_ WA! â€(1 A)“ (.HR()NI(jU-. - Wednesday lune IU 200“ - 7 Region backs s: "a ‘ a: offon gggfigéigiéï¬i , cf; Essï¬igsgzaï¬ï¬â€˜ development “W , 5.25235; S. 5525 ,. §§E5;.f=§l;g A .. "‘. Figé its 5? ~ Q i 3‘ Vi, ENE-"14 ‘; ! J! I A Refit $2 E 5 ï¬g égé E E E; BYGREGMM'DONAID " l j a" 4' "‘ 5,542: i V "'“ ' ' W .( .-. ’ agiégéggifflg ("firtniii'linSIu/j i' ' â€"â€"â€" E V E N T _ i, i ""“"v¢",i’?“f ' 7 g; “g : E E E E E» M , » ‘ ‘ i f z E; Citing iough economic times, the _ . . gg l ggég ii a; 5 Region of Waterltx) has put forth A ' 55555551235 a recommendation to cut proposed ' E? f A“ mil-FM dewiupmmt charges in THIS SPRING, KEEP YOUR â€ONE†5 553 5 53g gi r . a . . , . fl it a? A background study released 3 ' s s s o * tags? 2 a, ; earlier this spring calculated maxi- r /0 ï¬g 5555 $5? 255 mum charges for the fees. which m étgi E â€ggi“ are charged on all new develop- 35 E g _ SE! 55? merits in the region and help pay Eggs Sgagiéag forgrowth. ' 1545 “ “is [hat report recommended an 89 FIRSTMONTH DOWN pus†seem means; 55155 £235 52 per cent increase for residential mm mm m w W ggggggégEE‘g; charges‘znd 31127 percent bike for â€" â€" m 7 om urybymoo-iNoru/me-pptymmwm â€"»â€"\ Eggsgggggésg non-reSi entia. “0M ON- -RO.D ï¬nd the". “urn."k‘. n", 5 _ Instead. councillors will debate a THE â€KING' â€I M a I, n £555? Egg 55 ES proposal that suggests 40 per cent n. â€- ggizgiéggggé for residential and 66 per cent for . I 4 “1.1... f , f BE gigs a â€g nonvresidential, 2-3; ._ sf ; X \\ “AK My Egggig Eg§§5 "(The regioni worked hard to ‘r’ if: _' . f ‘ ' , a, k \\ ti; rm §8g§§5§§ ï¬g? reduce the rate We recognized that $5 » ~_ ; _ f, 1‘ “A, , .,__ ,, x l': mu r Egggï¬f ï¬g jg: such a large increase in this current - - q «r J i at. 3 , J a, , ' ....._l._ _ is ï¬Ã©gg‘igafï¬ggg economic time would be difï¬cult," wï¬gs “ A ‘ 7 “ A. m .- ~ bf é‘f Jot i .. L 5 "335551 \ . - 4 - , ., -§¢" a» - - ,. , - ~ ' 57,4, u, ~ 2 ï¬ght said thief finantial officer Larry if -5-’k? ',.’\ t... eâ€" \ ,,‘ ,, , _. , â€i 229; 5 a! a? Ryan. ‘- t, a' 4A†.~ - \ A SQ if» ~ ~"' " £55535???†" in pay for the reduction in “I ‘_ ‘ , . "M . '_ â€";‘_.);_Z, eggggagggï¬g charges. the region will remove , s] ;:;-w. > _ n musem * - .« ___,-â€"'â€"‘""" ‘, f†i " "" “' §§§5§E§%@' £55 some water projects from the -~. """"'f.7“ -' fr?- . "".'-;’~‘7' ‘7’,v 1 A“ ~ 535? charge â€" essentially ï¬nding other F'mmml ~, - v‘ ,». ‘ , ' ‘ J ' 355 E7352 2 $2,555 ways to hind them. J , ,, __ :-_ if. ‘ i. \ J _, . ‘ giggisï¬iiï¬Ã©s s‘idditionally, they will defer lO w - 1" u "’ g ,' ' A» 352; gig a“ $51 per cent of the “hard services" ~ "~'â€"-'â€"â€" ‘.\_ 7 25? gééi E! g; road. water and sewer projects â€" 2009 F-750 SuperCab XLT 4x4 ‘,l\ a E E §§E if; g Egg that the charges were slated to pay ‘ with mums-non: "new“; ‘ , -~- - - w. 565 E5; ‘ g- : G 9 . yum ‘ ii. 7 g , n 25:33; for Si“ in o yes,\lwti)‘ tilsr trio fi’jiLT giaigséggqg E Finally: the region will issue debt $279 0 0/0 $499 a 0. 99/0 _ C» - , , Sis; §§?i§-; -! E â€" for 40 per com in the hard serw‘ces .. t. mm who at. mm. to. as mam ' ' 1 ,< - ï¬â€˜ ‘; i,‘ a ? £5 a g g g? 551! projects in EON-2018 > lav-376° mafll’fl mm so down mm so down, so Slfuvit‘y nit-now! ,, _, - i I ' > ‘ ll)? his, Egg; ggsaggigi Since the bylaw expires in five "w†‘ ‘ ""*“"" "" “m "“" """ in,“ ._s« - _ A ' ' i ' §§§§§5§§ T’gb; years‘ that debt can be eliminated " - ' _( §€§ggsggiga§g and paid for by future development gage? g 24 SEE. t charges if the 2014 council Wishes Egg ‘ EE‘ Egg said (Ialvin Barrett, director of _ SPECIAL OFFER ggigg eggs?! ï¬nancial services and development a 3:2 im: 53: m:’“‘°°‘:§zf _._1.,- f fâ€"’“ gag §'§§’§§ fl; ï¬nancing a»; “a...“ “but“ 4 Egg gig-git , 3 As an added precaution. ï¬nance a “W "i ,§§3"§ 5 gig E staff will monitor the charges and _ u «JAN 3 gig Eggs. Eh report back annually on whether f“ ‘ ' A? ‘r.’ x! Fe: 55 gf §§5 the byiaw should be reopened ‘ ‘ A ‘ 2255“ 555 1.“ E ; “lfwe're not collecting enough in gfégggï¬ giiga charges to pay for projects, we'll be 5 ' s g n i '9 5 able to open it up and review the ' ' -(' . - gigggggggaggg charge," Barrett said. I 3535, t; †â€Weed-1h“ new â€HP“ Wi“ be mmmmm mwnrwwmurmm momma-mm fggé'diéï¬gsgg phased in. Though the bylaw Will i , ,7~,A,,, , W"**** ""ï¬m;§7 ,, ' "é a A â€" * ,.§aE§g§5 Ug i come into effect on August 1, the 6" Ownlbl s w†. $55 §§?§§ egg charges won't increase until lanuary 096 Zip/“gm,“ s 2 ' 124†E §E E FE ‘ 53 i 2010 ‘ A†â€magma-1m 13 @ oï¬ M ribs-zinnhmofluoo §g§§i§b gggég That will cost the region about . â€to "sum i r .. 000mm†1 is r 56 million in revenue, Barrett said. ’ + $0 £7er m nmwmxun mm’mwwi: sggegggiggi'g The lost revenue will still have to , ‘ a ' “5 l M , .. , , ~ , muff mum 3145535; be attounted for and $2 million of v E ibiï¬ ; 55 those “mm" be transferred to the THE "057 FUEL'EFF'C'ENT- 30m“ + OZ‘WW“ 30m“ + 30224" mm ‘ 5“: tax Ni ‘er while 54 million will b MIDS|ZE SEDAN l" CANADA 5 l ' 5 R 5 ‘ l l i‘ e , A, , h 7 , MMMMEW. unionme is E !§§ absorbed into user rates for water 5; 5 ~ 355 E and wastewater, £3 5 sgiigsg! Despite the tont‘essions, the an yo on 0rd 1! a 5 ' municipality is still hearing com- â€I: â€Hâ€, V a, tarlo F Dealer if 53535 t gig! plaints from home builders and and†your M†g} t a git-jig developers in the region about the ï¬g 5 5 $52,551 proposed increases fï¬Ã© ga E s s: 3! At last week‘sadministration and K‘s“; \\ . igzgiigiï¬ase lintini e committee meeting. touii ’ V ‘ ' i \ (AU-"(II “ Dl'lvf’ one "a. g as} t'iIIors deferred a ï¬nal derision on ' » §E2§§§ {95352 the charges until a special Council meetingon lune lï¬.