makes some v“ s k. "C l I a: Warranty. ‘ , . , . , Oil and filter change, including (.ormatk who was a part of the Rebates available from select . i . . . a TM : ‘ last Hawks team to Win the Vamer manufacturers on qualifying sets 014 Mammal» eng'ne 0†and we" / s “Wk. he“? Includes l (Iup in 2005 said everything is tires, including all season, performance. JTire rotation ZSSlSanZihigsot torn 3: rear brake 1 rounding mm shape for an extend~ Winter and light truck tires, purchased / ‘ ' ‘ ~ ' L b t‘ h ,hr d O ed playoff run. and Installed at particupatmg locations. U â€ca 0" O C as“ “995 6" 0mg J‘PSDeCIlOr‘ of carvers mounts and 1 â€We‘re not as vemran laden as We offer many national brand: JUo to 87 pom inspection nclodiiig s, oer; rotors and hydraulic system ‘ the doom team but we deï¬nitely including Goodyear, Michelin, Dunlop, ‘NSDGCTlOt‘fO' tires and recording tread J Too w of make “to l have some serious speed and some BFG- WM“ and Continent“ :93? 3‘: "f, f: £022â€in "if?“ J: l st‘l’ltlus athletes said the 24-year» L‘ eve 5‘ S 98 g a â€we E0 ‘ a“ pm“? "on Plar in“ â€â€9“ i N . V - . . -_ , , components and battery test molddmg replacement coverage on braxe pads l old And ourofTente is finally Llick~ . re s, f 3‘ t _ 1 ‘ . ‘ _ Dd» 0’7 W â€91 and shoes ‘0' as long as you own ‘ ing Wltll lquarterbatkl l1van , i , l i. i H l ) . ‘ ‘ , . . r , - - mix item le event ,hey wear lawliuk. .\|l the tugs are fitting in - y. g _ , 7 Um me {3 mama use the right plate and everything is 7-" ‘ 3 «it? 1. 112.35." E 6 Q . 0 a _" rolling at the right pace." g; " ’ ,3 ' ‘ L - _ ' -‘ / OO l’anliuk finished the day com- if“ .3?“ a ‘ up .- .' j: 'r » , _ O ' , ' ,, -, , , -;-i , . 55-. :73" v , ‘ :3 ' 7' ‘3... " L A. . . plt ting .0 ol 30 passts for _. 3 yards "gaggirzéï¬mi V) f f 3-: $1; h _> ‘ NOW PER and one touthdown He bounced M"; i “Cw-r“ ~ .. . » y; ‘ . r V GET AXLE . _ ' "‘-*.’l‘r,, ‘ _ .; t ‘ [a r i, . 3.». hark lrom a four-interteption per- Wï¬sawewï¬st ,5,†, -:~_~ . H, g. “,1 u5~>-.'~, . A _ ." a.“ . ‘9 ‘i r._ ,», .\ formative the week before against “w “ ' “a“ ' ‘ ~ †»‘ " "" "‘"’=’ (.iielph‘ and he hopes to give the Hawks the halanted offence they need to ddhtllt'l' In the playoffs . . . "l‘in more coiiilortahlt' mth the Ford TechnICIans know the DNA Of your VGthle. ’tllllt"\ s wed. and m\ (l-lint‘ i ’i\'- ‘ PM m“ lime to do ‘inything‘ So l Local Ford exports know your vehicle ins do and out A Ford master technican is the only technician factory tra nod and ce-tifwd by Ford l1“? them all the credit-for ']1\:;llc_ They complete extensive Ford technical [ralf‘lng compared to aftermarket technioans i‘essf‘ said l’awlink, who has done Havng your Card maintained at a Ford Dealership can reduce your toe COnSUmDUOn by as muc’t as 5350’ per year "ll admirable Jill) “'1'â€er 1†for ‘ And Ford Genuine Parts are built for Quality and to {namely fit your Ford nel‘ r a Vast your moxie ‘3 we cit-pert: and they mm "win you Iâ€J1{Ti-:1[ï¬fyfgdli’t‘cgloég250‘: th j improve sa‘ety fuel-economy and saw won-2y ‘ . - r, '3 ' i e e 1 game has gone slower, and when you get more experience that's . r ‘ goingtohappen." . i , a,» . . » g «,7. ’ ‘ i l’awliuk's been helped by a danA :' V ' 1 ~ ‘ genius receiving corp, But he's also 3 ‘ helped himself with his ability to ‘ ‘ scramble. W ‘ ' . 4 g . He was second on the team in A " rushing with 233 yards rushing - to Mike Montoya's i347 â€"â€" and he Hurry in to your Ontario Ford Store to take advantage of these ; “med â€â€˜9. gam?'w'""'"g ‘OUCh' (hummus Genuine Ford Parts a Service offers. ‘ down against (ruelph last week 1 with his feet ‘ “We've got both the run and fl; \“ pass going and you can't ask any~ ‘ i ‘ ‘ I Q/(rpq/ Drive one thing more than that." said Pawliuk. ' _ _ “That “'5‘ big 9'33“)“ game. we re ruminant-rum'hmnmm‘u‘uu‘mmmunmmammmnwmnmaumunwrmmmmnuu-u-nâ€"unu __ going to treat it llke any other game. rm::m:w:rmn:gmm::=:rgmmhmm'muummdmmmnm:uu:rw‘1o:h::w ï¬zmzmmnmrn: . - M M II new ‘lmul ummnmmnuummmmummm â€In! you Mr W a “but. We re 80.1"8 ‘0 be prepared and :mmunnmummmnmmimmunuraummuumannMumnuummiuumrmm-manmmauunnmnmnw-m-u..mm we're galng to be ready to com- have.“Ill-ummmmun/munmmmmmaâ€"mmumnumm-numwhmmmmmmmmummdmhmmhmmmmu em . The Hawks 0 en the OUA '-tammau-Minnamuuumrmnmiwmmmuumumammmmwannammmthmuhmmmaaunwrnnnnmmmmmmm P - P > _ mmmnummmmmmmmmlmunmnnnmunmmflmnum-mnnmmmmmcmmhmnmmum.mm playoffs Nov. 7 at Universtty Stadi~ mmwmwmmulmmmmbu-autumn-umarinara-i1mummmmnmmnnmnmmummmmmmmmmacawmammwmmuum um at 4.30 m dWï¬mmhulmlï¬ï¬‚flfllmflmMmhonlhmnmmlummmfliNahumWmmumlfltdmummmmmflmuMIâ€"nhn ' P- ' . namuumwauamuumlummmhnnm .