WM “(LOU CHMNKJLE - Wednesday. June it). 1009 - li ----â€"------------ f ~~ ~ f m M ~ MM ~~~ M = mm- m, . . a .‘ A A 2 G 195 D 19 ‘l' ' o o 2 ._ .. M 65 a I emeta O smm 0 W9] t 088 = ,. I g ' IN L h l . , _ . E _=‘6“"flé“~ - (o l m l CCUrdjngtl] many diet because it is simple to under prior weight gain but “1014 L 5 0 (“a , v 1m: l | books and weight loss ' stand and a seemingly logical iii/e that it is indeed yotir 2 1‘ j l . . , . . , ' t , r . , I“ ' ' ‘ mgrarns. rtietalxilism Ls \\ I I( II I I \( I explanation. lite problem is in ltd\it)llf tsomtthitig that is 3 731 “$3," . l the main my)" why 54) many , that blaming our lack of under your coritroli and not 8 A s “ ‘ j" . at ï¬t 7 fr | stmgletokeepweight off. I\ weight loss or weight gain on an uncontrollable external or J, 73“? “h- J; -~ ‘ , . What is interesting It, that metabolism is lust plain biological factor that causes g .;"'V“ v~ r ~ . no reputable scientiï¬c pubii- wrong. “148m gain, a; \ __‘,\'v'v"" , . E l cation backs this form of Worse, some ofthe more lastly. you can forgive . . £4 \ 1 4 I thinking. in other words. no 9 popular and so called rep» yourselffor falling for these g . '- J ' 1 A- 0 ‘ ;. l reputable research iournai. or ..« , titable sources continue to types ofpians, Misinforma- g 7 t 1 ' ' , . l researcher for that matter, convince us that eating a cerâ€" tion is one ofthe reasons so 2 f? ‘ _ . | suggests that metabolism is tain way or doing certain many people struggle with é \ l the root cause of weight gain. exercises will “correct" our their body weight. Sometimes g A ' l) ‘ So what is with all the l i metabolism. no matter how hard you try, "’ ' l metabolism mystiï¬cation? i fliisiust isn't true. the only the wrong road map still leads , \ \ l indeed. sortie people have DREW way to “rev up" your metabo- you to the same destination. § \ ._, | slightly “faster" metabolism lism is to get moving. on 3 l . , . , . , . Luau: an m 1 than others btit the major i HARVEY I 50 what is the problem Drew Harvey M,5(‘. (It LS the ‘f BB.-------% | hole in this argument isthat “m“ W" -. .. ' ‘ with focusing on metabolism? founderand director (7me g \ . ‘ . ' l heavier people have higher less than one in 1,000 my The problem, of course. is Healthy Weights Clinic. Corr- 2 ’ ‘ ' ' t .L . ' 1 I . l metabolisms. pie experience weight related that we fail to spend our hard tact him via his website 7 ' f * I" l{ |7("l' * ' just like a bigger vehicle issues due to a metabolic earned effort on what really it'llHRHMIIhylVPfghf-Sfa or his g ‘ ' L...-.-...--J l tends to idle at a higher rate of abnormality. matters. . blogat wu'utDtetTtredmm z . ; : i MARKET SQUARE. DOWNTOWN fuel consumption bigger peoâ€" Further. these abnormali» The “331 problem when ll . ‘ K:“TC"FEN‘%'Z $?'99;5571‘1?21 pie require more energy to ties are usually diagnosed comes to body W'Elgh‘ is ' l l 0" n ' a ‘ ' “n ' keep liting tissue functioning early in a person’s lifetime. ones behavtour. I! 15 your H , †(evm a mm and wire certainty conditions such “we†We“ FEET SHOULDN T HURT more energy to move it. as hypothyroidism impact and mood that dictate _ Further. faster or slower one's metabolism. but you are how much you move, â€" Heel & ArCh Pal“ â€" metabolism does “F" Change better 9.†seeingthis as'a SUS' hm: you eat and, mt“- Are your heels hurting? This time ofyear heel and arch pain is one of the most common reasons the “119? oftaiorie intake and “P‘lblllty (0 weight 831“ ma e Y' your weigh _' for a visit to our clinic. says Serge Petrusic. our local chiropodist (foot specialist). After a long expenditure. rather than fate. VMmOUl a paradigm period of inactivity people are eager to get outside and Stan walking or running. This tends to inie, some people have a in other words, even those Slim I.“ our weightless put a lot of stress and strain on their feet resulting in pain and discomfort. in most of the cases susceptibility to weight gain with slower metabolism still thinking, metabolism heel pain is usually due to the inflammation of the p antar fascia (ï¬brous tissue on the bottom (myself included. but we still have (0 overeat and perform and diet claims to “ï¬x" of the feet). This will result in pain and swelling. With the pullinglof the plantar fascia on the heel must consume more calories too little activity' to gain your metabolism will bone development of the secondary heel spur is common. T e presence of the spur doesn’t than we are burning. weight. ‘ continue to flourish. cause the pain but overstretching. swelling and degeneration of collagen ï¬bres at the insertion Comparing ourselves to A5 one scientist put it What can you do? point _(heel bone) does. Pain is usually worst ï¬rst thing in the morning and after prolong periods ‘ _ .. \ " ‘ _. . of Sitting. There is also a constant presence of tenderness at the heel or the arch throughout the the few people that can eat your genes load the gun. but locus 9“ what "la!- y. I 1 . day or after exercising whatever they want and not your behaviour pulls the trig- (Orb: 9m0llOflS, motiva F lb ~ ' .. 1 gain weight is like comparing get." tion and skills for weight . ' Ahnyone can suffer from plantalr fazcutirs blur ' our life time earnings to Bill ()n the surface, metabo- “5&de physical health. ~ Vâ€"q ~ logtrg$rxniir£ar2$£ (filth: fie-ftletfitfleexitgiliar: I?) (rates orWarren Buffet. lisni is a great scapegoat l‘OI'fiWP yourselffor .. -., . . _ ' the calf muscle. poor footwear. arthritis, ' ’ , r‘ 'i - f: - diabetes. irritation or repetitive microtrauma . g$ ChaSlng a ChlldhOOd dream a w a to the heel tissue, etc. However. heel pain ~ ' , i may also be due to other causes. such as a (antlhnred frolm page'lVO , 1 . ,- _ ., j“ ‘i f " fl ' stress fracture. tendonitis or nerve irritation, j N â€ï¬‚“ his fl (“it i“ d'Lllr'nhdhlpwImmrrl-dnd a! ' 5, J.- if ‘ - , - Considering that there are other potential ( ivers pe oriiiiiig in a n mi ion»ga on poo . t ivers ï¬ClCEE 1 ~" ~ ‘ causes it Is important to have proper have been cast mother shows that require similar skills, _ FMAUT hBCDYD‘PAiNT "T J †‘ diagnosis There is a variety of treatments “k" bungee acts w ,. -“" . .; > __ ._;- . _ _ 4 available to treat this problem ranging from a iaylor came prepared Sunday Willi an audition tape ‘ i “ 1 .7 im- ga-y' , :" Simpleadee about prop?! footwear and and the versatility lit‘ hoped would propel him through V,“ i)@ stretching to the U“? Of custom orthotics, the cuts. lie was aiming a group of gymnasts, power _,', ‘ presu'pnon. medlmlmn‘ ultrasound tumblers. trampolinists, synchronized swimmers. - (â€" Local chiropodist ‘ Serge Petruslc BSC-DCh "F“"l‘em Wm splints. or corticosteroid d‘ittflL‘fS 'ind one other diver from ariitin ith ‘ 'o l l I â€"?%Z. ' ’\ “ll“ â€l'll'“ iniections. Symptoms usually resolve much ‘ “\ ll- ' 1. l _ l ‘, ( t “ r L“ _, ’ ., \ M “ ., quicker if the treatment is offered as soon as possible. preventing further damage to the tissue " l t “ "Hf mm“ l "l P“ h“ exerytliing 01†â€f you. " Keep in mind that painful feet should never be accepted as normal iaylor said. lwasnt expet ting it to go as smooth as it , . 4 . . -' , , , , _ . . in order to prevent heel pain/plantar fascntis wear good supportive shoes, stretch. dont go did iou didrit feel like you were in tom ’iliit)n ‘l mist ' ‘ > - ' - . , _ m ,_ ‘ g‘ barefoot and ayotd actmties that put a lot of stress on your feet. each other it was a fantastic experience. - - - , . ‘ . , , . lite â€In“, process took more than eight hours (“I Speflathng ln ifyou need a consultation about the heel pain or any other foot conditions you can call k-W Poor In†(“I Taylor made n through “ th . e d fth ; (f . P Bi Orthotics clinic at SIB-8844200 and set up a visit with our (Ihiropodist. No family doctor's I“ w h "In I“ ‘d m ide it In“) (â€irqii'e‘s attirrig ? t it ay MM referral is necessary and all our sen/ices are fully covered under most extended health plans, , "t , z . c" s t a a iase. ' H 8 mm mm open in an “Mug mow or a new Mercedes-Benz Dealer Authorized Srdlan (Serge) Petruslc as; DCh Chiropodist (foot specialist) show is developed. he'll be among the pool they select Meï¬iï¬mous Fmofaum K-W Foot Orthotics Clinic from, its one step further to a dream that extends Original Pam "mm†. 279W“ S‘- N" Unit l7,Wlterloo, ON beyond simply performing on a stage as big as(1irque's. “MW calm W' 5 l 9-884-4200 ‘ “lith'en ifhrirlithing‘happens in terms Elfjob opporftuni- 15 Conï¬rm“ Rd. Kitchener mjwfootandorthotlcscllnlccom ties. t e w tie aut ition process is a ast, even i it is . grueling." he said. 519-578 2052 - ADVERTISEMENT » . . A _’ f‘ f ' CHUGGING INTO A til-RIB"): STATION NEAR YOUi o . ‘ . r ~ “â€" â€"_â€"_ . _ t; r?" ‘ if i , _ , i ï¬at: is. t a Elgm County Railway Museum A Day of Family Fun i ,. . . .. , St. Thomas-Elem Memorial Centre t*!$â€Ww&M.W"(?'wMS'WM ' " ‘ . .. . 80 Wilson Amuc, St. Thomas ON ' W Go DU“ “m“ "‘" W" ‘n r k . , 4 ~ - Liv-tnun-inmtlutwing: Oi tic ( ts ant information. Visit F", Satï¬Sun, 8:000m-6t00pm “fl“ . a“... luï¬plwifi- iii mt â€in.“ - mm .'.')nmm Q mmmwn-wâ€"u (1 mm.“ “- ‘ JULY 17118I19 & 241 251 26 2°09 â€"â€"w~q~~ a n..0§“-:mmcm=mnq < â€"- m 1,4 .. .,. . _ . __ _, __ _, ï¬Â¥wc ..A‘-,<_ _._ as ___.,h___ ,,,.»,,_ . ._.ï¬..;.'"" /