so-wuamulcunoum-Wedlmduy. lulyzz. zoos TH E CITY OF E] ’ ' water loo For men information, please contact: City of Waterloo 100 Regina St South Waterloo, Ontario N2J W P 519-8864 550 F 519-747-8760 TTY 1-866-786-3941 www.weterloo.ea ‘ Concerning an Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment And a Zoning By-lew Amendment TAKE NOTICE that the Council ofThe Cor- , _ fl, \ - pontion of the City of Waterloo will hold a i \= /6é€ fa ‘\ \ >t<\\ ‘ , 2.1 . ‘ Formal Public Meeting on Monday, August 24, \,Â¥ X. 3/095‘ ./ ,/ a} ‘\ ‘\ K ‘i “ \ ‘\ \ r d 2009, noearlierthan6z30pm, intheCouncil a ~-“ \ \ X vâ€,/,x\_/~\ , (â€Q 5, 4 Chambers, 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, ,, \ _ Q» x) / //\11, ' /"j,\ '\ 1 xi X " J 100 Regina Street South. Waterloo, tooonsider \’f . _/’//'V\;/, i {P / ,- f, f). X \ ‘ _\\ \ 1 J - the following application to amend the Zoning /~\\~~ A Ek/ ': "f/i’j/fe g x & 1/> 9-1 By-Iaw pursuant to Sections 22 & 34 ofthe (x) ~j/;,{f¢_ <1 " Av; , / xx / ix /ï¬}é~// 94 r ‘ .“ Planning Act. ‘\\ \ *;7;7_‘â€"+~ < " , ’,Â¥'~f / \ //x ff9¢4)§ Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment No. 76 S a \ if / fj, ’ , ' , ‘ c, §///>/ x; / __ Zonlng Byâ€"Izw Amendment 2-09-05 ' \ i} A < , ' 4 " $73; / ' ‘A/ / ),> \ <1 ' "‘ .. Momenl Management end Consulting Inc. a X N ‘ A X , 7 l» / 3L 1 //"'v\â€_, ' - k " 48MooreAvenne SonthWerdHUptm) \.¢<V/ » \x [A if?†â€fâ€. ' A . . . ,o v/ \.'/5“€/<\ ,' ,- A’ , Aï¬/ ,/ , A‘AV/ 1 TheappllcantlsproposlngtoamendtheOfl'l- {/ W) 40 « 14A - g x / 3/351/ \\/ cial PlantoaddaSpecial PolicyAreaandto \ ‘J’Nï¬/f/‘AflLQ/A Q, \: amend Zoning By-law l 108 from General ‘ ’ “ “ " .‘ ‘ up" « / ‘ ' 1 Residence One ‘GRl ‘ to General Residence, - , ’" /.ȠK J, » / , , ‘GR‘ with site speciï¬c provisions in order to f , / A A A ' ; permit the development of a new mixed use ,» My ,- Aft: x Adult building. // \ (, A]; J _ / Crossng Guards Needed: The 051°“! Pm_"_'“°“¢“°“‘_s°°““°“dd 7 ‘ ‘~ V \ N7, a 215K ) ofï¬ce, medical clinic and moth-spa uses to the _ // \\~ x< / a.) k 1 existing Low Density Residential Designation. _ -\.4\ \\‘ i \\,'<//« 71â€"0 ‘ The City of Waterloo is accepting appliaï¬ms The site speciï¬c zoning provisions include: 41;; ,_;‘,,Q_;Q\_Q_L M for Crossing Guard posioom for the upcoming W “221°: grim ï¬'ï¬ï¬â€™yï¬ _ school .IdEll d ponsible metle y a . m 8] and mmw_ anllda, Zï¬fm I setback,322 metreflankageyardsetbecka m - mums mo . and l I They also 0.3 metre daylight triangle setback. clariï¬ca- .__..__ __"'_'_':_ '. . ' . tion of parking calculation lites, and permis- â€"--â€"----â€" 133:azrsgmmmmmmï¬nra sionwnmmmmmm-m mmâ€" _ _ . , ty' THlS meeting shall constitute the formal pub- mmw‘ffpfyfo'mpf’flm‘sfuj9pfl licmeetingrequiredunderSections22&340fThe hour: Wh’d‘ " “M†M- Cromng 8mm Planning Act, R.S.0.. 1990, as amended. it is expected Rose Clemens, Clerk's Ofï¬ce will be Paid for two or three hours Per day, that Council will decide whether the application should Telephone: 519-747-3549 depmding upon me location worked- be approved. denied or unaided. Fax: 5197474510 Interlaced and qualified applicants an submit IF Council approves the application, a ivy-law to adopt machine!“ wmrlooxa aresumeandooverletter-quoï¬ngï¬le theOfl‘lcianlanAmendmentnndtoamendtheZoning Awrlttensunwneryofthepneemdonshouldbe mm-XGD-byAugustl,mmthe By-lawwillbepessed ï¬ledwlththeCltyCleripfiutothepublkmeet- City of Watrloo. FOR further infonnetlon recording the above inat- “9 mmmmatyofvmodooowotoo lF-mmwwukbodydoanotmhonlwb- mmzwfloonwwlooatyamn, missionsetepubllcmeetingormatewrmensub- Hum-n Rmm' Wetnloo, 0mm, by calling (519) 7474535 or by missions to the Corporation of the City of Wm- ' C‘WOfWNG'bO emailetlesleybelltweterloon. Theneflrepon loobefooetheby-lewlsnessed.thepemnorpub- lWReï¬MSCS- MMMrwlllbeevellableontheOty'sweb- lichodylsnotentltledtoeppeelthededslonof Waterloo. ON N2] 4A! she et m.weterloo.ce and available for pickup Council to the Ontario Munidpel loud. In eddi- F1X:5l9-747-85“ beginnthrHele-ltyudm. Mllepenonofptblkbodydoesnotmhorel Email: hrlnlo@clty.waterloo.on.ea M loll, W“ Services Missions et e public meeting. or mete written (51â€741..s“ mwhmdflnflvd WWW.“ mmmw-lewlspmedJMM orpublkbodymeynotbeeddedeeepeflytothe ~ MYpenonmeyettendtherlkMeetingend/or ofeneppeelbe'oretheomefloM mt. . or in beefing inldpel a er 0° """‘" “b" "°'"""""°""""' M unless. lntheoplnlonoltheloefthevean wotorhopposltlontothepropoeedom- meb“â€. del Plan end Zoning ly-law Amendment. If you WWW.Wdt¢"l'i()().(.l MmMnmmal-ldlormuld man-ï¬x kawwnudoneoanmenmungpleese WMC‘WMWW mt: mm)J.-â€ï¬‚mâ€).'.’.lï¬.’m.'ï¬.'w.'.'.'-'¢'l.'.'I)u'.'.’.'.'.' .'4'.' y).0.'.-.-a.%~.-.\°.e.\mm - - ~