mi l Rt oo (bitumen-manniay, lklober 7, was - :7 ,_~â€" I 470‘ 3.24.. 3â€"74. AR 8 0C 8 1" " ii ’ _ a I -- la- U asâ€... L.‘ v. . -A.*,..u__ hid Longtime CCGG volunteer named volunteer of the year by arts organization BV‘BUHVRIMNM [her his edtuation at Will he ' lirtgllltlt‘jlflfl 7 . 7 . “' chose to get a Masters degree lit ‘ archaeology speciali/ing in Roman H \ou need to hilt)“ about ‘ (ilass. Audio-Int Nissan's long servv " . » ._ “when you work at a chocolate l e to the ( anadian (lay 4‘ lactory the chocolate is free." he and (.lass ( “tilt-n “(is summed up , g said about indulging his personal .it the (Hilario »\ssoci.iuons ot Art :1 g‘ - 3., ‘. passion for ancient glass "lwanted {itillt‘ll('\ \oltinteei ol the tear a “. F ., .' to tastethechocolate." _ ‘ A i . , . , .matd t ereniony on Septeinlitr , ‘ ‘ , He also brought that expertise I: w to the gallery creating historical t t (it, director Robert \ x ; dioramas about the history of glass ‘ \t litennclttik att’epted the award . C ff '5 and ceramics from the dawn of on Nassatts llt‘lhlll as the ti‘i'ryear- \\ f ,3?- ttme to the present that has old \Miterloo name has a hard a] ‘ ' / , become a part of the permanent time traveling outside of the city w: _ ‘ I I , ‘ collection of the (Halley. those days , q ‘ ; 2 i' it . =‘ And every exhibit. event or per. .»\nd there “as only one story he . i ,‘ ‘/ 13 .' 4: manent piece has been docutnentv Ltlllltl tell about the titan every» ‘ / f i {:3 . ~' ed by Nassau's trained photo» body affectionatelycalls“Willy." -- . a I" it, 3 .‘ _ graphic eye. "I staned oft the speech by say- i \ f 27’ I ‘, ‘ Achtemichuk said Nassau even ing that this man has been volunâ€" ~ ‘ n I.“ 5'? learned how to do glass blowing . . . ~ . ï¬e, ‘. ~, . . teering probably since about .1 g t _, Feâ€: ,5. himself and worked with another 139]," said .“\(’lll('nll('llllis. "livery " k: ‘ ‘3’†artist to recreate the Egyptian way body clapped, .1 ,‘ ‘ ' ‘9†. , ". a; 5 . of creating glass. which has also “'l‘hen I told them the btiildiitg ‘7_ ' . was :3 ":"-. . become a pan of the Gallery's per- didn‘t open titttil 1993 and every ‘ ‘ " g f - ' :3???†' manent collection. He's also body laughed." V .,_ " instrumental in helping restore Nassau was there truth the ' - and repairpieces. beginning helping to create a per- ' . '1 ‘ In short. he's the type of person manent home showcasing some of . - I ~ that makes so many arts or com» Canada and the world's best glass "‘“ N ,g“, munity groups a success, which artists, ceramists and historical _ . ‘ made him a worthwhile recipient pieces, lie got involved with the Wilhelm Nassau, an 87~year~old volunteer With the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery. has been named the volun- for the award. Achtemichuk said ‘ gallery when it was just an idea on tear of the year by the Ontario Association of Art Galleries, new more “We always need more people - paper. and has since dedicated ofacuratoriai type†It stokes a personal passion he has of starting and serving as the to do certain things." he said. himself to seeing the vision of a Nassau ï¬nally received his hon» for glass and glass artifacts. and he audio-Visual department head at “All I would have to do is ask worlti~c|ass gallery become reality, our at a special volunteer appreci- said his continued involvement is Wilfrid laurier University. Before Willy he's just a good comrade." He's done that by serving in ation reception at the gallery last one of the things that keeps his that the native of Vienna. Austria "I always have said that l've every capacity imaginable on a Thursday feted by other volunteers heart pumping well into his retire~ also served as a camera operator been happy in my life because I volunteer basis, helping the direct and members 0f the community. ment. f0r the CBC and CW. could do things I've enjoyed," said tor, curator, education and marketâ€" including Waterloo MPP Elizabeth “Glass is my hobby and that’s His background was in engir Nassau, “I enjoyed making pictures mg departments as well as the gift Witmer. But Nassau didn't know why I got started in it in the ï¬rst neering, but he was also intrigued and movies. shop manager in everything from what all the fuss was about. place." said Nassau. “Glass is such by the visual and especially the “Some people do it all the time. set up, restoration to sales, No job “I've been told very little about a wonderful flexible material. magic of glass. “I had to study the they just don't get paid forit. was too big or small for"Vv'illy." it myself.†said Nassau. “It was sup- “And as a photographer at technology of glass. not only its ‘1 got lucky because I got paid "He’s always helpful," said posed to be a secret." bean. 1 always ï¬nd it so beautiful." appearance. btit how it was made," for doing what I liked When I was Achtemichuk, "And he bad But it's no secret why Nassau Nassau brought a keen eye to said Nassau. working. "Now I'm a volunteer. btit brought the professional standards remains committed to the Gallery. the volunteer position. after years So when he had a chalice to furâ€" I'm still doing what I like.†.« t. .5 l V$ ‘9 ' ‘ t l or 1* â€" I, 1 Years of @t ‘ i ’ " ‘ i - Ll i/\l\l lil\l l.»\l.l. Busmess Q . ill/c on: mm $ , , . , . i .- ii «who t . to it t i i w . ,. $ . . . - Days of Savmgs ;