. WAIl‘NllXH‘HRDNICLI‘.-Wednc:day. May 20‘ 2009- 23 26 Young St E ‘3! Regina) in ‘.‘.':nterloo .. I , s. ,a , I l 1 , . . The [X‘ll\‘) is about openness the den released JhUUl oral health .1! rapid rate ‘ ‘ _ v ‘ lists will tell patients exactly whirl their "(her the last decade things have really .' ,~ LUlltllllUll is untl let them (home their t’hdnged There‘s more ot :1 locus on oxen ‘ OH" - treatment path all health." l)r. Jones sand . x â€We oller options 4nd let people weigh B) educating their patients on good them.†Jones s.ud practices And new studies about tooth Tlml‘s the kind ol one you'll get 41 decay and gum disease the dentists 4t 'l‘eehl'own honest und .tt‘eounluhle 'l‘eehTown want to make sure that any 5 l 9334‘ 1 3.1 5 Drs Jone» Sellller And their l'rlendly problems a person might huse are not and prol'esslollutl stint are there to work reeumttg. Wllh you and help you hutld your dental Edut'ation is also linked to Innovation, health eont'ldellee l'he) welcome new and TechTown stnves to be innovative. . patients and ln\llC you to book an appoint- TeehTown has an array of new tech- ,_ ment by calling 'l‘eeh'l'own Dentistry at nlques to make your smile better And A ‘ “din“ is 519746-71“ mouth healthy. if. » v ‘ '7‘ . V 0 t V ’ v I Stop Decay TechTown was one of the llrst Waterloo f/ ,1 l‘ / (’/ t _ Teeh’l‘own‘s cure is tilwttys improving practices to_lntroduce anlsallgn ‘Ua'ghl' a: a" ; ,- l 2‘ and exolslng The latest treullllenl is the em?“ non-intrusive “fly to 3“ better a ‘ (I _ tooth decay prevention program. smile lnvtsallgn can t be seen With the .â€" ~ ; v‘ * 7 The dentists identity people who are naked eye. _ ‘ ' seeing weur on their teeth or .tre candidates Your teeth can b“ straightened fwd U N I Q U E B O U T I Q U E for tooth decay In happen [0 m the future know one knows about It, Dr. Jones said Often the wanting signs are present and 7 can he represented by small white flecks A! TCCI‘ITan‘ It all comes beck to oral 1'0 ï¬ve . â€ms on the teeth But it was recently dlseovel’ed hygiene From D" Jones favounte maxtm . ' that m“ decay h WWNNO 7 "Healthy gums should never blwd, never ’ And all it takes ls a lew simple changes. even ‘ ‘0 stateâ€"ofâ€"the-art technology, h mt C,“ M. A lot of the time. the problem is caused TeehTown keeps your mouth '" 30"" by diet. By eating healthier. the less likely shape. . ' CHIC A GO IS tooth decay I“ Come visit Dr. Jones. Dru Sellner and Pilgrlmage t0 the As for the irreparable damage caused all thelr knowledgeable and helpful staff at Holy [land ()[R K[\D ()[4 [( )‘yN by teeth getting worn down. Jones and “CHOW" Dentistry located at 340 Hagey . . . _ . Sellner haw an easy solution. Blvd in the Research and Technology Travel thh Father Ken Misklercz, Join Maestro Brlan Jackson on a “A lot of people get \ery tense in dlt‘fer- PM ‘ St. Joseph Church Guelph 5 Da m to the Chica 0 cm situations. Esen driving In the winter For more information about TeehTown , y p g can L‘uUsC people to eleneh their teeth." Dentistry, "5†the webstte at October 13 - 22, 2009 September 23 - 27, 2009 Jones said wwwtechtowndentjstryicom “But there's it simple wily to ï¬x that 7 “S" a" Bible cam: 05" before your Mo‘or coach betel» "105‘ meals, it‘s called Tongue Trick. If you press your eyu,you'll never!» the same†shows and much more ‘ tongue to the hack of your upper teeth it ' . r ' o - - ‘ automatically relaxes your fuelul muscles 0 E NT I S T R . " It) " -g â€"- () _ ‘ i V , 3 - 3 t - + and stops your teeth trom unndlngr '. _ ... l ‘ .. . w :‘l‘llHtP‘l \ klhlltllkl' ll sustmple solution_hut it works. v‘i‘ flint (EH-RUN“ ; ‘ . . . A . » _ â€"â€" '4‘ , I \\\\\\,l‘lllltt‘ll‘.l\(ltwill It s all a part ol lethTown s lows on 340 Hagey Boulevard. Suite 207 .__â€"-_: . A. ‘ â€" ‘ education. l ~, 3 , ‘ ?_ E ,‘l is n ‘ â€"‘_\~ , Dentistry ls a rapidly changing field R&T Park ' lnnerslty ofWaterloo -â€" ___.â€" rave ; ~ ‘ . with more and more llllormutlon being 519-746-7333 : 9;" i 7‘ ----n---------------q----g--1 at, “l"é» l, . t it†A, if A“ I ‘ I . , v '1 iii-‘25»?- i‘LA . ‘1‘ '3‘ 1 l . ‘ .. " a“ - ' . 7‘ . t A. _ ' f ï¬,.5 ,v j g l 5 , _ a i. 3;: [T 5 N91- THE : .' , ' . DESTINATION, i . i . fl ‘ :5 - ' - l . 7* I , t . - ‘ t IT’S THE JOURNEY a ~- I . . ._" "‘ x.‘ k , A ' ‘- ‘ R I .l â€As " ‘ 5» 'lllley Gomwnumvwmx “ '- I $031., if ; 1 ~ < A , ~ ~l ‘ . - \l .‘_‘I‘._." “s . ,_ ’ d I t .' l 5,"; "It ‘> ..â€"'.t“ , s We ‘2: .\ ' *- 9; I v 9 V , I .. » < - v $ 5. ,9 g I lemalnynns] ,- , _ - . u s - I h- V /_i is?! ‘ ', ’ - : , / . , . _ Ls I .m-w“. :1 f _ 5;; _. . ~ _ _ s ~ , ; .7 .. ' I mom. i I" : -.- i . ‘ OC- \ ‘ l‘x‘ H“ I a r. s ‘1:;;_ __ A, " ’ . ' I ~ I ..;:-‘: r e 22 s»; mammth } 4 l â€r : r . _ I i . " g ‘ " Kt f u Mamie-nu ; - I? m‘ a: i; s g g“: ’ - 0 Wm LN . ‘ - :4 u 1 C i .1; a. ' r *" f -" - e ‘ x L ‘ ‘ 1-5.“: ¢ (We 3? s59, â€tag ‘ _- an "aluminium, ,._ . - i? . .I , a. .«e» «a mum-maniacal: ' ' i l W .' ‘ a , at} v a" ~f5‘1315-t- = ‘02-“ ,n , v 537.. 7 - A “9664-1“! . . i ‘ "null-shag. l..L.t.. 11,... .7 ,_ , ' - _