32 -w.AIhRioo(;HnoNIaJ-; 'Mkdneadny. May :0. zoos . S l ,J, , a. \ , \ , t. r 7 “fl .7, ., .Wâ€"W*Â¥.Â¥- 7“ Aï¬wm. ,, .. c N t /// J’ ~ v / . ‘ 6 a \ ‘ J, “3 6' ‘ T4 \ N ‘ A a ‘ x. 7 ‘ 4- â€W m .. ‘ ‘r‘ ‘ f mmtnlto\ulil ~‘ ‘ ‘~' .7 W75. \ \ . ‘ l 3 t_,, A", ,,,_v_._, a C‘ ‘ t3 1!; ".3?†ï¬t x: I " / l l ‘. 35.7.1:- ' . V or w \‘ 1 i . .‘ 3 4:. » ‘ , m .\\ ., .. V. a: a - . - _ l/p “Us .l\"/ ?-< †,-~{$,._q ’ xv ' .l/ ‘4‘ ’ k \‘ 7/ 1‘ .r fl 8’ 3.x 1’ ."i .y. _.‘_ it 5 /:/)_‘8:,l-1 3, ll ; I» . . _ ‘ J ‘ I / x. I «I. V . r x 3' ‘~-- 3 ‘. .. . 9- V V _ , ;" * r A - ‘ t if i l ‘ i ‘ ' 5' " . , . . , ~ a}, .. .1 e: . FY lat’u't ‘53: l}: l’ï¬-aaiï¬..al... '.'.1 " r . -. iv 2 H ‘ <5; of v - ~ *1 ‘ $.55? r-- â€.53 (a - _ (A ,. â€I m} :1 ,- ‘ w :" 1' ‘ if rat 6m Ann/6K5 a “ ‘ ' “ G 9’0 of": l r " L ‘1 y .. _ '1': .f _ .9- ~!f.7 I ‘ . , t .- q ‘4Cv~"' he": a; v ' (t,>vl'e.’t;r7tf;t;:rtmmill A5 a? ‘ .3? M5?“ it A § ’4: . low it 5- I l ‘ . Water Plant Seminar ‘ , ‘ ' The Waterloo Chronicle i‘eam of the Wolves were victorious winning the hard- Water Quality Seminar . . Week is the Waterloo Wolves select novice fought contest. Members of the Waterloo ‘ boys hockey team. The Wolves came in Wolves select novrce hockey team. p1c~ ,‘ second place in the Select Alliance 'l'our- tured above. are: lfront row. from left: nament in St. (Iathutines in April, i-.than Bulovas. Kyle Schumilas. Jackson The Wolves reached the finals after a llles. Ben Fraser. Logan Hogben. Kyle (k)? ‘ thrilling semiï¬nal game against the Brant- ï¬n. Tyler Kueneman, Yachary Brick, (see ford 99ers The game was tied 2-3 ond rowl Michael 'l'ikkanen, Brayden f)â€. ‘- _ after regulation. and two intense ï¬ve» Hammond, Benjamin 'l‘imms, Ben Pent» , “ ' ‘4 L‘ , ~, _‘ -, . . . ~. minute overtime periods solved nothing, fuss. Tim Wenn. Tommy Kueneman. [back "\';‘_,\l1,l‘y(.l' ’ l "l ' l)()l] (i 8‘1 [1(1 l3‘1t 1()S. t (I The game proceeded to a shootout with row) coach Stephen Wenn. Michael Haf- “ H ,;y l “,4 l 7 ll “I ; . ' each team scoring once. A second fey, Kyle Bandura, Andrew Graham. ""1 â€I†â€9 ““00! Kh Street SOUFh‘ “3 BlGSldlu. 0†L )l9.6:48t9000 shootout followed but neither team could Mitchell Conway. Rhylee Read and coach . u" l-l"1l‘»‘~tVl LEW Thu-n :. r' M“? We“? ‘ ‘l W“ "W W†“<"1m4lll'l score. Finally. in the third shootout, the Don Fraser. t it‘lli‘u‘wl‘lm’wl ‘\".l‘llill\i‘\l (Ill‘li‘il‘tllt‘\ \l‘tlllll \‘t‘al‘ll\\.lllélultlllllllll‘lll‘lliltll“l x\NNll,-\l l‘lllH lLf Mil l'l NU l‘xl UN ION l‘lll‘xlltllll i\N.\'lll I ll Monday May 25"". 2009 Lundi 25 mai 2009 ° 4'30pm,t06‘00pm ' l6h30é|8h - Waterloo Inn Conference Hotel ° Waterloo Inn Conference Hotel - 475 King Street North_Waterloo. ON - 475. rue King NordWater‘loo (ON) Canada Mortgage and Housrng Corporatlon (CMHC)_ La Socnéte' canadienne d'hypotheques et de logement lnvnes you to attend our annual public meeting (SCHL) vous come a notre reunion publlque annuelle. The evening wnll Include a presentation on CMHC Un expose des ObjECtth et des lnltlatlveS de la SCHL programs and inmatrves, as well as a boef overvnew of our sera présenté, de meme qu'un brel apercu des résultats {manual results. A question~and»answer penod w1ll follow ï¬nancrers de la SOCIété. Une pénode de questions suma Advance registration at cmhc.“ Vous pouvu vou: mm A l'mnce 5 KM.“ Search keyword: A?" Recherche par mot CM : RM Canada l m2“) ®