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Rll\ll \\Il\\i\\\(.IR - Q" I“; Q: i. \tit\'\l'“tilt'llllkllh‘llltlt‘til g . ‘ . 3:3“ , i g, x} die-33A ' " city? â€t . - 7 ‘ “ 7. , ' j "77 “av-“r , page, ,,' 5A . sz-ij ~l "‘ A, s \| l \ kl l'Rl xi \l‘\‘ll\ l s , . t s ~;My.,t~<" “we“ â€˜ï¬ â€œ(7,3qu l: llt'.tllli‘l “(H I) t‘\l ..s ... ~~" 2b". ! . u $3 A. ..7 1 lihtmlit' maictlwxhriviittlv iii ‘ '_ ' z 74231» \ttiiit.il \l \c\l I,“ , » Q n 7‘ ' ll\\LJâ€â€˜udlt'lll‘NlllnlllLlL'\.1 .â€" “ fl ‘ 9 . Jenni \l \l'\l ll I t'\l 31h P- 7 ~\ r lllltitllk'lll““Ali'lll‘tkllll’llltlt’t.l - 9 7 . \ t I \\\llli.l) ; HQ N15 i110 that l Alli )N it» we» ZSlllcu zit muâ€"hâ€", . (lirititllim Publications Mail \.ilc~ \ ‘ , utRONlCLE EDirORlAL . Feds support small busmesses 40051le . . . Irilcrnaitnnal Standard Serial Num A bi thank Du ctobcr 18th to 24th is ï¬f’ "' ,,,,, ' â€â€˜f‘ muniiy it) mobilize arid her tssmm: um . g y Small Business Week ( ll J l â€S l move forward fastcggvuh Audllcd Circulation â€103 . in Canada 7 an “ new innovations an uSl- a en a group of local former minor hockey _ . ‘ .' ' ‘ me“ im rovement initia- m ‘9‘ I Woaches got together in August to form Skate opgoriugiltly at; â€($958 ( ( H l J ‘\ I \ my? p for the Square. nobody really believed that an a}? rat ed. e CO? H u- Innovation is the kev to “""-/ thev would be able to raise the money needed for 3 tion 0 .ana la" en repre- ~ . , - .- . ‘ ocna a ‘ . . - ' neurs to our communities - t SUCCESS in any business. To Nut new public skating "nk _ 4 . . and our country ‘ . encourage and support > w . -----h lim Playford, Paul RossL David Martin and Rick 5 all d 7d' _ d M . “a: research and new technolo~ Sf" Qi'é‘::5‘:‘y’"::e tlSitiltllTnj Dubeau were applauded for their civic mindedness. m i an my}? 13min?" l f " " gies our government t, ~ d ‘ ‘ ' although some probably chided them for their ambitious enterprises are e ac ne 1 ‘ . - ' , - 134" 07W?“ . of our economy represent- l increased funding to the < plan to raise the bulk of the $426,000 needed to fund the . 98 'fCa d' 1 .. ‘ 1 National Research Council's ONTQRIO PRCLSS coitNL 1L new rink in the square from private donations. mg pf?r centdo [11a la" 3 ‘ Industrial Research Assis- ymiï¬ixum’fs‘éuxlmï¬‚ï¬ Well. the naYSayers didn't give this determined group Stompfit‘iffsuin â€is," oying I tance Program (IRAP) by comm,“ comp|m}m “my" mm, of fundraisers enough due as in just six weeks time they mVSZterloo 58W?“ grhzme Mp PETER ‘ $200 million. This is Cana- her nCWspapcrs Any complaint have raised most of the funds requued to make the public g) ; BRA") da's remier innovation and about news. opinions advertising or square an show piece this winter to many prosperous small " " ' ' " ' ‘ p , “induct should ï¬rst he taken to the . ‘ 4 - ~ businesses with more gram through BBC and FDC (“h"OlOgY aSS'Stance P70" newspaper Unresolved complaints . It lus‘ goes to prove. that Wilmfloo and "5 (“nuns conâ€" 3 earin eve ear Our we are mvidin mom {ha}; gram. supporting SME'S by - < h n 0 0 m 0 \ tinue to haveanamaztng capactty to rally aroundacause pp 8 W y ‘ . . p . . g . . - . “m t ' “gm ‘ 0 a†P" ‘ . - , communit has a well- $5 billion in direct lendin to PTUdeg ï¬nanctal. techno- Countâ€. 2 Carlton SIreel, Suite and help theyreneighbours when theyreasked to. d d y t ti H" d b , hg logical and networking assis- ‘700- “WW“ ON - M53 â€3 Tough economic times don't preclude people from . esegte {ephj‘ a lferclhastzg qua ' “7 ustréesshes wb 056 tance L351 month the pro- t‘oPirRK‘HT taking on tasks that will help our city today and tumor "1C“ or mi 18,17 5 access to cre " as een ' f h b l d ' UP companies. and many restricted due to the reces- gram was U" 91’ 0 stere The “mm“ of (ms "WWW an, row. And these four men have provided an example that other types of enterprises sion by an additional $45 million prim-tied h) copyright and may he wecanall aspire (00. . . i ' . . 7 f ' ' . . . . . i or corn antes in Southern if“! «ml! f" “ï¬n-lhmflfomnk" This is Just the latest in a string of events that might (â€We l? the entrepreneurial in addition, the amoupt Ontario pThis funding will be 233322? $11,312.51 liEli‘p‘Kf. have ï¬nally he'Ped me “W “m the comer 0" the m“- 5pm" f‘" â€Emmi, b “(T-n?" “if "m“ i; delivered through a new eco- ‘ ‘ cism it has received for its new public square. e as! year as can 9b e or the uced fede ' . h'h'm’ T“ "m" 3"? “5° °f m" . - ‘ challen in for the global tax rate of ii er cent has nomtc development agency malcrial yttu must ï¬rst obtain the Anyone who has wsrted the square in the last couple 8 g d . I ‘ , p for Southern Ontario Fed.- ‘rrmswm (“the (“i/nevi“!!! tom‘- ofweeks whether duri the ma r's luncheon to kick off economy. an particu ar y been increased to 5500000 - ' ix h F r t. r « ' “8 yo « ~ hard for small businesses To As result an avera e c m- Dev Ontario. “is ‘B (Ta/x)" ff ‘2;""‘"\':f‘( “|’"‘ Oktoberfest to the current Quantum to (osmos festival. h I all b 4 d '. a ' , g 0 _ This vernment believes aim?“ 77a§t;dm"gl" N. " a}: have come to see what its added to the heart of the city. e P sm . psmesses “I“!!! pany reporting 5500-000 1_" t 139 rt' th 1 r ' ‘ G 7 '" And the skatin rink will continue to add life to the these difficult economic taxable income "1's year wrll S rong y â€i suppo mg e -“> “mm“- 0m“ â€J m" . g t - 4 times the ovemment intro- save $8 000 in federal taxes small bustnesses that are square during the Winter months ensuring that there wrll du ed g“ ‘cal i . r , critical to both the short and im'rreks POLK'Y alwaysbesomething goingon, ' c_ sens! e. wag; im- Ourgoal istolmake Canadas km “an“ success of (he 32:21‘(Irull‘nadriilelmstrl‘z‘rli‘tiiu‘reonmt This pioup has helped resuscitate some of the promise natives In†s onom- bustness tax investment the Canadian economy As we ' "y i of this public space and should be thanked for their ‘c Action an. , lowest m the (’7' and below ' - ' “4 “km" "um" Add" “ “d For instance we are rais- th OECDa begin (0 emerge from the telephone numbers are used only for efforts _ _' e , We’ A gME. t. t veriï¬cation purposes and will not he “I“; _ _ .: y in", . _ A_ AM, I“, a" .,__3. _ my?» “i"- Il’lg the maXimum loan M|ke Cox. ofWatefloo. recession. t 5 C0“ lnue 0 published Names WI“ not he Wllh' k: 17,727. .;' . ‘t ‘ ‘ t 'r amount under the Canada based WrightPlan lnc.. is lead the way. ~ xtlwwirrtxcnrrr: nï¬Tl't:L:tliItt;nt-t& {gifwf , f . , ' ‘ 2 Small Business Financing encouraged by these devel- My“? Memlber Of Pam?" “ t†, C l -. .~ ’ ‘ ~ , ,, ‘ ‘ < .« - _ my.†m legal mm 1mm may a _ ». Program from $250,000 to opments He said. The stim- mentaï¬rmWateroo. I congrat he submimsd by in to SI‘) gamut ; ‘ . $350,000. helping small bust- ulus package that this federal ate e ePtWPffneufs In or by email to ediinri . a. _ “88885 access the ï¬nancing government has put in“) our community. and encour- alflwaierloochromclc u or by mail _' . they need ‘0 sustain and action is having a real and age everyone (0 take some or delivered to Waterloo ( hromclcy U d h B i , , , l . time this week (0 learn more 279 m Sy N4 Sum. 20‘ wmfly grow. n er t e new uSl- positive effect. It is he ping ' 0mm N21 inn ness Credit Availability Pro» small bustnesses in our com- about our local companies.