It! ' “All K] ( KILHHUNILLL 0 Wednesday. “(lob-fl .‘I AIM . $51; sf"; . .. L ‘ ask-f if : ft; 1 a M30 ~- > . W» i“ ., - s , his; , ‘ . ( .,; . , > , r f§iy® 5 , ' , vâ€. %W& c- ' 5 ‘ . $$3 , ii“, 1 v if, it" i ' i 5 ; ‘ I ’ c \ x . ,. ' ‘ ; 25W -‘ if . ‘ a?“ . we†‘ b . _ - v Lap , ~ - a ' 04 72»: a.“ i a}? 3" ‘1 as. ff} 7 :._\‘ $3; 5&5 , 5 ~ ’ . . 51 i .. ‘\.~§ . Pi ' a , , f: f is\\1: ' ; L5 i _ W3 ,, 1 is “K; ' ; ~ NH 2; a} R . 7 x; _ , v; . g f ' 7 3 “fl 1.8; i" , y? i) ‘ “a j; TD Canada Trust understands the hard work and dedication it takes to be a small business TD Canada Tm“ owner. With that in mind, we're proud to sponsor many local and Chamber of Commerce celebrates events across the country during Small Business Week. Small Business Week» TD Canada Trust is there to help your small business succeed throughout the year. We offer you specialized products and services at over 1,000 branches, longer hours, and specially trained Small Business Advisors to provide one-on-one advice. To see how we can help your business, canada TruSt visrt a branch or go to www.tdcanadatrustcom/smallbusmess Small Business Banking