io-xuii HHNHNRONK u minus-“m Murmur. : mm 9 n A a M A e v I S O 0 â€777777 7 777777†7 7 7 l ParnelpACTI ON wraps up I ~ ~-~“~~â€"- . - i i\ll()ll.\l) | l o o o . summer of Insplrlng the Natlon l L i i * y s a,“ , t . i Bi Mumm Dunn ° r. . A ‘ ~ ,' . ' . ‘. ' r hmmciehmfl r a 54 if, ‘ , a - ‘ ' ' ' ' ' - l . Chronwle IDOklng for ' '" ‘ *'â€"7 7A'â€" fwfr i , ~ . ' , . » v, t v o a A . .... c ~ A . , 73 w i a; Community Gmde Inspiring it lldlllJl] to get olt the Ir ‘ - I“ ‘. k v. (4 ~ V ' . t1)ll(ll and detach lrom the screens ‘, ' 1 3" fl 4 5 ‘ ‘~ f "' ‘ SmelSSIOHS for some good. old fashion exercise is k\ ‘\ x“: , . " " ~ ' ,. Irv ‘ no small task. â€A“ ‘u-‘r _ g "on, The (.l‘irtlntt‘lt‘ is gearing up tor its annual ‘ Hut the risk ofallowmg the “crisis ot' ‘ 2 f? . l ‘ ', Waterloo Community (iuide featuring local pho ‘ inatlivlly," to envelop (anadians is i; ‘ ' Q ' , tos, articles. listings and more. ‘ simply too great to ignore. according to Q“ . “i . i f ‘ r- "? ll you‘re a member of an arts group, sports ‘ Kc“) Murumets. [he woman leading 54 a 5 so†I, re ' a, x“ % ‘ organization or other community institution and l the renewed charge to get the country " . ‘ n 5 if; ' ~ A you want to be included in the listings section. ‘ ( moving x7) ', 1 ~ ’ _ ' , ‘ send your contact information to us. ‘ ‘ "More than halt'ofour country I\ 0; a i j ‘ - " 1 . f‘ “33; ‘ You can reach the paper at editorial(w ‘ considered physically inactivity," said u 1 ' if - ".J, - kl - waterloochronicle cu. call us at 319886485“) extr ‘ Mummers, president and (Ill) of the A ‘ ' A gï¬ t: "T x a»; 229 or visit us 279 Weber St. N, Shite 20. 1 revitalized l’articipMZ'l [UN programr , , N ' * ‘L x 1 ‘ “Hallot our county is considered over [a 1. f'; N ' " ' \- ’ ~ ‘. Making your home ‘ weight and childhood obesity rates , " f ’. a i†. have tripled in the last three decades. . g k, - l’ f“ energy Efï¬Clent ‘ We really do have a crisis" i- \_ f . _ l’tirticipA(J'I‘l()Nwivhich many \ ‘..| y! “A, ' - Homeowners who are interested in learning - remember from the 19705 television ‘ N r . about how to make their homes more energy efli l commercial that compared the mm,“ 1 ‘ cient are encouraged to attend an ecu-energy level of a 30»vear-o|d Canadian man . . information seminar on Sept, 8- with that of a'60~vear-old Swedeâ€"was ' Hosted by the (lily of Waterloo's 55+ Advtsory l re-launched in 2b0? after getting the i , ‘ Board, the event will be held at the Wing 404 budgetary axe just aï¬er the turn ofthe A = . Rotary Adult (Ientre at 510 Dutton Dr, from itiiti * millennium. ,/ ' ‘ . “w A ' pm [0 4 pm, 7 The idea was to target the so-called \~ we ‘ Experts wtlI include Ron Bolender, a building crisis of inactivity bv motivating Cana- , envelope specialist from Patron Services, Dianne dians to add a bit-more action into MacDonald, who does eco~energy evaluations for their day's. “‘ ' the EN ERGuY. and Peter McCarthy. an Energy Star So where exactly do you start? , ' . \ ' product advisor with Solution One. "That's a billion dollar question." i I w â€" _There will also be energy savings kits from _ Munimets said. "Most of us know we ., l" 5“ l“ ,_ /’ ' UNO“ Gas: . should be more active. but how do we 7 > ’ . Admission is 52 per person. inspire more Canadians? ‘ For more information. please contact the Adult , "R's a complicated issue. and WET? Olympic gold medalist Donovan Bailey turns a skipping rope for a Sun Life employ- Recreation Centre at 5195794020 or the Wing 404 trying to attack it from all sides" ee at the wrap of ParticipACTlON‘s Inspire the Nation tour in Waterloo last week. Rotary Adult Centre at 5198886356 Since it's rebirth. ParticipACTlON more moutuonton l has geared up the media machine Canadian tour sponsored by Sun Life average Canadians will inspire average . . . again. producing tongue~in-cheek ads Financial. was dubbed “inspire the Canadians to move more," Mummets cellac aSSOClatlon that show inactive teens talkin the talk Nation." said, “SO we've really had the avera e o of middle-age glut and motiti'ational As pan of the tour. ParticipACl'lON Canadians out telling us their stories."g general meetlng messages from astronaut Bob Thursk. handed out peddmeters and asked They’ve also had stories of an above . ‘ , ‘ v While Mummets says those kinds of people to share their stories in a video average Canadian. Olympic goal The Kitchener-Waterloo chapter of the Canadi- ' communications are key to getting “inspiration booth" The organization medalist, Donovan Bailey. acted as an Celiac ASSOCIaIIOI’I 'S,h°ldlng a general meeting their message out, the non-profit is, will select some ofthe stories to feature spokesperson for the tour. on Sept. 1“ at Mount 1:10" Lutheran (ihurch m also working on forging partnerships in national television commercials slat~ “You can take my story as inspira» Waterloo. _, _ l with corporations to provide things like ed to launch this fall. tion. but not every one is going to be a Newcomers 3.“ welcome. Ihe group otters hasketballs for youth organizations The tour ended last week in Water- world class athlete in whatever sport educational material. as well F‘s l’f9du“.a"d5‘?P' ‘ and a 50cm] networking site that allows loo with a health fair on the lawn of they do," he said while signing auto» pl!†information “4â€. those diagnosed mth (Char teens to set activity goals for them» Sun Life's Canadian headquarters on graphs for Sun Life employees at the (159,358 and dermatitis herpetiformis. . selves. King Street. 10mm?!†[or more information. contact kwceliâ€" ‘ Their summer venture, a 3] stop “It" all based on our premise that Continued oan 13 acï¬â€˜sympaticoca. FACTORY OUTLET _""' ""_' ‘ new Was Yul" 350 Trillium Dr Kitchener “Ila Slap At 519.748.1491 Mk E-maiI: The Foam Store taxi-- nnmfllcoflagn/ \ Mon.-T'hun. Frl. 3-4 Boat/Trailer] if . . the 8to a"? . 4m in .‘ _ It's Easy And Emailed , who. V Z _ if“ 4 ‘,,~ “MOM Hero Youcan'lm g, a» SAVE W8 Time To Get A 9“ P?" 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