IH'I Io l N it HKIJNM It - Anita mi I» in mtur do now Is F' a] t ' t dth h'ghC d' d 11 it has been aliiimt .I hall "Vi 7 77_Â¥_ lot ioIiipaIiIes nho week i ariiex l‘\[)lll lll\ lllt‘ll bioatlt-I depiet ltillUll oi the liIIItIIliotiIig tat tot llll‘ i iii li'llllti\ \lliil‘ \Iiieiitaii ‘ . . j IIinoIl theetonoiiiitsait- tlIestirge liltliilt'i1l\ asa \IiieiIiaII dollar against lt‘lll‘lltt'liiililllill ‘tltitliiat tililllill lowph Heller iii st l â€I lSI \l \\ Ieu-IseIl the liighei i aria negatixe tiiag on the let II\ Iiiost Iiiaioi t lilit‘ilt It's mg is appeaiiiig when these ii-leaseil his 1 liI‘\ll iioiel \L‘Tll-‘RS l than doll.†allims them to en and iiitiii ated that the III a reteiit IoIoIIttI \Iai satiie ltlilllllilllll|(’\ are lltlll (anti J: and the attotiipa l ' strett It then abilil\ to put batik Will alt ll iieressar) attit le. ( â€H t liiel el oiio Iiig at a mm It loner lewl ii\li1gllt‘lliillltllltiliiliu“Ill ‘. - .1. . l thasepi’otlotts from abroad something the\ haw not mist fixer}. \heiiteld argued than goo: situation i ' " l ‘ (l)il\lllilt‘i\“ it you like out done In it years to corn-it iliat ()Iitario Inaiiiiial Inn-Is leii liiIbIII. iorIneI thiet llellei mote about a pilot ‘ ‘ ‘1‘ i let shopping III Niagara lalls aiiv future problems are going to have to position etoIioIiiist at ( lB( . Iiidit at iiiVioIldW'ar ll who “ants to ' ‘ N Y. a 70 tent dollar wont line option Is boosting tlieIIiselves to e\ist Will] a ed that at the depth oi the be grounded on the basis oi l 0 have main ( aiiadiaiis the money supply, whitli strong curreiiey. bllt'iilt'ltl reteiit retessioii. the dollar insanity : ‘ scheduling a \at'ation would theoretieally lower noted that approxniiatelv was at 8.5 Cents. if that Is the lite response Is Army i around the American the value of the dollar. The two years ago. when the dol- level when commodities are regulation 22, WhIL‘h states 0 thanksgiving weekend. At current escalation, accord- lar went above par. high totally depressed. Rubin that servit'eiiieii who ask to ‘ J ’7 $1.10, ninety per cent of cars ing to the Bank 0f(‘anada, is commodity prices were genâ€" be grounded prove their l ‘ ' ‘ in upstate New York mall primarily attributed to a eraliy considered the major ContinuedonpageZO ' sanity through a eoneern for ART ‘ parking lots have “Yours to persoiialsafety l SINCLAIR ‘ Diseover†on the lit‘ense ‘ . lhe unstable pilots are 1 plates . ’ A ' I‘mâ€"Li . . ' I '\ those who “am to ii) more When it appears no one bem- mum “mug :_. w“ ’ ' BE L'BRC ‘l m missions. l‘heonly way to be 7 niiieh should be per was Iiotitiiig. the (Ianadiari ' ‘5‘ " '37 ‘i “ . 7‘ . » - if“? 5“? "is“ ' grounded is to ask to ily, vet i‘eived as good news. dollar recently esealated this demonstrates \rliill\ But not for everyone. l-or back (lose to par with the , _ and results in itiI‘tlier Iiiis L'onipaiiies that depend on [LSWIIh otirobsessioii with L b b l g t m \ltll]\ It is the quintessential exports, partit'uiarlv to the government stimulus pack I r0 e on S 0 e' . _ "no \\a\ out" or “no win‘ or ll \ . ii lower ( anadian tlol ages and whether( onserva ’1“ iiaiioii lair means their products are in e ridiiigs are ft‘t’L‘Hlllg - a}? . . I I . I . . r . , . . . ' , " l lit prt dit .Ilill iii in It ss t \pl risiu tor tort 1in Inort inltindiiig than l.ibt r Michelle went to univerSIty24 years alter a (aiiada lot businesses and buyers. Iii Waterloo Region. al toiistittieiii'les. it appears politit‘ians in relation to the 51: billion In total prodtil‘ts that In t‘omparison to mam finishing high school. She has the confidence . 473.. (aiiatliaii tliIllaI Is a prmer are shipped annually. lead other lllkllhlrlitlI/(‘ll nations l sa he orrles ab tmone ev n furl, ,1 év‘ bial t'ati It'll (rent-rail}. ing to a strong reliatiee on our et‘oiiomy is relatively o ys w ou y e g " when the ( aiiadian dollar is the lower t‘lirreni‘y. lixports stable though she and her husband enjoy good ' at par, slightly be|o\\, or generate S4h.7(lll per An Important and iiiilii~ _ _ , V. above Its American (’iillnlt'l" employee iii the region. (on ential individual who has l°bs' A5 a" HR professronal m KW. She ‘ I Ȣ' ‘ A part. it is a signal to con siderably higher than the noticed the inflation of the understands that culture is everything ~ 93$: suiners that our economy is pHWlnCIal average of dollar is Batik of (Iaiiada > _ . . relatively strong and stable $31,400, Governor Mark Carney. last In busmess. She Is cared for by peovie e who make every interaction remarkable. ; a “3. That's Libro's culture. She banks with her Libra Coach in person, online " B D | and by emailâ€"whenever she . needs answers. 1, . So much for the worries \ â€" Michelle's family is looked after. By a financial NEW 60 BUS SERVICE BETWEEN WATERLOO AND MISSISSAUGA "Emmiâ€. Com“, m STARTS SATURDAY. OCTOBER 31. 2009 to how you bank. Then .‘_ im i e h titwould You wanted more ways to get on the GO . now you have it‘ 39 n w a be like for you to be Libro too. A brand new bus route mil serve the UmvC'SIly of ‘vV‘aterioo. Writr‘rt Laurier University, Kitchener Bus Terminal at Charles & Ontario, SmartCentres Cambndge at Hespeiei Rd. at Hwy. 401, AMEND)“: GO Park & R‘dC.â€"~Illl0n â€mailman†Park & Rider'Carpoot Lot at R R. 25 at Hwy 401 and the Square One GO Bus F0 Terminal, sewn days a weer. rungâ€. That'lwhyflkhulollum Two weekday morning eastbotrno mos Will my: strict at the Minor GO ‘:t.i?w"=i‘ to connect With the 6:18 and i723 an: train trips to Union Station. Two weekday evenu‘ig westbound trips will dormer Milton GO Station a: 5 3.3 ._ and 628 um. making all steps to Waterioo These trips connect to the 4:30 and 5:25 or“, lVllllOl‘i new ’rziins from Union GET OUT OF YOUR CAR AND GET ON THE GO. BE LIBRO' FOR MORE INFO VISIT GOTRANSIT.COM OR GIVE US A CALL. ‘ Z . . . ‘ . SIGN UP FOR E-NEWS AND RECEIVE CUSTOMIZED INFO. HWMN‘WM - KllCth ~ Willnmsburg. 519-570-9955 “TOOTH! «comm imanoneoimmi mtaooaaraesz ® mmsur LIBKO .- mmmm. Inuit-z mndhgovuuuomou METROLINX Wu.“ ‘ aenhm' $945-$060 I- Windsor-mom “Want MAL†.._.-__... Waterloo - North.519r7u-IO31