WAIl KllK r tnmmu}. - Wrdtteuhy. umber u may - u / . , , f - ////////// /A/ ////z ////r'/ r///'/,///. ' f V e ’ flint-11: .“"v x wt?" â€" »- - y. ;!E 5 5 ‘\ l ' M ' 1 ‘ - . ' 5» ~4 v , 5 ~ 59, l“ ’ DO 0 i I ï¬luhl T Thursda , November 19th to Saturda , November let I} o v ‘ 77 v " 55. m, Hum/made Qua/II)" ( [INCH/(HUS (W “ than"... _ .. t . . . -'â€"- t - \ ‘ â€J “an ,. as», a. ll» _ . ‘ 5 5“ i‘ .‘ 1 _7‘ .. _Mï¬â€˜ I- - 3 â€id . . “ k“ 1: ' t“ it? ll!“ , A o g ‘. 5A 4 ‘ £AM"- ll l g - lgé'. c} ;_*A The Hon Bun Fat-tor) i~ located at 465 Phillip Stmt-Parkdale Plaza II in Waterloo. ' a ' (‘ontat‘t the store by calling 5l9-888-0772 or emailing alic'taka'thebtmbonfactoryxom _ , W1â€, > . â€96? {if klhltllll and} kehtth decorated “uh huh and pumplonx mt] thou» in)“ Guatemalan - I _ - Q f; 5 The puree“ 1\ great fun for ktds. who get lute pumpktn xuekerx a c _ ~ ‘ ' 4 v- exerted helore the) men dart muktng lherr As the (‘hrtxlmus xenon upprouchex. the ll ' 5- ~ _' new. Alma \.1ltl Bun Bun Factor) wrll feature a dtxplu)‘ of corâ€" ~ The xx hole pm) can he hmted rtghl at the porute Chrtxtmux gtl‘ts. A\ alwayx there thl 0 ewe erg ;' t,\lZlle\\'Ill\s xltlrl' » hrtng a take and at meal and the “all he at helpful brochure to take home. - “"V:.i-'~' a Ill take care ol the rexl Holiduyuthcmcd party favours will 311m he “ P“ f: " 1 lt'x prime tune for ghoulx and goblins ax avatlahle to help hosts put that ï¬nwhing touch _ A- a a, 1 Halloween tipprouehex. hut make sure you on thetr awesome Christmas [unrest FordtemonthofOctobcrEmllWlndsis _ N " tulle thetr meet tooth wrth xome delicious And watch for a large selectton of Chmt» ' . “ gtxxltï¬ lrom the Hon Bon Factory mas treat“ for the holidayx hmngtsalton GwcmfllmlldeCdefl _ You tum ï¬nd the xpceml treat for your own Whatever the holiday the Bon Bon Fuclo- Get 2&0 OfllllClI'l'll'lgS pthllllS t‘htldren or that lttlle extra wmethtng for u r) has you covered. , , _l , ttoounte netghhour Stop by the store at 465 Phillip Street and andnngs OUlOlllllSlllghlypflltd > The Hon Bun Factory has prearranged he x'ure to take advantage of their fifth mdmvsticnlstomofthclllm’s ktd'x Halloween grab bag, chocolate [ti/lax anntvcrsary speCtals! ' ' ' ' 3" "' f l If ' ' ‘ 5. l he BO“ BO“ factory " ‘ ' " ‘ .' â€"â€â€˜/‘ ‘ W m J â€W 5 Monday - Friday to - 6. Saturday 9 - 5 £2 Km 5‘ Hr " NW W“ > r~ TC} ff“? 1.5uwll we . r . W . 465 Phillip St.. Waterloo. Darhdale Plaza ll 519-888â€"0772 9 A H w 4 5 ’ . ',_'Z’,;~;,;.1‘e‘t:ï¬ ,‘:'95,gx_§g“fl7“’i‘f‘f 5:25?†*~'"f?§\,‘,f;’§13"iiâ€"'~'~'--“‘ 118333 > 7. ygi igrhr .’ n ‘ v ' E . r > ' a»; Wï¬Ã©kéï¬fgh . 3; _ tail -. {an 15:13. Lu. W: fly 5 ~ _ - 7 ; inf . ‘ l? y H ‘ ,. . . A» A ‘ » " be 4,553, A »; , 5 AUSTRAuA IMPERIAL crmzs 5 5“ 1 if 5&5“ E 545 ' » NEW ZFALAN D “alums "1° at: ' t. " 5 - and F U I 01†mm†33 1 355m“ may â€l [k d; ;,:- w ~ , 5.4 1 ~ June 24 July 3/10 . , {.§5{* - $55“), A,» L" 5.1, i , _: I » Air motor coach, hotel and mm! meals 05 Ff ‘ f“: $15???" 4: ,,“ v ‘,k - ‘ 5 " ' ________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" v 5; . “3 ‘u5"“?3“ .»5. .‘ London. Manchester. Gusto“. letlztgzt A033?" 15 J‘,£‘a'§, ‘ » l l “a r, ‘ V {p N 5 5 v ‘ »5-‘*-. 55.54.55 A " ' , 5 ‘ / " - _, ,. ,. 5 1-5; W’INTER I',llR()Ph 2()()9-2()10 ‘ 2-355: 5,4" 5,335, ’_ $31.1 MHz-Jig? I 5 f _‘ , \ 5 . . k . _» k“ 7 ‘ 5“ 5» 13551'255 ;? a [t x . . . ; .., - BOOK EARLY AND SAVE! . 5M 55. 5: > 155mm 515° PER PERSON , $5, r". 5. $36,» v ; 57335.“ " ’ has Book by October 5]. 2009 for travel between 55mg??? , z 5, ' 5 “V' Nov. 1. 2009 and March 51. mm fill?†- l 5 55-5731“??? 1; ’ 7 ‘ ' ’ . e . mm: dates Dec tumour» Jan. new Applies to main hutch only, ' ._;:5a ,’â€"§555†' l g“ , ' > - _ _ , __ g 555,55 , 34 ft. ‘ 3 l 9- 3 h- -t() . 2,5, 7 v , “ Bu as ;;ll)llllll\' \ l\'l\ll‘lltl L ff V â€" {in ‘ ‘ 21â€" :,_ ~\\\\\ lmlltcxtr l\\ltt"ll ' " ‘ " -â€"â€"_‘. ______: "‘ llll‘lt‘lfl ‘l!\5 t,