tut i RI UHLHRUNIL‘LI: . “rum-“tat xi.“ so 1009 - n 0 Energy Conservatlon Week pram-um summer Punl suggests many ways to save V I . . - Are \ou worried About home. \l'hOUl and ofï¬ce. l-1nd out more at l I t a v your energy lull but not sure local events will not only \s'wW.erierg)conservationwe Myâ€. yr“ "W“ ,. Mint youmn donhout irl' llllllTlll you about how to elem, 'k ‘ N ‘ ‘3’“ Ilie annual l.lll'l'g_\ (on rt-dut‘e your energy experts» l'here you can discover * . " ! sermtion Week. whlt'h t'llIl- ex. but also Show you how to and share ideas or find an ““" l [nines through to May 3.5m he an environmentally event and make a pledge to l .l "" Will give you some Ideas. friendly consumer. t‘onsen'e, a?“ _, "M if 7 l‘hroughoul the week. A public event will he Kitchener»Wilmot Hydro '2‘ - u 1 “we ' . : ()nrario residenls and him» held Thursday from 10:30 and Waterloo North Hydro A a" 751~ ' \“ ' rinses will he t‘()li\t‘i\lllg not to 1 pint or Conestoga Will be giving away free ' .. ‘5 ,_. Jpn ’7 "'5 energy; saving money and Mall retractable Clotheslines ' ’ 5" redtit‘lng their emironrnen» Whether you are an indi- iwhile supplies last) to peoâ€" ‘ g . I 15, [ill impact urinal or an organization. pie who make an energy sav- .. I» a \l ‘ . 'â€' Kiteherter»\‘\‘1|nnll Hydro there is 11 lot you can do to log pledge, “Hr _ v n ‘ . and Waterloo North Hydro reduce your energy foot‘ Collectively. we can work \‘ “N ‘4 'l \ ‘ ' are spreading the word and print. towards a greener tomorrow. promoting a whore of con» livery kilowatt counts, lake the Count Me in! pledge {A â€5 »« his t, .,- ,1,“ . . 7 ,. -- 2 . â€$13. , E y; †-.; ,_ .3: , sew-anon, Pledge your sup» and by working together we today and make it happens ‘ ; ,,“;£L~Wrw,.- " «~ , j '1 “an“ ,- --2’j r» "y in; w" 7 port and learn about energy can help make Ontario 21 Visit Waterloo North , “,9 “M5 ' _ H. mwgme' comervation ideas that can cleaner‘ healthier, and green» llydro's website at . _‘ .1 ‘ wï¬wsï¬aï¬w _ ‘1; ,. $¢Mifï¬,n, . ,-" - â€my“ ht llnplt rntntul in your Ll’pl’UVlntL wwwnhydrocom. , fu‘T‘TWT‘ 05.53;?»7 Z, Z»;{l:.‘_:’:‘%‘: â€Â£9721: , ‘ ‘ ’ .1 hirer 100V. iodide all will“ he!" his. applied pursuin- pith,†“d hm Ernst be. In“ In um. Volkswagen Woltsburg Croat Club Award Winner 2007/2008 550 Weber St. North 519.884.7470 wa'efloo solos©vwwotorloo.com Q 0 ‘ '0 ‘ ‘ . “Weâ€? Regional www.vwwoterloo.com lienta e "â€"â€" R ion of Waterloo FOUNDATION Se eg mm». mammal». PUBLIC NOTICE ~ Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundatio- “ 1hr Interior) mic-u Heritage mum.- “ J nonprrï¬t Umrm Milli} Notice of Public Meeting hunJoumlirrhrrmmhcotmwtxrmmmmlnhlflmhmde - - - tremor: in l f the harm and AUkUR‘ of the Ronni Munnpdlin' r If Wart-d lo mgdsrransn (Engronlnde'l‘tal lAssessnt‘iem PI m'liuntlrllirmmrrmwthillpm mthrt‘Ttmtmlt'cah nintheumjuhxllugmandlh‘ontumth‘ ‘ p on an mp 0" an (ink-mo t'mueJic-gualldmrnmnn holding ISOFrt-dmtil Whittier: (mum nah: Jme10_2009 . . “on: 5 pm. Thelnoumtttrhumbxnrmdeï¬rthedmmlfrm mMuhrgctom m , t , . tonal Cornell Chambers Borodin-am l\wtrhehnnual W Mailbehemmmiotoleï¬led $853 Hm 31‘2“: Fm. Wane, ‘ Elections our to W a: Mdumcnonlluuu Regional Comte“ would like to invite all community members to come and share their ttloughls on the III-09.2009 memmufllmmnatapublicmeemgmmy. ,anumrrm‘troburrnlaltheRegrmlthk‘sllfxelmflxrliqatmlklrnmnm m‘QmmSD‘m'WW mum'u‘amm'. _ Minna wank“ “1mm“ “hr ,mm‘w “ï¬wmloghmhnflg‘; â€95 The Region began an Envrronmental Went (Elli In 2006 to ï¬nd the best possible transportation AntlflhotrltiN'R‘ttml'tllollrhurlhulrl Setrrmmlrtelorel‘mhi MA‘ZQ,2(IP;IHOp,m solutm W W future WW and "when needs. The EA has been minted as a mulb- step process and results from each step have been shared with the public for input and brought to it, Grlvldc. Foundation Secretary Regional Council. 2. PM Elglrogyoï¬l "C'Lt‘ï¬mï¬md'tm B “was No decision will be made on the preferred rapid transit system option and implementation plan at this '°. “v 9°“ “W mm.nymwishmbenoï¬ï¬edmmmuonurellmlwflmmommemwopbmmm24, 15° Frederick Street, “When“: 0" N26 (lg: ~ ,. _ «. , , _ 2009, you may sign a register available at the meeting or make a written request to the Regions Clerk, , r . " 4 a . Region otWaterloo. 150 Fredenck Street 2nd Floor, Kitchener, ON N26 4J3. -‘~,' ' NymwhhhspoakflfluhutOJflDmmmhmmWhmbymm , ,1 w.†, RegionalM'sMflmflSlD-Smbytmpm.mMy.m4.m - . -~ ‘ k For more information about the Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment and the preferred system option ‘ . . ' ' - r. s .' and Implementation plan. please vrstt www regionwaterloo once/rapidb'ansrt or call the Rapid Transrt , , ‘0 " ‘ ‘ -' . _ lntoline at 519675-4757. ext 3242 "fl-“'0. ‘ * ‘ it you require any additional Information or spectal assrstance to partlcrpate m the Public Meeting. please . ~ . 1’ y ." ' y » - contact the Rapld Transit Team at -' l ‘ y f!" ," - ‘1, V ‘ ‘ ’ if†- RegionotWaterloo 9“ - r ' " ‘ . _ '5“; RapldTransrtlnmatrve . . ' : L; " " art. “In ' . ;‘ Planning. Housrng and Community Services % .4. Q ’- ,. -" y. ' l50 Frederick St. 8th Floor †"' ..__ . 33;: . - ' Kitchener, Ontarlo, N26 U3 ’7’ We}! - ’ rtinloOreolonwatorlooonca _ r } .- m‘q. 1v-' ‘ { up I '_ 519-575â€"4757, ext. 3242 ..__..A,A _VAA~M-JA4;-.;m’:IL‘Li_-*WL--â€"I .. "Y: 519_575“609 All comments and information received from individuals, stakeholder groups and aoencros regarding this protoctaroboingcolloctodmmstmoflogbnotwmmmakingadocisbn UndertheMuniclpal Mmmmaflonmhasmmjdrrws‘mbplmemmbqwumbcahmMMybe , Whammmmmammrmnmrmmmwmmm hymmmmmmmmm Whammbemtenodmtheoonmlmï¬catadabove. m"““‘“"’/â€'X “WWW‘TW‘Wuamw’W’ mums This mm is new tor people with Million. more mm is available ll you lmmmm mmmmmUmuuuminmmohmcmmmmmmm m.mmmmmmmmmwmmmm