.rzwniiirirrrrt mtorsu awn-muslin» or Mr. I gs mm l ‘ Words Worth Hearing .m ‘ Ontario Arts Council increases CCGG funding tV' "W I ' f! , llII- llllltlllll \II t otIII IIlIslIIIIr'IIts lot the gallert heritage IIIIIIr\.IIt' IIIII li In rigor/rs lllt' it til has .l\\tll(l('ll the ( till-l Illt hiding “Inning the lean llll‘ gallt-Ii Is [our the lllt‘ lrtlllt'l\ [not Ides needs Illltl .iIIIsIII llit‘lli oi chant l.l\ .IIIIl (.l.iss(riiller\ lolIIIsIIrI I \lelaIIIe l grin \lllllt' l llIImn lll \lt‘lllrt llll‘thtlltllllt' artistu leader iI r hanging and Illt nursing ‘ ' Q; ' an operating grant oi \istiid lot ( oratIrrIal l \lt‘l [\ an l‘\l|lll|llll|| tit“\(‘lll|)(‘\l ship llltll augments the is cliit‘rst‘ iIrIs setior i '7 " ShJiNNHIIIJtM‘r ll) lt'lltt‘ trIIIII the ()llldlllr through lllt‘ (taller. III t‘lllllt‘rt‘glulispllsllltt‘till) llIt‘giillt'r) Is hopeful ' the (l\t proiitled the ( rails ( Irurit ll and the (liiIarIoarid Quebec and II lilt‘ lillt‘lll-lllllllttllL nation that the rec oinItIotI It . » gain-rt Its first operations [Jilltll'lll ,-\ssll(ltl[lrtll or >\rI Is continuing to l lllll\.lit‘ all» and proton Itlll\ achieies at the proiirit I.I| _ . . i .. grant ol 8 $11,000 In Jill)? t..Il|eIIes \oltiiiteer of the Iiietiliinglul partnerships â€tough the lllltllllltll sun and national ll‘\t'l “ill Cathenne Glldlner “Hint? Falls and III 2mm their tIrIItribu \ear Award III the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIH, the port the gallt‘ri it" t‘l\t‘s II Inspire t‘\t'll more positixe ‘ lion doubled. With support x\t‘hle\ing a t ultural most recent collaboration Is better able Ill tlllll\.llt‘ support locall) investing Michael Cmmmey Galore \lt'dllll‘y'lllt‘fl'thltlg, Properties Designation this being with the Perimeter high standards of presen here and mm means a While thetlA( achieved past year means the ltistitute‘s Quantum to tattoo and engagement positneand health» torn c †‘ Increases III their funding gallery‘s permanent collec (osmos lestii‘al. contributing to .I \ll)r.tlll lllllllll) of arts and culture & Karen Olille YBurrneseLessans this past year. not every tioti will become a trove ol lhe (anadian (Jay and educational and t uliural for the future grant lt'('lpl(‘lll received an national treasures. (ilass Gallery Is recognized qualit) of life for the entire l he gallery hours are TueSday NOV 3 . 7:30pm Increase speciï¬cally l'heir it Is currently home to and supported provlticlally region. luesdai to Saturday ll) Knox Church _ 50 Etb St W Waterioo assessment process Is still an extensive collection of and tiationall) through ‘ lhe‘(,anadlian ( lay and a III to ‘I pm ,bunday l the barometer for granting (.anadlan ceramic, glass. such programs as the l’ub- (Ilass (rallery Is recognized pm, to “I pm [he gallerv Words ““9539le 0' l FREE â€m amounts and enamel art, conserv- lic Art Galleries Annual for its fostering of artistic also features free {itlmls’ I! m WWW oilDeaulmr‘s This Increased support ing a rich component of Operating Grant, which Interaction between art sum lhursday from *3 to 8 boarszDmWords Worm BOOKS reflects a year of acconi the Canadian cultural maintains its t‘apacity to works, artists and commit pm, It Is closed Mondays - wordsworthbooks.com . . . O I ~ , r r . a w ~~ ’ > Russran satire to premiere at Umversny of Waterloo “ . I ', ., ,. . , qr ;' , [I]; (I‘IIII/lr'll/li (Rift/l, g The drama department at the Universi- nesses revealed as the ofï¬cials otter gifts the ï¬rst to see II. 3) c n ‘ ~ Q ty of Waterloo is putting on The (iov- and bribes In order to placate and He was said to have commented that s ° _’ SL'N'AVY “"R‘I I emttient lnspectoriri November impress their visitor while the play ridiculed everyonewrnost of all ‘\ ' m“ â€M in†, mm, 1} A satirical comedy by Russian play- the ‘ \‘lslltH’I ' becomes himself. ;‘ 7" f w“ v â€I â€â€˜3“ij M" ‘ wright and novelist Nikolai Gogol, the Increasmgly‘recldess In his greed, lie still loved It ’ .. II†I.“ (I It. . ,. H ‘,, ; playâ€" also known as the Inspector (ienr Gogol's mm In thtng the play was to The Government Inspector Is directed ‘9' . . ' '<, era] â€"tells the story of what happens draginto light “all that was had in Russia" by lint Warren A ,4 A. ‘ ~ ' r, j s um Ila-:1 l..';l:’r.]/i.' I when the mayor and several other and to hold it up to contempt. It will be performed III the 'lheatre of 5 if a: r« em 35/36 i“ self-important ofï¬cials of a provincial The publication of the play led to a the Arts Nov. l2 to 14 and 19 to 21 with r m. "" ‘ ‘ . I, a Russian town mistake an insigniï¬cant great outcry iii the reactionary press. shows beginning at 8 pm, Tickets are $10 > "I? .r 1 N.) “ "“5 Ԡcivil servant for an important govem- When the play premiered at the for students and seniors and $12for gen» Q ; sum \ , , I I M o, ,4, merit ofï¬cial. Alexandrinsky Theatre. in Saint Peters- era] admission, They are available at the a. . l . 8 (m 7 So ‘ J .1 ., Hypocrisies are exposed and foolish- burg, in 1836. Tsar Nicholas 1 was among llagey Hall box ofï¬ce. . _ A _ i at? K \‘/ l Waterloo Region ‘ 4: ~\ // District School Board «v > . \g/s A . J Y i a at A l I r , , *5 leg! '. a . - 3"? M , a = ,, L . . . ; {san' n ‘- ‘. 3‘ “ Grades 7.1Iid3 students and parents are invited to a / ’13.":1Ԡ.1 ' .5}; Specialized & Magnet Programs Showcase, (a ‘7 Cs: ' " ‘ :3: T i 5 ' V†g‘ ‘ When: Tuesday November 3, 2009 4 ~45". ‘ y ‘ Where: Waterloo Region District School Board N 6:: 1" , Education Centre. V ‘l ‘ 1"-†Si Ardelt Avenue, Kitchener 4 , l 1 (first enhance off Ardelt) A ‘ ~ 1% 7 H3 What trIne:DIoI) in between 6:30 pm and 9:00 pm - I The Slrnitcase hill feature Information about the magnet and spt‘Uill‘Ietl programs that the it) public setorrdrirr,‘ st twirl) offer, tome meet the secondary teachers who deliver the t‘rntirams and students who ,ire enrolled. Don't Miss the Magic! _ All the Information needed for students to Irriike the Get y0Ul' thketS NOW' best decisions rinsnhle about then setoudarr,r school . future.