I - WATERLOO Groomers °Wedncsday, April 22. 2009 l 279W Si. N . Sun: 20 91115100, (hum N21 3H8 â€93862830 Fax â€9458693253 mm MW Peter WINKLER PUBLISHER _ ’ 507 YOU SOMETHING GEE THAN“ 8“ Bob VRBANAt' NEXT T'ME SKlP THE EDITOR cu 2:9 ' editorial©waterltxx hmmclc ta mg am my. PLASTIC BAG ms innswwaterloochromclc ca . Melinda DALTON i†' ' REPORTER cu 303 v ‘Q . . flunk»? in indallnanatcrltlichrnmclr:u l " ' v" ; E‘ï¬â€˜. ‘ 7 ' (ircg MAClX)NAl.[) ’ 7 , . REPORTER en 2Is . ~ Edmikrnaldiéfwaterlmrhnmicle ca (1 " . , ‘ l);- ADVERTISING 4m 3 ‘h ‘“ Gerry MATT’K‘E ext 210 ' . ' " on; u RETAIL SALES MANAGER ~ ._ x sales“walerltxxhromclcxa $212. ‘ SALES REPRESENTATIVES ~ !* Heather BOYD CH 222 w;- hmydï¬walerlmhromcle cm i ‘ †ï¬at: Norma CYCA ext. 223 i , , i 9 "" ' mycakiwalerltxrhmmclt ca -: . g; g f _ . w Jackie HAMILTON ext 225 ' i, 1. gang“. - h‘ i . . w .~ Jhamiltonwwalerlonchnmicle ca ‘lV-.;-‘%‘f{§f1«j1n_&,f.<fl.~,;§§:r-,.,_ . , ‘ b . 5-4.†‘ (‘LAsSInED b“ ‘ ' ’ n“ - hie-3. .. . ./ a“ ~ ‘ p . 3‘ ~“ wâ€" ' . ‘ n: - wa's;;7;-- lie . n“ “45 - E o. “use; I." ' 5i9-895~5230 . ‘ ‘ ' “ .. W l (‘lRCULA'nON 5i9-886-283th-x12l3 , .. , . . . . . .,. ... (‘xuiadIan PublIcatIonx Mall Salt» w v t ‘ 3 , t n . . mm“ l (.iiR()Nl(.l,i-. I.I)I IORIAI. I [he seven deadly SIDS 40050478 Ln . .. ..._., »~~â€"-â€" â€m ~~ _,,. â€"‘~~ ~ lnIcmalional Standard SerIal Num- Sho . g the wa (seem like there is a bit of ' And it really should pass .. 32.340 UV“! y greenhtw is themd’ese w I) ‘ ‘ ridiijz‘iersulauml‘ 31,392 . . Ida even WW; celeb ( l A l l l l )\ \ or: filesrleYSh‘dcanlruiiedlsl WMMmmddietkvdopm-ndmgs ys as me munâ€) h Id lyob . m ® . lwitha I l that III I!) Facilitiytoday H ll 5 qu yourealyla el It v WWW/halal Maybe that has a lot to do envrronmentally-fnendiy? it...†And all we can sa t th . , . . . with all the greenwashing Our chIldren are the ‘ y y Is at Its about time. ThIs CIty h , . . h canaries in the coal mine 'n Am xx council has waived development charges in the past for gigsdsgng on out ( ere as?“ our society and it's imazirlg The Waterloo Chronicle Is published Other pro] : Ofnole' particulariym the um ' _ Greenwashing is when i 3, f . 10 see how many more of each Wednesday m Meiroland So why “°' 3 â€we“ (hm M" add“ the local h°me roducts with th as; them are comm“ g down with . Medâ€, ("mp “a ' . lessness Issue in a way that shows some leadership in p even e m '*> - - ' this city for the very ï¬rst time? tenuous environmental com 811110“?ng 1138581111"; ONTARIO â€(1555 COUNCIL - _ nections get labelled as an _ “3 EMS to met“ Thr: Waterloo 011011":ch a member Temporary DWI!“ like Out of the Odd can’t ban coo-friendly product. “ins ‘hls big ball of TOCk (“he 0mm PMS Comm]. M die the gmwmg Influx of the homeless by themselves That's how some well- someday so don't they comm“ comm,“ “in“ mm anymore. nor should they be expected to. It's govern- k h h ld l BOB deserve at least a n htin her newspapers Any complaint ment that has [0 take leadership in this area. ll shouldn't now“ ouse 0 C Gainers MC 8 g about news. opmnons advertising or just be left to v0|untm and on“ WP“ OfChetmm-lsn Chance? . $231“ smite ï¬rstl hcduken m the We're all aw“ of the ï¬nancial pinch that Waterloo which shouldn't be handled is all natural but 1 sure And- “1111“.me a(hills- .papcr "rem vc complnmts . . . . unlem you [a wearing rubber muldn‘t swallow IL they SURE get this kindness to C," be brought m 0mm, pm“ ï¬nds Itself in these days. (burial was right to Insist on . , th - thi Councll. 2 Carlton Street. Suite curbing cost overruns on projects like the West-side m†â€351:sz get that fa] “Filth“ Sigismclude anemment ng from I7t’)6,Toromo.ON , MSB In. lib ro'ect. gree mark. se a s. emp tzing an - _ mpymcm Whale to live within our means. particularly in a lt’slike thecheckmarkwe unrelated impact that has _ Mï¬y Old“! 90". LUKE» IS [ The coma-In“ (if 1h“ newspaper are time when so many people are tightening their belts used 9 get as kids Since "5 nothing to do will the prod- lug g: anrd ls already talk- l protected by copynghl and my be But it is particularly in these tough times that we green,Itmustbegood. uct. claiming " isthelesserof "113; “I onmng a Green l ready if: mmhrrmm must ensure the most vulnerable in our society aren't â€Mag-lengï¬zh: 8:32; 33: ev'" or. mat? dam“ C “He quesï¬ons me on a" l “’ “W†s ‘ " 5. left to fend for the selves ' ' survey areoutndi . . l mowed and funnier“?! Inc n P")- all trying to sell an? the Sflnggoaummxï¬ Environmental Marketing 1 used to love watching ' the envtronmental PmCthS $22:le Iï¬umrhlit ill‘r’eiumlilm for a number ofhomeless who call our streets home. showed that most green those commercials put on by £23??? in aniline; lay the pcfmrwon of the owner of the cqyy- [f dim tenuous times persist, the uestlon becom claims are bogus the big oil companies touting e at we 0 o no nghl For further Information con- how many more people will ï¬nd themielves in this Sits The group completed. a all lofthe great environmen- harm. . . L on Bob Vrhamc, Mum w-Ierlm anon? That's why projects like SHOW are needed to survey of 2.200 products In tal Imtiatlves they're engaged Wh'le rwas do'hS some gerJZlï¬ffinï¬iml 174i sum patch1up some of the wholes in our local social safety the U'S‘ and Canada and in all the while glossing over yard â€3“ on Saturday, he ‘ - - " ‘ found that 98 per cent have the their long track record of quizze me 0" the ‘YPC Of ‘ net _ N . _ . . . If... . .. ,. no wnnn nnn be some nnnnn anon .. iii?"3l"m“’ m; “a“ magazt'szfï¬mzwmfl ,L°;:.1:3'i:,'..::: misï¬t: x lo Inrmu can u - [Whll 'Vl d If fish _ . . . eve . e .. ‘ "I!" n m" "mt “m""e- “if“ payer Impac e waI rig“ evelopmen ees l Quid Those sins include when Earth the oil sands of Alberta was pestIcIde-free. l m, A “a M M come at the cost of the (My of Waterloo ï¬nally show , and telephone mhu «the l ll Mew“ “u I m med only {a ing some leadership on this issue. a product trades oiTa green and try not tolcry at the P" my dandelIons 011t veriï¬cation WI and Will not he , _ claIm but hIdes something unfolding ecological disaster. the 91d faShloned way' so published Names Will lint he w-Ih ‘ more dubiousin its makeup. Maybe it's time that the pesticides have "CV“ I in“ WC m U! "S" m “m cm .. . - Others make claims that varioth levels of government touched my yard unless they dense or rtjtcl my contnhunoo for , , . l hm", m by. puma“ In“ my - cant bepmven. step in and come up With a we“? wmd blown. he whmmrd by in m swallows} ' , . More are purposely standard for green labelling. AMI thalllifully- the or by lell to edtlon vague, calling themselves all- They insist on truth in province has put in a COS» ' fllzwl'"'rt;‘<":"\;":"‘k"‘ any"??? natural which, for all intents advertising. so shouldn't the metic pesticides ban that 319 at}; s: ‘N ‘ an "m “him: and purposes, means same hold true for all these takes 9590191“- “WW keep (hr-no Nu amt absolutely nothing. Uranium green products, us all breathing easier, ' l