24~WAIt-NllK)CHll0Nl(fu£-Wediiesday srpieiiitiei J! Jun 7 HOMES THAT NEED ROOFING S bl °ll 7 Homes in your area will be given the opportunity of erena OW up st]. a m y Stery having an INTERLOCK metal rooï¬ng system installed on their home unreasonable cost. ttm, have followed HI) my 45 year tenure as full ' f - lllt‘ft‘ s the old hot km This lifetime produa is capturing the interest of homeowrievs “Wm“ musing 1†two Illltt' sportswriter I was l l ll l‘l l ll [ht-on that I lirsi littttitl limit acrossthecountrywhowahttoknowthtswtllbethelasttimethey [m til newspapers â€1 asked thousands Ill times - ‘ ‘ III the "tits that says ll toll wlll have to retool their home Our produd is enyironmentally Waterloo “Pl-Wm over tlit‘ why l tlitlitt pursue llllllt'f l ll()ll get till Il\t‘l an lllllt ml lor it friendly and tomes with a transferable Lifetime Unwed Wananty pd“ 4; years “t“ a“. "ht-til' goals like \lll lllll k . l t all that goes against your Withanexcellentthomeolcowurstotomplementyourhomeand “numb“ m.“ and“. that t eyt ll .ii1tl.'\ll ltltillMll and i ‘ team. ht-‘ll make lllt’ Ilt‘\l lsgomg tobeintroduted to yourlo<al market Youthometanbe “y,“nuuqy lli\t'(l my â€my“ later lug league baseball l . tIose one or more Ill your ashow place in your neighbourhood and we Will make ll worth assignment of writing when It tame first to Moi] 1 ‘ . i lttmr your while rfwetan use your home. about high st hool 5p“r[\ Neal and later to loronto 3 N . Well. I‘ve known enough and golf And while I hail an inter . ' ‘ sports (lllll'ldl\ over the tears PLEASE CALL ANGELO I,“ a sell admitted golf t’sl in those d(’l|\‘lllt‘s and l 33: i to believe that theory “as 1-888-696-0548 nut. the to“ )art was to“ . to followed them with \.ll’_\‘lll’ l " ' lust simulation or Wishful a i i t» . t fol/4,“ 24 hours 7d: a m explain degrees of enthusiasm, my «i l thinking Howevert during most “1†answer was always simple l ‘ A! ‘ ' ‘ Iheii somebody suggestâ€" und the same. “ " I ed to me that Serena mi rht l BILL SKIP . . I“ ll was just a lot more ‘ he fearing shes nearing the fun and rewarding, to t “OS l end of the top of her singles me at least. to write career and that fueled her On June 16‘ 2009, Regional Councrl adopted a new Regional Olï¬mal Plan about the explmts of and foremost frustration to the point of IHOPJ to prowde a framework for growth and development rn the region “W‘s me†and worm†â€1°“, Ihm'gh '†can)†me "Wham“ in high school sports ~ home again in the past few And I'm also debunking -- over the next 20 years The new HOP contains a series of policres and maps who truly played for the weeks in the aftermath of the the theory that the air in outlining how and where future growth Will occur in the region love of their schools and 50mm Willem“ meltdown â€1 New York. New York Prompts games â€" than it was to the semifinth Of the some strange things to hap- The Protected Countryside polities apply toa large area of land face the challenges of “Lantern [if Open tennis pen to normally good peoâ€" - dealing with the often C ampions it). ple. surrounding the north, west and southsrdes of the Cities of Cambridge, whine)“ over-paid pm i mum,“ hem“, what I If (he! was the use, Kitchener and Waterloo, that contains a unique concentration of farmlands. athlete who basically was seeing in the repeated maybe it's the an in Waterloo woodlands, watercourses, river valleys and wetlands Italso includes dim†it"? a dam“ f!†â€may“ or sewn“ “m" mi“ ‘5 “115ml; some mum“ " much else other than tirade at a line lUdgt‘ for 8 members to think a severalsrgniï¬cant Regional Recharge Areas which sustain some ofthe x himself {Dott'auhcall‘ , O a d / p a , k ,- n g \ ' . richest sources of groundwater in the Grand River watershed and provrde a , Now, that‘s not to say From afar, l have always lot/mall/housing develop- . - ,;. 1 1 all, or even the majority, considered Serena and sister merit would be better than Signiï¬cant share of the regions watersupply The Promoted Countryside of professional athletes Venus m be class am in [he the wonderful “me go†destgnation Will permanently protect these valuable featuresfrom ‘ _ > fall into that category, world ofpro tennis, notwith- course, [raining fat-titty and future urban development. , ft" - Over the years I've standing what I perceive to practice site that is the ' ' had great interviews be two young women who illaterloo (iolfAcademy. (if and times with such big have been “pushed" to sun But then, you know my ' 7,5}:- names as hockey icons C685 by their father. WhiCh position on that matter and The Protected Country3ide GM â€we, Mam be good or bad depend- them-t- at“ time for that p°|iCies and mapping can be viewed at is?" I Richard and Derek ing on YOU! point OfVIC‘W- decision on early closure to . _ Sanderson. boxing After seeing Serena's hereversed. www.region.waterloo.on.ca/newrop champ Floyd Patterson screeching and “reaming But i digress. ' 71“â€" ?! and all stars Gary- the first sou Ie of times my As I said earlier I have no - .. a... g . _ P . . fife" (iowan. lim Nelford and fltSt thought went (0 “mid idea what happened that p l rt 0u would “ye fur", [in ‘ " ""' the late Orville Moody rage. afternoon to Serena. “M 5 Open Houses V e ï¬rm . to name just a very few_ I don't know all the ins And yes, apparently. there You are rotated to attend one of the Protected Countrysrde i i . ». ,~. at“. - . - . . , l _ use », , But overall, I was and outs Of pro tennis but were poor follow-up com» lOHOWIDQ PUbllC ODE†HOUSES 10 learn any 59803 555mm“? to "' ‘ Q 5, - more than happy to I'm guessing they have good merits from her PR ï¬rm. more about the Protected COUfllWSlde meetings, please contact: a“ ., . deal with gun men testing for improper drugs so However, I understand dt d tR Itff "ctr ' d ylg d ld 'tth'kl bl hh l 'd h an oprovr e your thou egiona s a - - "J an women w to care on In can ame s e as apo ogize tot e and CounClIIors Willbe at the Public Open ï¬rkevinSCums. P If†. i for their teams first SterOidSr or SUCh, for her official in question and Llooses to provrde additional information anager frategrt‘ may ' 7; - ShOCkittg display of maybe that's where the matâ€" and to answer an uesttons T“ 519â€"575â€"4794 - anger» ter should end. . ya email cukevrn@regron_wa :- ..‘ So what causes Let one who is Without sill Monday, September 28,2†. 754 this tenttiS Sltpi‘F east the ï¬rst stone. 3â€"8 pm. Mf'Jo'm LchzYnskl'ulu' 1, Star IO go 0†0†a Are there any stone AW Fire Hall Pnncrpa/ Planner \ threatening. pmâ€" throwers left in world over 1943 Wrigley Road All Tel 51967574532 *:‘- FlNEAUTOWStLEBOOYAMJPAlNT faulty-laced tirade the age ortwo? I email lujohn@regronwa : ‘l ._. ff" . ~; ‘ . against a "0mm?“ ldOUbt it- -1 »» "." . ' ~ "‘ flicial On the side» I t's move on in the Sere» Thursda ,0 her 1, «' -.~ 9 E ‘ 3-8pm V C10 21119 grwrrte‘tgfu‘s atâ€)I .E¢~'l . ‘ . A.“ - liners? lI th ha saga and just hope it ' ' . egrona Cia an " ' “$1“ ' " - 0 “3 YOU 9 never appens again. fuflelrgï¬ntsfgtmaiunny Centre Region of Waterloo ‘ lâ€; “53 “if â€" ._ PM“ I have "0 And one ï¬nal "or" 0†u eefl tee, ements Plannrng Houstng and Com - f- - ‘* a“ r 1,2" . ‘t\\\\‘l“llnlllwy idea. rudeness â€" this goes out to ‘ Illlllly so " '- t. it ' - , . . , Wednesday. October7 2009 150 “mm“ Slleel' 8m PM “at ‘ ' " ' indlticleduftlniiaftillg â€$2122"iâ€i’f'w'if‘hnlrf‘ffiia ‘ 3-8 pm. Kitchener ON NEG M3 theta-" _ imagiheiahiyfltw. let of county! inusic cause they Wilmot Recreation Complex Fax 5195754449 a?“ . _ alone a focused got rappers outnumbered 129r NafZIger Road. Baden -â€"â€"â€""*‘ tennis woman. 100 to one. . a . Specializing In going ballistic the If you don’t know what Wednesdu , Omaha; 15, m t 2? way she did. I'm talking about. feel free to mm. ' - BMW PORSCHE JAGUAR sure. I mm. a...“ me at top. . . . f \ ' h ~ Woolimcli Memorial Centre ' . {a ‘ _ ber tennis star l0 n schips@golden.net. 24 Snyder Avenue Elmira with . Mercedes Benz Dealer Authorized“ McEnroe'sv many may ~ ll 'ul Restorer rants at offiCials a ..' Original Paint Fini few decades back n. -"l' v . “m but lcan't recall an all Sk‘ h ‘ , . ‘ . ' . 0 y i (t ipllo ns retiredfrom chbnofVlhterloo a; {ï¬tti- "t. UmrpassedCollmonRepatf or thelm coming fullttime sports writing in _ emo- - . L . 15 Contomlol m1 Km even c ose to the 2002butstillhmlots ofnpin- www.rogion.watorloo.on. Q!" ' 519-578'2052 ferocity Of the SET?» ions on all sorts oflopi'rs if“; t . ‘ na siege. besides golf t .. g" ’