4 own l-Rl initriiRoNit'u -Wednesday. «put :: zoos l Public tvvitterin about new high tech oli service 8 - I) CC BYLISA Rumour; signed up to follow police news. on things like traffic issues, explained six months, explained lleinzel. Ofï¬cials Will . > Aï¬k ‘Times Staff “The word‘s getting out there." said police lleinzel weigh its worth by the nu in ber of sub spokesperson ()latlleinzel. Many 1\~itter users can access accounts scribers it builds and the tiiiie and resources _ . People are all aâ€" Twitter With the new con~ lhe move to post new items and inforv on handheld phones. allowing them to alter required to update the site. A ' nections they're making Wllll local police. iiiatioti on lwitter was originally launched their daily routes to avoid accidents and "We have to look at how heavy a resource l Although the Waterloo Regional Police as a means of attracting new recruits to the roadblocks. it's going to be " Servtce only publicly launched its activation force and bring trafï¬c to the police organiza- “This is really an opportunity to address Other police services are starting to use of the popular social networking internet tion's website. different ways ofgetting information out." ’I\~itter to communicate With their commit site Twitter early last week. subscribers are Members of the service‘s target markets. Those who subscribe to receive police nines and some even post videos on jumping aboard. And last. especially in this technologically-rich region. Twitter hits will also be able to get the latest You lube to help catch suspects or appeal to The day after it was announced. 14 were practically live online. information on suspects and the same press the public for tips. already subscribed to receive the police ser- "That's the technology they're using," releases sent to local media outlets, vice's updates on accidents roadblocks. Heinzel said. Regional police will continue ' - crimes and suspect information - But Twitter's applications are endless offering posts on Twitter as part of some councmors A day after that. 99 subscribers were when it comes to updating the community a pilot project for at least the next 1 b t t t y 2“ Continued from page2 responsibilities of other ' 1. “ml ‘, 3.3, levels of government," . ‘ ' ' _ . , ' ' . A155; “Give the citizens of Witmer said. ’ 1 .. .._‘_ we, > A ‘ or?" 5 Waterloo an opportunity The motion to waive ' l f a | , ’ ‘ , :.w- it??? iii-iii to step up to plate to get development charges 5114; ft 5 l .. % ' ’ l 1' h y t _ 1 gal? i if 33? involved in a charitable passed 5-2. with Whaley 1“ ,. . ‘ .#mhrï¬.ï¬w 25" "g “5? :' giving." and Witmer opposed. , . . †q . 5- : "I ' ï¬t?“ 5 if (joun. Scott Witmer (Ioun. lan d'Ailly excused » ‘ ’ k ‘ _ f g !§§g i also questioned who was himselfbefore the vote. - _ 1... [Eff E s†i res nsible for su rtive The SHOW home on . ., g â€f g†P0 FPO f" ialgg' 5:95 housingin the region. lirb Street is slated to ,"»‘ - Si 9; “It's very unfortunate open in 2010 if funding is mm"- m - .. 7 5535“? 555.55 that the City ofWaterloo is in place. . l-l-l- “I,“ m ‘" ï¬t is 5; g ‘g inaposition to berespon- lt hopes to house 30 3m $9950 n m ‘ ' iaéélgéég sible for funding the local homelesspeople. , n""‘â€""“m' ‘ , page; "" ‘ " ‘-- “it?†l The ' l ~ £51555??? l . mammal. ". . _ 85 a gag “â€" MIN 5 ,_ sun-z ’ m â€I gigs? gl g'i‘ FNEAuromaitEBoovmopw "a g 3 SM $11 995 - m g» if; as; as .- chroma. ; angina V can be 1 a. ......._......._ gfsggégiis ., i ed ’ ' j 5 J: E . __ ‘ y _ ? zoogsouma , 3;sz §§§§ , “£3 . “MN WWâ€! I,“ ll]! i an“ {a 35 55:9 ’ W“ " ... * 65-6 $179 ' mm if? at??? â€c “w“ . -II 5 E' §§ ; s 95 m- 5531â€? ' ‘ MIMI! ; “fl†§§§§§â€Â§Â§Â§Â§ Specializing In g l . “tidbit locations i * MW]. ' gijgsisig , B WP R H A AR t .._,_._ will: m §§§s§.,§§gg MeuedesBenzDealer Authorized WATERLOO i 8“ $17 9†.,,, M £55 a; Meticulous Restoration Chapters . a w. 3555 ‘f- g $5 Original Paint Finishes Bookstore ,‘ uâ€"-- a§§§§§f£§5 â€W C°""'°"" “EN" 428 King St. N. ‘ ll flag"; 15 Centennial Dr. Kitchener w rd h , l ZOOQSMIIEIJLE ~â€"~~A 5331?» 519-578-2052 ° “m“ . ,_,,_ my“ is cf Books '- . 3 115?le - s s o 3? 7 55's? 100 King St S ‘ 21 995 "' mm“ “ 5’s?†F uv ' l ¢ ’ Es W... giggiggéi flames we j inn-utâ€" _ . _a . Qty ' â€" .- 4 . _. . illlï¬ï¬lf’ggl xpert 242 King St N. ; 1 CHECK OUTTHEALL-NEW - - _ 7 this 3; . ,- , The7-11 , zoos Emma-is e: \ ' 53 1352.23 5 Mutiny“ 256 King St N. l “ï¬n“ hut V \\ ~ ‘ iijiszgisi . l 1" éfh7 “A. “ï¬t l ~ "‘ Qu'Ck Trip " 3199"... ~ - ~ we I" , .. . . '-.=â€" ~ , . " 333535?“- § ._ WHEN; 1, for 347 Erb St. West ‘ l i, . . . “m ., . i â€f . w "=,., mun-mummm‘vc -. . \ Hcggi'é55; . Ml if? , ' Waterloo l ""m-"“°""°"‘_"’" --, ‘ Ԡgigééh 43" "-" f "sin-w AdultContre ; . ~ a, “e " ... win“; “is N" " ‘ . tit-is, _ .. m, it? an aw an; “New -- -, ~ , 3‘s; 35'35 frv.’-.',..:»‘ »~ ' 605Laurelwood . ._ _ i *g Drive - . .-- '~N.WAYSCOMPAREPR'CEANDVMLE gig}? 53; 105 WWW" l“- w i rm , ~ ~ g, g 555 Unit 11 Waterloo “Moo m if H Y U n D F“ {235551 32 “w M' m G F, H.Sfl10-5 Sank?“ ’ .. .â€".â€"â€"aâ€".._- E 8 LL" New m m 37,ng 55“ _ 519'747'BMT (2238 a Unique â€W“ "WM" Wm "WM" “W M" a†a .~ J , , showm- i « Atom- Rd 025 0â€.an ma. ma Eagle St N i sing it»: i: . Kitchonev, an 742 4400 W-torloo. 519-800-2028 Cambrldno. Mil-85075080 fly I“ ‘ > 41 ng Sl- N' wwalpinohvundnic- wwachluflorhyunduic. www.c.mbrldqohvundnl.ca d 6 a