WA] Elliot) cumulus - Wednesday. April is, mos . s , . , . OORING succumbs to 1118 mjurles f CARPET ONE noon ffl & HOM E MEuNDA Burton . (f'lfllllu‘k’ Wfl ; v I v“ v ) ' ‘ ‘ n ‘ A A A ‘ l m mm mm ... 0 0 0‘ FLOQRJN 6 grams he Wilfrid Laurier University rugby ram has died °f will“ we r - , - . d m w tained in a residence ï¬re that leï¬ hun- charged with possession of mari- dreds of other students homelem juana a . , L g . , s g Theï¬rebrokeoutonAprilMat r... ‘ '. 'Wlll’lh r;'_r v' r: i Waterloo College Hall on Segram Polloelooklngfortwomm MW ... A; My‘ LE~SJL ' ' Drive, Waterloo Regional Police Monument-smut , ' ‘ {d â€I _ 2 _ a ‘ y ,' if ‘ said. David laForest, 19. of Toronto Police are looking for two sus- a ‘ 03 h. ; = g l ' .; was pulled from the building and pects after a 20-year-old man was 2 . I . 3 taken to hospital in Hamilton with followed into his apartment build- ’ _ ‘ fl _ ; 1“ ' severe burns ing and punched in the face during i hate an, , a “' I § . . ' He died in hospital.on Sunday, an attempted robbery. ' 4,1,â€" . “g, m t ‘ ' ._. ‘ according to a university Just after midnight on Sunday, ls». _... " " ' 7 ¢ 3 i A 0.‘ spokesperson Damage from the the victim was entering a building â€33" ‘ " {in -- 98‘_ ‘ I; if .- ' ï¬re forced the university to relocat- on King Street North near Ezra ' is ‘ V - ‘m’ï¬ï¬ . ed the 280 students who were still Avenue when the two suspects . y ’ , living in the building for the dura- came in behind him. Waterloo ‘ ; "755m 7 ' '~" tion of the exam period. About 100 Regional Polioesaid ' ii - , â€a [m _ of those students went to stay with The men demanded money. “3 \’ "i B ' friends or family and the other 180 When the victim said he didn't have ‘ "‘ moved into other empty residence any. they punched him in the face 2 â€" , rooms. About 40 students had and told him they had a knife, mnnww_;__,m_m already ï¬nished exams and moved police said. The suspects searched "'““"‘"““"°‘""“"'“"" "" out of the residence before the ï¬re. the victim’s backpack. but fled with The university offered coun- out takinganything. LAWN“! NAT! 1 YEAR selling and held debrieï¬ng sessions . Police are still investigating and 88¢ L$38 Monday for students who knew anyone with information is asked to h H" '- "" LaForest or lived in Waterloo Col- call 519-650-8500ext33860r Crime . __ _ No Payment N0 Interest lege Hall. The Ontario Fire Marshal's Stoppers 1-800-272-"l'lPS. ‘ k, I ‘ “ Ask for details. ofï¬ce is still investigating the cause ; f. t ‘ - ,.l ofthe ï¬re. Miocitwesflpteuupidomflres ~ x if t: i Q _' atCattenninlpublkachool a! if?!" .. ff investigators believe at least one . 5" 3 Mmdtargedingtmonll arsonist is behind three ï¬res that . ' ‘ J nShbhnAMaodormld caused about $15,000 damage to x l" ' Two ’18-year-old men were Centennial public school early _.. . 3 charged with robbery after allegedly Monday morning. I‘mmwooo : ‘ '. 331° ~> . fj . ‘ Vim pulling a gun on another teen in Waterloo ï¬reï¬ghters were called 6 : ' . f w my"?! ¢ what police called a drug deal gone to the school on Amos Avenue -â€" $2~v l A 4 ,_ 12 1 r 88, awry. shortly before 4 a.m. and found _ The incident happened just after three ï¬res burning, said Platoon ._3', 12:30 pm. on April 14 in front of ChiemeceGood. John A. Macdonald secondary A small ï¬re set to a bag of yard school on Laurelwood Drive. Water- waste at the front of the school was _,, loo Regional Police said. put out quickly, but two more set to " The 18-year-old victim went wooden stairways leading to porta- into the school and reported that bles took20 minutes to extinguish. FREE PHD one of suspects brandished what The siding was damaged on one we: . . looked like a handgun. police said. portable and ï¬reï¬ghters had to venâ€" court ft? 38’ “if. 5°“ at: . . . later that day. police arrested an tilate the main building to remove $398 “a my; 50360": 18~year-old Waterloo man near his smoke. Waterloo Regional Police are â€" "" .. V532. mun-unâ€" home. A second man turned him- now investigating. but have no sus- self into police. Both were charged pects. Anyone with information is ' fr ‘ \ Hours: . with robbery and possession ofa asked to call 519-650-8500 ext. 3330 .... l m m 990 VlClOll-(l St N KltChener .. f. l . ‘ ‘l «r iv ‘ 1. "' “HQ dangerous weapon. One was also orCrime Stoppers 1-800â€"222~TIPS. u ' 5 /1 0550 ‘. r' ‘- r. .‘ ' v‘ 1- lv ']W H. H 51 9- - wwwflcarpetonecom l m . .,._., . $99 $147 $159 $189 $189 $199 v'cto ' ' Vi it .~ 8 â€9 EACH WAY FROM WATERLOO REGION AS LOW AS... a I Q I I Get out of town this May Long Weekend! Take advantage of terriï¬c sale fares ‘ , a to every destination for travel between May tst and June 21. 2009, but our best fares \ , are available for travel surrounding the May Long Weekend and every Saturday. ..~."6 . ' _ Visit family and friends or just getaway for the weekend. There is no faster way to o' CBeal'Sklfl altllnes travel in Bear Country and now is the best time to save! Hurry, sale ends May 3rd! * \ Let the Boer take you than! * . ‘ a V nor-lam Call 1-800-485-2327 or book online ""“"‘â€Â°"“ at www.bearskinalrllnes.com AlRPORT IT'S ABOUT “ME! - uncommon-ovum nonl-M-un-utqua mun-1 noon-tumour n-n‘Jâ€"fl nmuhu“