JG - WAI Htl (A It â€RUN“ ll ~ Wednesday \eplriiibri it JULN THE CITY OF waterloo For more information, u/ease (ontatt City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N214A8 P 519886-1550 F 519747-8760 WY 1786677863941 www.waterloo.ca . . . lllotice Of The Passin1 Of A Zoning Notice Of The Passmq Of A Zoning By-Lavv By The Counc I Of The By-Lavv By The Council Of The Corporation Of The City Of Waterloo Corporation Of The City Of Waterloo 12 University Avenue East 12 University Avenue East TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation ot'the City of Waterloo passed By law TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation ot'the City oi'VKaIerloo passed Bylaw No ll‘)~ No 094»)? on the 24th day ot‘August, 200‘). under Section 34 ot‘the Planning Act. (J98 on the 34th day ot‘August. 100‘). under Section 34 ol'the Planning Act R S t). ‘ R s 0. I990 . I990 AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Munici- AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Munici» pal Board iii respect ol'the by-law by filing \iiih the Clerk of the Corporation ofthe pal Board in respect ot‘the by-law by filing with the Cierk ot'the Corporation ofthe City ot‘\\‘aterloo not later than the 22nd day ot‘September 2009, a notice of appeal City of Waterloo not later than the 22nd day ot‘September 2000. a notice ot‘appeal setting out the obiection to the by-law and the reasons in support ot‘the UbJCCilï¬n. setting out the objection to the byâ€"law and the reasons in support ot‘the objection. accompanied by a fee ot‘S l 25 (ML made payable to the Minister of Finance as pre« accompanied by a fee of $125.00. made payable to the Minister of Finance. as pre- scribed under the ()ntano Municipal Board Act, It you Wish to appeal to the Ontario scribed under the Ontario Municipal Board Act. It you wash to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. a copy ot‘the appeal form is ayailable from the Ontario Munictpal Municipal Board a copy of the appeal form is .l\tilItlI’)IL’ from the Ontario Municipal Board website at wwwomb gm onca. Board website at wwwombgoyuonca. AN EXPLANATION ot‘the purpose and eflect ot'the byvlaw, describing the lands to AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and etl‘ect ofthe by -la\y, describing the lands to which the by-law applies is attached. The complete by-law is available for inspection which the by-law applies is attached. The complete by~law is ayailable For inspection in my OITIL‘C during regular otTice hours. in my office during regular otTice hours DATED at the City of Waterloo this 2nd day of September. 2009. DATED at the City ofWaterloo this 2nd day of September. 2009, Susan (ireatrix Susan Greatrix City Clerk City Clerk NOTE: Only individuals. corporations and public bodies may appeal a Zoning By- NOTE: Only individuals. corporations and public bodies may appeal 3 Zoning By- Law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A Notice ot‘Appeal may not be filed by an Law to the Ontario MuniCipal Board. A Notice oprpeal may not be ï¬led by an unincorporated assoctation or group. However. a Notice oprpeal may be filed in unincorporated association or group, However. a Notice oprpeal may be filed in the the name ofan indwidual who is a member ofthe assoeiation or the group, name ofan individual who is a member ot‘the assOCiation or the group. EXPLANATORY NOTE EXPLANATORY NOTE . Application in Conjunction: NA Application in Conjunction: NA Byulaw No, 09-097 amends Bylaw l 108. being a Zoning By-law controlling land Bytlaw No. 09-098 . 1 "’â€" 1 ' " T ' ‘ use development Within 7* ~77:â€"~.7;; . 77v" ms“ 77 77 ;::â€";~ 77 amends By-law llUX. . ‘ ' i I the City of Waterloo I ' I ‘ ' being 3 Zoning By- I I ‘ I 4I The purpose ol‘the by- . y ».I law controlling land I . ' _ , , I ' 3 law is to add a tempo II ' , . ‘ , use development <1; ‘ ' , . ,I rary uses zoning prove " m ‘ . within the City of . . . a . . . a \I 9 sum to the lands known 3 . ‘ éI Waterloo. The pur- I“ . . .d P‘ n i t i . 's - I C i ' I _ V 4 ‘ ‘L IQ t i S\ / ‘ municipally as I- lini~ l i; . , 4 pH/w pose ofthe by-law Is I “ofâ€: y I versity Avenue last to i l , “a“ I to legalize the eXisting , QT“ ‘ permit the use "restau- I i ‘ \yï¬we ' . rear yard setback on ‘ ‘ , I rant (take-out but not ' the lands known I1 . , [a _ I I drive-in or driye-thru)" W q ‘ I munictpally as l2 2 . for up to three 13) years I g ‘ ‘ I University Avenue i R . fl . c (‘1 y r Paragraph 1 establishes y g ‘ I13“ I\ T I23 E ‘ a Temporary l se /on« H ‘4 ’ X a . Paragraph 1 ot‘the . E r 7;, ing By-law on the lands \ '2 {LP Bylaw legalizes the I I054 9 a to permit the use {a a; I etisting rear yard set- I ‘I' I "restaurant Hake-out but I (at. back on the subieci I z ‘ not drix can or driye- ‘ z lands‘ amending By- . 6566‘ thruJ†for tip to three (It 66C§I law No QK-l 33 I I 3‘3ҠI \ ll’you reqUIre lurthcr I III lfyou require further I 2., I information or h.i\e I ' “‘ " \ “ information or haye any ' “NI any question please I w I question please contact I I contact the City of W soâ€: I cor-MPH A the City oi Waterloo I W a “1‘81“" â€"1"?†A I Waterloo Planning ‘ __... I Planning Department at u" Department at 741 , ., -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- ~-râ€"I 747-8541 I -, ., ._.. '~::;I x543 LOCATION our . Joel Cotter. w ll’. RPP L°°"'°" “I†Joel Cotter. \lt'll’. RPP Dexelopment Planner Deyelopment Planner Development ï¬ery ices Development Services ( ity ot'Waierloo City ot‘Waterloo