I2 'WAIl’RlAX)(lMHONI(<LE'Wt-dnculiy “Nola-i ti $009 All muuswt am vacuum "' ‘ 2010 MW†m . . S799. ,.. wee ea om a US 111g l‘l e “on“ , . W m \;" “74 .\ W? ; \ I‘m writing this its been to spend the rest or your Iile wtthi Method ‘ \ ' more than three hours since " you want the test ot your lite to ' 0, mo left the w etldiiig oi our \ ) i start right away " Preheat oven to $10“ l- - is! t , . h llllill s. , A â€unwell good “It nds \hawn and It ssita. ., . _ _ lht) wt it so ptrlttt tor out Boil sugar ltlllltt and torn vow“ If!“ and I‘m sun a little t'hulted up 5 I ()R| IS another so why wait! synip in u satin-pan over medium 519.884.5650 it was an amazing, teary eyed »\t Jessica‘s bridal shower a term high heat forahout tout minutes wwwgrbswllelurtwayacom ill] a good way} (‘t‘lt'hl’ullutl oftheir weeks ago she gate each or her Remove sautepan from heat love and t ominitment to each lrierttls a personalized card. outlin and add the salt halting soda and ‘/ , ‘ ‘ Q, other 5 trig all ol the qualities that the vanilla ‘ï¬m â€V â€â€â€™â€"‘/f†$035 1 adore attending weddings ,, ,%> i she admires most in tis and The mixture Wlll loam when the <0): 03° eveti it" I don't know the bride " A u ' how those personality truits halting soda is added ï¬ght: and/or groom. “I - ‘- _ \ \_' inspire her to have the best lite Pour the t‘aramel over the V w My favourite part of a wedding t;- ‘ *~â€" , possible mth Shawn popped corn and stir earefullv celebration by far (even more than '_ _‘ a. _ a In addition to the (and she also Put popcorn onto a large pan the loodi is the speet‘hes. 3-3 ‘*‘ gave eat h of Us .i bag of her itito the oven and bake for El) 40 I‘m so glad that David rememâ€" DANA famous t'aramel corn, which she minutes, stirring every ll] minutes tiered to stuff his pockets with SHO learned to make from her grand or so (note it you want really Kleenex tor me Saturday after m mother t‘hewy poptnrn, don‘t put it in the noon. g~ â€"»~â€"â€"~-â€"â€"- f _7,_ Yes. less truly is this thoughtful oven at all) witwlrg-sI-ujr So many beautiful. heartfelt Shawn and Jessica had a relaâ€" (Inngraluliltions to my dear (rumble as it tools. .'. - x .-,i mm» . s _fr'1t5."; an» " CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE NLnllnllnls‘ sutlt lining family ind tistly short engagerm nt “asrlts ‘ izntls .h Mn ind Itssit i may 5 d N be 1 2009 lriends 7 it was a priyilege to sitas sister Suzanne said, When your lilt together he as sweet as un ay’ ovem r St' attend. you meet someone that you want Grandma's caramelt‘orn! 12-4pm ' ‘ ... 20‘ OFF lesslca's Caramel (21m 00 II On†WAMRIA SPEED v I,“ ‘ DanaSimrrtbuiltubust/text 3p! ' . I: W 9 l (7 t ‘ l’lHN’dW'm aroundlierlnieuffrxxl. Sheullie Fabulous holiday displays THINGS Up , I’ ‘\ _ y‘ . rt *d \ (lll'ner-(Jlk’rllllfl Ufa speeiultyï¬md 8. magma! 9m Ideas for your ADVE “TISE' - “th‘wltliltilugs‘glgtï¬n fJ’Er’m storeundtuteri'ng business failed holiday season . \ .\ one cup mm†l" Dana Sham (Fourmetal if) Frh Sr Tasty treats and door prizes A one-half cup corn WWI) in Uptown Waterloo Visit her itelr yum â€A .( by,†q/IWH/ 0m, teaspoon salt All? at intuitttlurutxhorttt‘ufor more . orieâ€"halfteaspoon baking soda information or to read her [VFW/HM 683 Belrr'igmgry‘evmggliitthener M une-halfteaspoon pure vanilla Waterloo Chronicle , extract columns and reel x. 1!“ 519-743-3534 W 519-886-2830 . sainéwaurioochromcieu p“ is I u Wheels.ca â€" smart tools for smart buyers, backed by relevant expert editorial. Visit Ontario’s fastest growrng automotive websrte today! 1 ~ . s " ' was. I ., f} . . k A â€"“_' Shop. Compare. Dnve. ‘ u},'." ‘ "Q", v , '. f ‘1. ' ff“? £1" it t 71 ‘ , iv , - s “ ' l Find yours at